We make crafts on the topic of traffic rules. How to draw a poster on the topic "Road Rules"? Traffic posters for children

Galina Khorosheva

Dear colleagues and guests of my page.

One of the most important tasks in raising and educating children preschool age– preparing the child for the process of ensuring personal safety (self-preservation). Preschool age is a rapid increase in physical capabilities, motor activity, increased curiosity, independence, and therefore the primary task facing a preschool organization is to develop skills in preschoolers safe behavior.

Teaching children traffic rules should begin from preschool age., since the knowledge acquired in childhood is most durable, and the rules of the road learned at this age subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.

And today, to your attention, I want to present to you my traffic rules poster, completed in order to develop children's skills for safe behavior on the roads.

Road rules

Children should know!

And not only to know for sure,

But also comply!

The poster includes:

Traffic light book(on each “traffic light” there are poems printed about the red, yellow and green colors of the traffic light)

Books "Road Signs""(a road sign and a poem for it are printed on each page)

Colored windows: You need to know this! ABC of the city. Guess it! (I found ready-made templates on the Internet)

2 pockets:“If you follow traffic rules, you won’t find yourself in trouble!”, “I am a Pedestrian.” These pockets contain story pictures that will help children get acquainted with various situations on our roads and learn how to act in these situations.

And the poster is added small poems on the topic and pictures.

The most valuable thing is the health and life of the child. Let's keep our children safe! Let them grow up to be healthy, attentive and competent pedestrians.

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Sports entertainment according to the rules of the road “The ABC of Traffic” Sports entertainment according to the rules of the road “ABC of Road Traffic” - middle group Purpose: Creating conditions for formation.

Relevance this manual due to statistics indicating an increase in child road traffic injuries. The main reason.

Interactive game on traffic rules “My whole family knows, I know the traffic rules too” Often the culprits in road accidents are children who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, etc.

Summary of GCD on traffic rules “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Summary of GCD on traffic rules in senior group. Senior teacher of the BDOU of Omsk " Kindergarten No. 312 combined type."

Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the senior group “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Goal: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop visual thinking.

Consultation for parents on traffic rules “Everyone should know the traffic rules!” Dear parents, how to teach your child to behave correctly on the road? It would seem that it is very easy, you just need to introduce him to it.

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the preparatory group “To the Land of Traffic”"To the land of traffic." June, 2018 Prepared by teacher Sosnovskaya E.V. Presenter: Good morning! - the birds began to sing. - Good people.

Crafts on the topic of traffic rules are visual material that allows children to remember how to behave on the road. Make them together with the guys.

Crafts traffic rules: 3 options to choose from

To make a visual aid for children, take:

To make it at home, cover the box with colored paper.

You will get a box. Help your child draw rectangles of the same size on paper of a different color using a ruler and pencil that will become windows. These parts need to be glued to the facade of the house.

To make them more accurate, apply a ruler or outline with a felt-tip pen or bright pencil.

Windows can be made flat rectangular or volumetric triangular. In the first case, the child will cut out this figure from paper and glue it to the top of the house.

To implement the second idea, you need to cut out a rectangle, fold it into a three-dimensional triangle, and glue it so that the seam is at the top.

Make some more buildings with your children. Let some of them become shops, others a school, others residential buildings. To highlight the functional purpose of these buildings, write and stick signs on them. It will be written on them that this is a children's educational institution, a supermarket, and on residential buildings write the street name and house number.

After that, make a zebra crossing, that is, a pedestrian crossing. To do this, white strips, 5 cm wide, are glued onto a sheet of black cardboard.

Then the roadway is made. To do this, you need to glue strips of white paper 1 cm wide onto gray cardboard. In the center there will be a dividing strip consisting of two segments. Short strips of the same width need to be glued to each side of the car.

If you are planning to create a large traffic rule craft, then glue as many marked sheets of cardboard as required for the job.

Place the road markings on a table or tape them to the upside-down flat lid of a large box, such as a table hockey game. Place houses, place cars on the roadway, place human figures next to the pedestrian crossing. Then you can play with the children, showing them how to cross the road.

But for this, one more important detail is missing - a traffic light. You will learn how to do it by reading the next paragraph. In the meantime, look at 2 more ideas that will tell you how to make children's crafts - traffic rules. After all, they may not be voluminous.

Let the child, under the guidance of adults, glue a house onto a sheet of blue cardboard and make a road, a pedestrian crossing, a car and a traffic light next to the building. In the process of creating this work, you can help children learn the basic rules of the road.

Create together a fairy-tale city, where figures and houses will be sculpted from plasticine. This material will help make the road. To do this, you need to knead the black plasticine well and spread it between the outlined contours. Thin sausages made of white plasticine are stuck on top to create a pedestrian crossing and a dividing strip for cars. Lawns, paths, people are created in the same way.

The house can be made from two blocks of plasticine of the same color connected together, or you can exchange this mass in your hands and coat a small box. The windows are made from plasticine of a different color.

You can take toy cars or make them out of plasticine.

After you have familiarized yourself with three options for making crafts for kindergarten, look at how to make a traffic light. It can also be created from various materials, depending on what you have available.

How to make a traffic light with your own hands?

If you have a plumbing pipe lying around at home, and you also have shoulder straps, a cap, and a policeman’s baton, then you can make a character like this.

If you do not have such traffic police officer items, then make them from colored paper and cardboard. So, to implement your plan, take:
  • plumbing pipe;
  • wooden stick;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • whistle;
  • acrylic paints;
  • cap;
  • shoulder straps;
  • a rod, and in the absence of this, colored paper and cardboard.
To work, you need tools such as a jigsaw and drill.
Cut the pipe in half crosswise. Draw with a simple pencil, where the traffic light will have facial features, red, yellow and green circles. Paint it all with paints of appropriate colors. Make two holes with a drill at the level of the character’s shoulders, insert a wooden stick here, and glue the shoulder straps. Place a cap on top of the pipe.

Place a whistle on one hand of the character and a wand on the other. Here's how to make a traffic light. If there are no ready-made attributes, then glue black strips onto white cardboard, roll this blank into a tube, and glue the sides from the large edge. You will have a wand. Shoulder straps are also easy to create; we cut them out of blue cardboard.

If we talk about how to make a traffic light, then the easiest way to do this is to paste over a rectangular cardboard box dark colored paper, glue a red, yellow and green circle here on each side.

If you still have a box from dairy product- this is exactly what you need. Cover it with black paper and attach circles of the corresponding colors to the sides. To make your child better understand that you should never cross the road at a red light, draw a sad smiley face on a circle of this color. The yellow one will have a straight mouth, while the green one will have a smiling mouth, which means an invitation to move. Hide the top of the box under a cap, which is cut out of colored paper, its parts are glued together.

If there is no such container, you can make a traffic light from a sheet of cardboard. The next photo shows how it should be cut and what dimensions it should be.

Straighten the cardboard box, cut it out, cut out the circles.

Glue black paper onto cardboard and cut out red, yellow and green squares. Glue them onto a dark base. Roll it up. Cut and glue a handle from cardboard, attach it to this roll. Insert this blank inside the glued traffic light. By turning the handle, you will change the color, thereby checking whether the children have correctly mastered the lesson about the rules of the road.

The next traffic light is made of very interesting materials, for this take:
  • three laser discs;
  • three juice caps;
  • glue;
  • lace;
  • scissors;
  • paints and brushes.
Let your child paint the juice caps the right colors. If you have yellow or green ones, you don’t need to paint them. Glue these blanks to the center of the disks and connect the elements. Attach a cord of the required length to the back at the top, after which you can hang the craft.

If you want to make a traffic light so that its elements are voluminous, then use the origami technique for this.

To do this, cut squares of green, yellow and red paper with sides of 5 cm, from them you need to twist the parts that are glued together.

The finished balls need to be attached to the stand, after which the work is finished.

A traffic light made from plastic bags is very interesting.

For this craft you will need:
  • garbage bags in red, yellow and green colors;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.
How to make pompoms is shown in detail in the following master class.
  1. To do this, first cut off the handles from the bags.
  2. Then, starting from the outer corner, cut into a long strip, as shown in photo number 2.
  3. After this, you need to wrap this tape around your palm or around two identical cardboard circles, in the center of which there is a lace.
  4. Now the coils on the outside are cut through. If you wound the ribbon around your hand, then tie the resulting blank in the middle with a piece of plastic bag, tighten it, and tie it.
  5. To make a traffic light, you will tie these loose laces, thereby connecting the structure. You can glue pens and a staff from cardboard to the exhibit, eyes from colored paper, and make a cap from the same material.

If mothers know how to knit, they can make this traffic attribute from threads. You need to knit a black rectangle with knitting needles, wrap it around a kefir or milk bag, sew it on the side, top and bottom.

To fit the bottom and top, knit rectangles the same size as these sides and sew them to the main fabric.

Crochet the circles and attach them in place.

Cardboard and tinsel will also make a wonderful traffic light.

Scenario “The Adventures of Dunno in a Noisy City”

After the crafts according to the traffic rules are brought to the kindergarten, it’s time to start the holiday. On it, children will learn with interest the basics of behavior on the road in a playful way.

To the music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. The presenter greets them and their parents and says that we live in a wonderful city. There are streets, alleys, cars rush along the roads, buses travel. To cross the road in such busy places, you need to know the rules of the road.

  1. Name of the place where passengers wait for transport?
  2. What sound instrument does a traffic police officer use to stop a violator?
  3. The silent tool of a traffic police officer?
  4. On what part of the road are pedestrians allowed to walk?
  5. What is the name of the part of the road where traffic moves?
  1. Stop.
  2. Whistle.
  3. Rod.
  4. Sidewalk.
  5. Pavement.
Then Dunno comes in and says that when he found himself in a noisy city, he was confused and didn’t know what the traffic lights meant, so he barely crossed the road and almost got hit by a car. Dunno asks the guys to help him and teach him how to cross the road.

The presenter says that the guys know the basic rules of the road, and now they will tell you how to cross the road. Next, the children come out one by one and read poetry. The first one says that a traffic light is a great help, it warns you when you can go and when you can’t.

The second child stands up and reads in poetic form that the color red indicates that danger is nearby. Under no circumstances should you walk across a road where there is traffic when this traffic light is on. The yellow color encourages pedestrians to wait, the green light turns on and invites them to cross the road. Then the guys recite a poem about a pedestrian crossing, about a zebra. After all, only with such markings can you cross the pavement.

Next, the game begins, which is called “Assemble the puzzle.” Children are given large puzzles containing road signs or traffic lights. They must collect them. You can divide the guys into two teams to have a competition.

Next comes an outdoor game with flags. At one end of the hall, children line up near the starting line. The teacher stands on the other side of the hall, holding a flag in his hand. If he green, you can go. When the teacher picks up the red one, the child must stop immediately. When the green attribute is raised again, you need to continue moving. The winner is the one who completes the entire journey the fastest without making mistakes.

For the next competition, you need to make petals and a core out of cardboard, and arrange it all in the form of a flower on a table or carpet. WITH reverse side These blanks contain questions related to traffic rules. If children do not yet know how to read, parents will do it for them, but the children themselves must be responsible.

You can come up with other competitions to hold a holiday related to traffic rules. They can be studied not only indoors, but also outdoors. When the snow falls, paint black stripes on the cleared path with a can of dark paint to create a pedestrian crossing. Place traffic lights on both sides of it. You will simulate the situation by “turning on” different colors.

You can also draw some road signs on the snow and study them with your children.

Such games will help children better learn the rules of behavior on the road, and crafts will become visual material that will help them learn the material.

If you want to see how to make a craft on the theme of traffic rules, the following story is for you.

How to draw a poster on the topic "Road Rules"?

    By drawing posters on the topic of traffic rules and showing them to children in kindergarten, junior and senior schoolchildren, we prevent a significant part of accidents on the roads.

    Posters on the topic Traffic rules teach you to behave correctly in a given situation, to know and follow traffic rules.

    Posters on the topic of traffic rules can be like this:

    Anyone who draws well can use the posters that are on this site as examples.

    Quite often, assignments to draw a poster on the topic of Traffic Rules are given in schools, and such a poster would also come in handy in kindergarten. After all, children begin to learn traffic rules from a very young age. The poster should contain not only illustrations, but also text. The easiest way would be to depict children crossing the road when the light is green, or at the so-called Zebra crossing - a pedestrian crossing. You can look at the corresponding photographs and draw your own drawing:

    The main thing is to convey the main idea. You can cross the road only when the light is green, or at a pedestrian crossing, having first looked both ways.

    Another option would be to depict a traffic light:

    And provide it with inscriptions on all sides on the topic:

    It will be no less relevant if you depict traffic signs on your poster:

    And of course, on the poster you can place poems on a given topic, for example, these:

    It is not difficult to draw a traffic rules poster. It is enough to draw a policeman and a boy with a backpack near a traffic light. The policeman tells the boy that he can and should only cross the roadway at a zebra crossing when the light is green. You can draw animals crossing the street at a zebra crossing.

    A poster on the topic of traffic rules can be drawn in different ways, of course, for those who know how to draw.

    Here's an example like this

    Of course, you can order it from a design studio.

    But it can be simpler, just print out the traffic signs, stick them on the poster and sign what sign means what, depending on the location of the information poster.

    This could be a kindergarten, school or college.

    Or even just write the basic rule on the poster, having first painted the background, something like this:

    Everyone must know and follow the rules of the road, and the best way to remember them is to draw a picture that you made yourself. Drawing such a picture is not difficult. To design a poster on the topic of Traffic Rules, you can use the following ideas and options:

    Everyone must follow traffic rules. It is for this purpose that children in schools are often asked to design a poster on the topic of Traffic Rules. I searched the Internet and found the following interesting options for designing a poster on a given topic:

    1) First option:

    2) Second option:

    3) Third option:

    4) Fourth option:

    The easiest way is to draw a zebra, a pedestrian on it and write some kind of slogan about the rules of the road.

    You can also place a traffic light and a traffic police officer on the poster.

    Here are examples of posters on the topic of traffic rules:

    The traffic rules poster can be drawn like this: a group of children is standing at a pedestrian crossing and in front of them is a traffic light with a green light. We need cars to stop and children to step on the zebra crossing. This way, children will know that it is safe to cross the road only when the light is green.

Ekaterina Stalchuk

There is a competition in our kindergarten children's creativity"The ABCs of Traffic". I would like to present to your attention master class on making a poster with children on the topic"Road Rules", which participates in the competition.

This the poster was named"Careful road."

For manufacturing This is the kind of work we needed materials: Whatman paper, sponge, gouache of different colors, pictures from coloring books, brushes, glue, scissors.

First we and Whatman paper was tinted by children using gouache and a regular sponge.

Since children visit middle group, it’s difficult for them to draw characters. We used pictures from children's coloring books. The guys chose pictures that fit the topic. poster. The teacher cut them out.

The guys laid out the pictures on whatman paper and then began to glue them on.

The characters are glued. But on poster There is not enough traffic light - cut it out of colored paper. Then we will assemble all the parts to make a traffic light and glue it.

This is what we got.

Using white gouache and a brush, we draw a pedestrian crossing and markings on the roadway.

Add grass using green paint.

And, of course, we didn’t forget about important rules for pedestrians - we cut out clearings from white paper, wrote rules in them, glued them, and tinted them with paint.

It turned out like this poster.

Publications on the topic:

BASKET WITH SNOWDROPPS (craft for March 8 from colored salt dough) For work you will need: base for the basket (used.

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During the theme week“Clothes” we decided to make such a “clothing store”. To get acquainted with the work of the store, I was there.

Prepared by teacher 2 junior group. Family is the most important and most important thing in life for a child. The seed is an example to follow, this.

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Olga Gayanova

In our kindergarten, the month of celebration takes place in September. traffic rules"Safe Kuban"

The most valuable thing is child's health and life, so in kindergarten the question safety on the streets and roads cities need to be given a lot of attention.

I spent with their disabled children (group "Special Child") conversations, games, observations, consultations with parents. and decided to publish the newspaper “We are for safe road"

Target: Formation of foundations safe behavior on the roads.

I needed it for the newspaper: Whatman paper, brushes, gouache, water in a glass, napkin, glue stick, scissors, various pictures, signs, photo by traffic rules.

I drew a bus on whatman paper and glued on wheels made of cardboard.

I cut out various pictures to decorate the bus.

And decorated the bus with them

With the children we played games "Repair the traffic light"

I made a game "Make a crosswalk" out of popsicle sticks.

Parents gladly brought photographs of how they “For safe road"

Together with the children, we looked at the photographs and glued them to the newspaper.

"We are for safe road"

This is what we got!

Security safety of children on the streets and roads, prevention of childhood injuries is the main one of the most pressing, requiring urgent decision, tasks.

Publications on the topic:

Hello, dear teachers! I bring to your attention our wall newspaper on traffic rules. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

The relevance of this manual is due to statistics indicating an increase in child road traffic injuries. The main reason.

Interactive game on traffic rules “My whole family knows, I know the traffic rules too” Often the culprits in road accidents are children who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, etc.

Summary of GCD on traffic rules “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the senior group. Senior teacher of the Omsk BDOU “Kindergarten No. 312 of a combined type.”

Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the senior group “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Goal: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, teach them to practically apply them in various situations. Develop visual thinking.

Lesson notes on traffic rules “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Purpose of the lesson: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, learn to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

Summary of a lesson on traffic rules in the senior group “Travel to the country of traffic rules” Goal: Formation of a consciously correct attitude towards compliance with traffic rules as a pedestrian. Objectives: consolidate knowledge.