Transportation of bedridden patients to regions of the Russian Federation, or intercity transportation of bedridden patients. How to transport a bedridden patient from city to city Types of transportation of immovable patients to another city

Health, alas, does not last forever. And often relatives of a bedridden patient have to face the problem of transportation - how to deliver the patient for examination, to a boarding house, home after hospitalization, to the train to the railway station or to the airport, because transport services are not included in the list of social services? What to do in such cases and when can you count on the state, and when do you have to take matters into your own hands?

Transportation of patients, or, in official language, medical evacuation, was born simultaneously with ambulance - after a terrible fire at the Vienna Opera, when the victims remained on the street next to the burnt building for more than a day, unable to get to the hospital on their own. The First World War also made its contribution to the formation of the basic principles of transporting bedridden patients, when transporting the wounded ceased to be considered a purely military problem and turned into a medical one. Fortunately, the need for medical evacuation after emergencies is not encountered so often, but the need to transport bedridden patients arises regularly. If the patient’s condition is such that the process is carried out by ambulance, then medical evacuation consists of two stages:

  • grade general condition patient and providing necessary medical care at home;
  • transportation and continuation of treatment in a hospital of the required profile.

But if a bedridden patient needs to be returned home from the hospital, the relatives have a problem - the ambulance does not deal with such transportation. Indeed, if a person does not need the help of a doctor, use a team to transport bedridden patients from the hospital for free medical workers at least irrational.

Types of patient transportation

Transportation of non-ambulatory patients, as well as ordinary patients, can be emergency or planned. Emergency is carried out in situations where the patient’s life is in danger or his health condition requires urgent hospitalization. This category also includes cases in which it is necessary to transport a patient from one medical institution to another, since highly specialized care is required. For example, in a general medical hospital there may well be a pregnant woman who has begun to give birth. In this situation, the decision on the need for transportation is made by the head of the hospital, his deputy for medical work or the doctor on duty.

Planned transportation may be necessary:

  • during planned hospitalization;
  • returning from hospital;
  • examinations;
  • transportation to a boarding house, hospice, etc.;
  • visits to relatives.

Depending on the type of injury (if we're talking about about it) and the general condition of the patient, he can be transported to the car:

  • on foot;
  • on crutches and with support;
  • on the hands;
  • on a wheelchair;
  • on a stretcher.

People with minor somatic pathologies and injuries are escorted to the car on foot upper limbs. If the trip is long, it is better to put such a patient in the car, especially if he complains of dizziness.

You can use crutches and support to walk patients with lower leg and foot injuries to their car after immobilization.

Children are carried in their arms. For adults - only in extreme cases, when it is impossible to use a stretcher (for example, it is impossible to turn around with them on the stairs) and it is also impossible to replace them with a blanket.

Patients are transported on stretchers:

  • unconscious;
  • in a state of shock;
  • in case of acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • with myocardial infarction;
  • women in labor;
  • pregnant women with eclampsia or threat of premature birth;
  • with moderate to severe surgical or gynecological pathology;
  • with spinal injury;
  • with traumatic brain injuries.

Before transferring the patient onto a stretcher, it is recommended to lay down a blanket or thin blanket - then it will make transferring easier. Free ends blankets wrap the patient. Don't forget about an extra warm blanket and hat if it's cold outside.

Usually the patient is carried head first, but if he has to go down the stairs, then there should be lower limbs. Even if the patient himself reacts negatively to this, safety precautions are more important than prejudice.

Rules for transporting a victim

The patient must be prepared for transportation. If it is an emergency, the medical team prepares and stabilizes the patient’s condition, and they also monitor the victim during the trip itself. If the transportation is planned, preparing the patient for transportation falls on the shoulders of relatives.

The patient needs to be reassured and the need for transportation explained. A few days before it, you need to especially carefully monitor his health and take all prescribed medications. The last meal before transportation should be no later than 2 hours before it, and if possible, it is better to transport the patient on an empty stomach. This reduces the likelihood of motion sickness and vomiting.

It is necessary to convince the patient to relieve natural needs shortly before leaving home. A diaper is put on the patient, especially if the trip is long.

Clothing, documents, and personal hygiene items are prepared in advance, but if it is cold outside, the patient is dressed immediately before transportation.

The “approaches” to the patient’s bed and the path to the door must be cleared so that specialists can carry stretchers and other necessary equipment.

During transportation, the patient should not be fed or given water to avoid causing food to enter the respiratory tract or vomiting.

Transport services for bedridden patients

So, an ambulance can deliver a patient to a hospital free of charge if his health condition requires urgent qualified medical care. But after the hospitalization period ends, the state, as they say, washes its hands, and transporting a bedridden patient from the hospital home becomes the concern of relatives. Theoretically, the hospital administration can meet halfway and provide transport for transportation, but this cannot be obligated. Private transportation services can come to the rescue.

Private services are always available and, in general, transportation takes place in much more comfortable conditions than hospital transport can provide. The patient is transported under the supervision of qualified personnel. But there is also reverse side- due to the fact that transportation of bedridden patients requires expensive equipment and trained specialists, it cannot be cheap. The cost of transporting bedridden patients in Moscow starts from 2,500 rubles for transportation within 5 km within the Moscow Ring Road. If the patient weighs more than 150 kg, then an additional orderly will cost at least another 1,000 rubles. And if the patient’s health condition is such that constant medical monitoring is necessary, then the cost of transportation can reach 8,000–10,000 rubles. But many transport companies have social tariffs for preferential categories of citizens - this needs to be clarified in each individual case.

Sanitary transportation of bedridden patients is not an easy task. The state or municipality can help only in emergency cases, when the life and health of a person is in danger and transportation to a hospital is required - this is required by law. In all other cases you have to rely on your own strength. It is strictly not recommended to try to transport a bedridden patient in an unequipped vehicle, especially in an ordinary passenger car; this is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Private transportation services are equipped with special vehicles, and specially trained employees must transfer the patient in and out of the car and monitor his condition.

It is a misfortune when an illness overtakes an elderly person, but an even greater misfortune is when he is partially or completely immobilized. In this case, relatives try to find the best treatment and provide the necessary care, but often this requires transporting the sick person to another locality or even abroad. The trip is sometimes dictated by the need to transport an elderly person to the required medical facility or sanatorium for a recovery stay. It is important for relatives to ensure that transportation of elderly people is carried out in the most comfortable way for them.

What are the features of transporting elderly people?

It happens that older people need professional medical care and need to be brought to a medical facility. Of course, very careful delivery is needed, because the serious condition of people can be further aggravated due to the trip. How to do this? Without a doubt, it is necessary to have medical personnel or any other person who can professionally provide emergency assistance to a patient during transportation, because anything can happen on the road. Next, you definitely need a special vehicle, equipped with the necessary devices to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing of an elderly person. May also require various means and conditions for the fulfillment of the patient’s physiological needs ( disposable diapers, diapers, wet and dry wipes). Indeed, often people in this condition, and even of advanced age, suffer from weakness and cannot control the functioning of the excretory systems (enuresis, encopresis). A sudden change in position or anxiety about the trip can increase the manifestations of these ailments in older people. And, of course, it is very important that the accompanying personnel are informed about all chronic diseases and pathologies of the people being transported. For example, about diseases that relate to systems such as:

    Endocrine. The most common problem elderly people - diabetes mellitus which forces one to comply special diet and inject insulin. And, naturally, in this case you need to know when to give injections and what to take for the patient.

    Cardiovascular. Their signs are arrhythmia, breathing problems, changes in heart rate. This means that accompanying physicians must be prepared to reduce, with the help of medications, a possible negative reaction of the elderly person’s body to transportation.

    Musculoskeletal. In case of osteoporosis or abnormalities in the structure of the musculoskeletal system, transportation will require special equipment for fixing the patient, a stroller and other acceptable devices in accordance with the form of the disease.

And, of course, one of the most important qualities of an accompanying specialist will be tact, patience and attentiveness to those people who need help.

Transporting elderly people over long distances

It happens that a bedridden patient needs to be transported to another city to receive qualified medical care. Or health problems in older people unexpectedly arise far from their homes. In such circumstances, urgent mobile transportation of an elderly person to another city is required. IN modern conditions It is possible to transport people even in serious condition.

Transportation can be done using:

    Air transport.

    Railway transport.

    Road transport.

This variability makes it possible to transport immobilized people to right place when necessary. Air travel is used when urgent medical intervention is necessary. But this is the most expensive way to transport patients. If it is necessary to transport elderly people by plane, then seats are booked three days before the flight so that the air carrier prepares all the conditions for their safe flight. If there is a need to transport an elderly patient by rail, fill out a written application for the provision of an entire compartment, the conditions of transportation in which comply with the instructions of the attending physician. A car or a special minibus is the most popular option for transporting older people, because in this case a person is carried only twice - before the trip and at the end of it. In addition, for such transportation, vehicles are used that are already specially equipped with everything that may be needed on the road when transporting a bedridden patient, including the elderly.

How should elderly people be transported to another city?

Anyone who has ever encountered such circumstances will confirm that transporting bedridden patients is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. Transporting an elderly person to another city, especially one immobilized by illness, is a serious test for everyone, because the usual methods of travel for such a patient are impossible and sometimes even life-threatening. Therefore, partially or completely immobilized people should be transported only in transport specially equipped with the necessary medical equipment, in conditions that are comfortable for the patient and with space for an accompanying person. So, in this car there should be devices that monitor blood pressure, oxygen supply or, for example, a stretcher for conveniently fixing the patient in case of a spinal injury, and there must be doctors nearby to monitor the patient’s well-being. It should be noted that transporting an elderly person involves not only the move itself, caring for the patient and the ability to assess his well-being, but also transfer from floor to floor. Only qualified specialists can do this correctly. They have special stretchers at their disposal, because in some cases a seriously ill person must be provided with access to oxygen, he must not be shaken while being carried, etc. Any patient requires an individual approach, which can only be provided to him by specially trained employees of a medical institution providing such services. In order to transport an elderly person from one city to another, you need to use an ambulance, which must be equipped with the most modern equipment, namely resuscitation devices, devices with which you can provide almost any medical assistance, a mattress and a stretcher. Comfortable conditions for transporting an elderly person and the stability of his condition should be ensured by highly qualified doctors.

And, of course, before transportation it is necessary to assess the severity of the patient’s condition:

    light– allows transportation of the patient under constant medical supervision and the presence of a special stretcher;

    average– requires more careful monitoring of the patient, compliance with all medical recommendations with the mandatory implementation of preventive measures and constant monitoring for the patient’s well-being;

    high– involves careful and continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition with the inclusion of therapeutic measures depending on the symptoms, accompanying a team of resuscitators to maintain the patient’s vitality at the proper level.

Weakening of all body functions in old age leads to frequent visits by older people to medical help. But it can be very difficult for elderly people to travel to a medical facility themselves. This is a serious stress for the elderly, so you need to carefully prepare for transporting elderly patients.

Transportation of patients with cardiovascular problems

Almost all older people suffer from hypertension, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moving and the associated worries can provoke respiratory failure, hypertensive crisis, and myocardial infarction in older people. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to transport elderly patients accompanied by a doctor and in specially equipped transport. So, if an elderly patient has a disease of the cardiovascular system, the ambulance must be equipped with a device for monitoring breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, as well as:


    oxygen breathing equipment.

    everyone medicines for emergency care.

Transporting patients who are particularly susceptible to injury

Everyone knows that in an aging body, bone strength is reduced so much that even a slight fall or sudden change in body position when transporting older people can lead to serious dislocations and fractures. Therefore, in such cases, the patient is placed on a comfortable stretcher; a car designed for transporting elderly people is equipped with a damper to minimize shaking during transportation.

Transportation of patients with mental disorders

In old age, people also often experience worsening mental illnesses. The stress associated with traveling to the hospital can provoke a violent reaction on the part of the patient, threatening injury to both himself and others. The solution in this case is to take a mild sedative before transportation and fix the patient’s limbs to the stretcher. Elderly people often experience urinary and fecal incontinence. Therefore, we must not forget about maintaining hygiene when transporting an elderly person; we must think in advance about having all the necessary means and accessories available for such cases. The gentle and patient approach of the medical staff, a kind, caring attitude towards people who are no longer young and weakened by illnesses are indispensable components of the successful transportation of the elderly.

Transportation of elderly people to a boarding house

When you place an elderly loved one in a boarding house, of course, you think not only about his comfortable stay there, but also about how to move him there without additional stress and worry. Private boarding house "Autumn of Life" can provide just such a transfer. If you really care about the health and longevity of your loved ones, our boarding house is at your service. Elderly people live in comfortable conditions, they are monitored by experienced doctors, each of them has the opportunity to press an alarm button and call medical staff to provide qualified assistance. We conduct regular medical examinations and provide the necessary consultation. In difficult cases, we guarantee the provision of highly specialized services.

To transport elderly people, our boarding house provides a specially equipped car, equipped with everything necessary for the comfortable transportation of a bedridden patient. Our employees will deliver the patient without any additional worries for him. Moreover, our boarding house will transport an elderly person free of charge if he:

    immobilized by illness;

    moves on wheelchair;

    has visual or hearing impairments;

    has other diseases.

Already on the road, the patient will feel attentive and individual approach, because a comfortable air temperature is always maintained inside the car. At the boarding house, your loved one will be met by qualified staff who will help him restore his health and mental strength. You can visit your family at any time convenient for you. For any questions you are interested in, please contact the phone numbers listed on our official website, and you can also place an order for a call or leave a request by filling out the feedback form.

We do everything to ensure that the transportation of bedridden patients is as comfortable and safe as possible.

A specialized intensive care unit is used to transport seriously ill patients, and a linear ambulance is used to transport stable patients. Qualified paramedics and doctors ensure safety and provide full control of the patient’s condition throughout the entire journey.

If you are interested in delivering a patient home from the hospital, you will only need two physically strong orderlies. If these services are needed for a patient whose condition is classified as serious, it is necessary to use a resuscitation vehicle and accompany a team led by a resuscitator. Our company provides all types of transportation of patients in ambulances, regardless of their condition.

(If you are interested in transportation “inexpensive”, “cheap”, etc., please do not contact us; read reviews about our services on the Internet!)

Type of servicePrice
Transportation of patients by ambulance class "A"7000 rubles in Moscow, then 70 rubles/km.
Transportation of bedridden patients by ambulance class "B"7000 rubles in Moscow, then 80 rubles/km.
Intercity transportation in Russia from city to city, to another city or regionfrom 80 rub./km.
International transport abroadfrom 85 rub./km.
Transporting bedridden patients from the hospital to home7000 rubles in Moscow
Medical transportation by ambulance (without a doctor)from 50 rub./km.
Transportation services for patients with disabilitiesfrom 100 rub./km
Transportation of psychiatric patientsfrom 10,000 rub.

The IMMUCOR company's service for transporting bedridden patients helps even patients with severe decompensation important functions. Depending on the task set by the customer, our experienced operators will select appropriate transport and personnel to accompany the patient. At the same time, we guarantee:

  • Modern vehicle fleet;
  • Fully staffed medical staff;
  • Maximum comfortable and safe conditions;
  • Traveling over long distances;

Transportation of bedridden patients by ambulance

You can completely rely on IMMUCOR employees. Our service includes transporting patients from bed to bed, from hospital to home or from hospital to hospital. This means that our team of professionals will be with the patient throughout the entire journey: from the moment we pick the patient up from the hospital or home until the moment we arrive at the destination.

Not all organizations are ready to carry out long-distance transportation. IMMUCOR strives to make paid transportation of bedridden patients across Russia calm, comfortable and safe. This is exactly what any trip is like for each of our clients. During the trip, our staff keeps a log of the patient's condition, recording any change. Therefore, we provide a detailed medical report to the receiving hospital or our passenger's family.

Each machine is equipped with:

Vacuum mattress (necessary for transporting patients with a hip or femoral neck fracture);

IVL - a device for artificial ventilation of the lungs;


Resuscitation kit;

It should be pointed out that traveling with the help of specialized medical transport is an excellent alternative to expensive flights or train travel. In some cases, when the patient’s condition does not allow using an airplane, and traveling by train is not suitable in time, ground transportation is an ideal way to transport the patient from the hospital to home or vice versa.

Patients sent to home treatment, are often still too weak to get home on their own, so transportation is indispensable. In the Russian Federation, all types of transportation of patients by ambulance are performed only for a fee. The choice is yours: take the patient home from the hospital in an old GAZelle or order modern, comfortable and safe transport. At the same time, prices for transporting bedridden patients may differ by 1.5 - 2 times.

Current state of the field medical transportation in Russia remains deplorable. Unfortunately, due to funding cuts, patients are increasingly being discharged from hospitals before the end of the necessary treatment. Relatives are forced to urgently look for a paid delivery service for patients. The municipal ambulance does not currently provide such services. For this purpose, there is a social taxi service, which is always loaded with orders.

This problem is faced by all those who are discharged after treatment in a public hospital. Enough large number incapacitated patients, including non-ambulatory people, patients with fractures, post-stroke patients and those who have experienced a heart attack, cannot independently get home, climb the stairs, or even get out of bed. Often, due to old age, the patient requires additional assistance, especially when transporting a patient with a fracture of the femoral neck, spine or pelvic bones. After discharge, patients with such injuries must remain in a horizontal position for a long time.

Intercity and even international transportation of bedridden patients one of the most popular services. Moscow is the center of medical institutions high level and highly qualified specialists, therefore, people come even from remote regions of the Russian Federation for the treatment of serious diseases and rehabilitation measures.

If treatment is not available at a local hospital or if consultation or further testing is required, it may be necessary to transporting a bedridden patient to another city.

Intercity transportation of patients MosMedTrans, is a service that helps transport a bedridden patient from one city to another, providing him with maximum comfort and safety.

It should be taken into account that such long distance transportation creates increased demands not only on the comfort of the machine, but also on the equipment for providing assistance, as well as on the composition of the medical personnel. Preparing to transport a patient to another city takes from eight hours to a day.

First of all, the attending physician determines the patient’s transportability based on available medical information and his state of health.

How to transport a bedridden patient to another city

This is quite a troublesome matter, since it is necessary to provide the sick person with comfortable conditions. In conventional transport, such transportation is difficult and almost impossible. That is why it is necessary to use the services of professionals.

Long-distance transport machine must have an enlarged interior, since it is necessary to accommodate the patient and his escort as comfortably as possible. In addition, to monitor the patient, it must be equipped with all necessary medical equipment and minimum set necessary drugs for providing assistance along the way.

Transportation of bedridden patients carried out by ambulance. They are equipped with equipment for artificial ventilation of the lungs, monitoring heart function and everything necessary to maintain a stable condition of the patient.

For intercity transportation a medical team is formed, which includes qualified doctors or paramedical personnel, depending on the patient’s diagnosis.

In essence, a car for transporting a bedridden patient to another city is a clinic on wheels. However, if the patient’s health suddenly deteriorates, he is urgently hospitalized at the nearest medical facility.

Transportation of the patient in a specially equipped vehicle is carried out not only in cities Russian Federation. PTransportation is also carried out to neighboring countries.