After curettage, when will you have sex? What not to do after curettage of the uterus

Cleaning the cavity of the reproductive organ can be carried out for various reasons. In the process of performing it, a hysteroscope (a special device equipped with a camera) or a regular curette is used. Regardless of how the procedure is performed, sex after curettage is prohibited for a certain time. This is due to the increased risk of infection entering the organ cavity.

Before performing curettage, a woman needs to find out when she can have intimate life after curettage. Thanks to this, complications will be avoided.

The uterine cavity is lined with endometrium. This layer grows during the menstrual cycle and is rejected in the absence of pregnancy. At this moment, women begin critical days. If performed, the endometrium is completely removed.

During the operation, ovarian cysts, polyps and fibroids can also be excised. Indications for its implementation are endometriosis and ademiosis. These pathologies arise due to disruption of the ovaries and strong hormonal fluctuations.

Most often it is used to remove polyps and the mucous layer. This method has a number of advantages compared to conventional curettage. A hysteroscope is used during the operation. Thanks to this, the doctor has the opportunity to visually monitor the entire process and minimize damage to the deeper layers of the organ.

Menstruation after curettage

During the curettage process, the lining of the uterus is completely removed, immediately after which the gradual restoration of the mucous membranes begins. Accordingly, the date of the operation (cleaning) should be considered the first day of the cycle. Arrival is expected in about a month.

In some cases spotting appear with a slight delay. The cycle is fully restored within three months.

It is extremely important to monitor changes in menstrual patterns after surgery. Unusual color, increase in volume, uncharacteristic odor, itching of the vulva, pronounced pain - these symptoms indicate the possible development of complications. You should definitely tell your doctor about their appearance.

Complications after the procedure

After curettage, sexual activity is prohibited primarily because such actions can lead to serious complications. Among the consequences of curettage and removal of mucous tissue are the following:

  • serious injuries to the cervical canal. Such problems are observed in case of careless actions of the doctor. If the tear turns out to be small, then no measures are taken; it heals on its own. If there are serious injuries, stitches are applied;
  • perforation of the walls of the reproductive organ;
  • spasm of the cervical canal and accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • bleeding.

To avoid such complications, you must strictly adhere to medical recommendations in postoperative period.

Intimate life: when to start

Name exact dates when it will be possible to have sex after curettage, the doctor should. The purpose of curettage and the woman’s health condition are taken into account. As a rule, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy for two weeks. The endometrium is almost restored.

Sex at an earlier period can lead to infection entering the organs reproductive system. Even if a woman is absolutely confident in the health of her sexual partner, at first she is still recommended to use barrier contraception. Thanks to this, the vaginal microflora will not be disturbed, and recovery will come much faster.

Intimacy after surgery often causes damage to the vaginal mucosa. There is also a risk of uterine bleeding. Pain during sex is also not uncommon.

If they are observed quite often, you need to undergo an ultrasound and examination by a gynecologist. It is possible that complications arose during the postoperative period.

Other types of sex

After removal of cervical polyps, treatment of endometrial hyperplasia and carrying out abortive measures for several days, you need to abstain from any types of intimacy. This is due to the fact that when scraping the mucous membranes of the uterine cavity in the first days, serious complications are possible - and any stress (even pleasant) is strongly not recommended.

After a couple of days, oral and anal sex are allowed. The main thing is that the partner’s actions are careful and do not provoke the appearance of discomfort.

During the first three months it is undesirable. Oral contraceptives are often prescribed during therapy. The duration of their use is at least 90 days. Due to this, conception does not occur during an unfavorable period.


In order to prevent the development of complications, it is recommended to temporarily abstain from intimacy, and in the future use barrier contraception. Sexual rest is recommended because the risk of infection entering the reproductive organ during the recovery period increases significantly. In addition, the onset of uterine bleeding cannot be ruled out.

It is also extremely important to restore normal vaginal microflora, properly organize your diet, avoid excessive physical activity and monitor your health. If undesirable changes occur, you should immediately tell your doctor about them.

Cleaning the uterus is a serious operation, after which the body needs a lot of time to regenerate damaged tissue. Intimacy during the rehabilitation period temporarily becomes impossible. It is necessary to begin sexual activity only after the mucous membranes have been restored.

Curettage is a serious surgical operation that requires absolute sterility in the operating room and certain surgeon skills. Indications for this operation may vary. This is a therapeutic (medicinal) need or diagnosis of diseases. It may be necessary to cleanse to remove a frozen pregnancy from the uterine cavity. Sometimes curettage is performed to clean the uterine cavity from fetal remains after spontaneous miscarriage.

Regardless of the reason for curettage, women are often afraid of postoperative reproductive dysfunction. How long after curettage can you have sex? How soon can you get pregnant? Will a woman be able to bear a child? Patients often ask these questions before surgery.

Precautionary methods when curettage of the uterine cavity

To avoid undesirable consequences during surgery, the patient must be examined initially. They take blood for clotting and do it general analysis. A vaginal smear helps identify infectious diseases of the patient’s genital organs. In the operating room, the anesthesiologist talks with the woman and identifies possible allergic reactions to pain medications. If during the preliminary examination no contraindications for the operation were found, the woman is given anesthesia and the surgeon begins his work. It is very important to maintain sterile conditions throughout the entire operation. After a successful curettage, a period of rehabilitation begins. During this period, the woman herself should worry about her safety. After the operation, it is prohibited to use cotton swabs and hygienic chemicals for the genitals. And an important precaution is sexual relations.

Sex after scraping

The period of sexual abstinence after surgery is determined only by the attending physician and only after examining the patient. The period of recovery of the genital organs depends on the reason for curettage, the health of the patient and the quality of the surgical intervention. On average, after curettage you can have sex, you can have sex only after 2 weeks. This period is due to the need to restore the mucous membrane of the uterus and its cervix. If the mucosa is not restored, then there is a huge risk of unnecessary post-operative infection. Even if you are confident in your sexual partner, you still need to take care and refrain from having sex. There are many diseases of the genital organs that occur in a latent form and do not pose a danger to a healthy body. In the case of a weakened uterine cavity after surgery, the consequences of the above-mentioned infections can be dangerous, and in some cases can even become irreversible. In addition to infection, sex can lead to microtrauma of the vagina. Microtraumas are dangerous because severe bleeding can occur.

After recovery sexual relations a woman may experience pain, burning, dryness or other discomfort. Typically these symptoms are considered acceptable norm and they go by very quickly. If you cannot get rid of the unpleasant sensations, then you need to visit your gynecologist. After examination on the chair and based on the results of ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor will give you further recommendations.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to once again remind you of the huge role of the surgeon in the curettage procedure. The more experienced the surgeon, the less likely there are undesirable consequences after surgery. The body's lack of ability to become pregnant and carry a baby does not in any way threaten a woman's life. But reproductive function is a very important indicator for the happiness of her family. If problems of such a delicate nature arise, then the doors of our clinic are always open for you. The many years of experience and professional development of our medical staff are supported by all the technical base necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Our laboratories are constantly replenished with all the reagents necessary for analysis.

Surgery is performed in a hospital using local or general anesthesia. Sometimes anesthesia is used. However, to administer it, the specialist first conducts a conversation with the patient in order to identify her allergic reactions to the drugs.

This type of operation is uncomplicated, because the patient is in medical center day, and then, if there are no complications, goes home. For several days I am required to monitor my heart rate, temperature and discharge.

The curettage procedure is prescribed for various reasons, so the doctor’s decisions about when After curettage you can have sex and whether fertilization will occur vary depending on individual characteristics sick.

Abortion and curettage

Unfortunately, but most often in lately gynecological cleansing is used to terminate a pregnancy. Girls who decide to have an abortion do not think about its seriousness, although the results can be irreversible. Implementation curettage occurs up to three months, because at a later stage abortion is a little more difficult due to the need to remove the remnants of the placenta.

Sometimes, when placental abruption occurs, curettage is performed in the postpartum period to avoid inflammatory processes. Gynecological cleansing is a thorough gynecology surgery, and therefore some complications may arise after it. Among them are inflammatory processes of the cervix and its cavity, severe bleeding, instrumental damage internal organs and infertility. All these indicators can affect the subsequent ability to bear children. Therefore, having sex immediately after curettage is contraindicated.

Sexual abstinence

The required period of abstinence from sexual intercourse is determined individually for the patient by the specialist who performed the procedure. The main indicators are the volume of surgery, age and health women. However, two weeks are considered general contraindications for having sex after curettage. During this period, the use of tampons, douching and hot baths is also prohibited.

Failure to comply with these points can cause complications. During intimate intimacy after curettage, there is a possible risk of infection, because the mucous membrane of the cervix and its cavity has not yet recovered.

There is no need to think that after surgery and hormonal changes in the body it is impossible to conceive a baby. The ability of the egg to fertilize is restored within three weeks after gynecological cleansing. However, to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant, it is worth waiting a little to allow the body to return to normal.


Curettage is a serious surgery, requiring complete sterility both during medical procedures and during the subsequent recovery period. This also applies to sexual life - sex after curettage is prohibited until the injured surface of the uterine cavity is completely healed.

A question that concerns all women without exception: “After cleaning the uterus, when can you enter into intimate relationships, that is, have full sex?” Let's try to figure it out.


Curettage or curettage is the complete removal of the upper (functional) layer of the endometrium lining the inner surface of the uterus. Its neck, which connects the internal cavity with the vagina, is also cleaned. In fact, the entire surface of the organ, including the cervical canal, is a continuous bleeding wound. And this is one of the reasons why sex life after cleansing will be prohibited.

Curettage is carried out using special gynecological instruments - a curette. Using its sharpened edges, the physician completely removes the existing layer of mucous membrane. The body perceives the manipulation as a serious injury and responds to it with severe bleeding. Do not forget that the endometrium contains many blood vessels, which are torn during curettage.

Bleeding is another good reason complete refusal of sexual activity, including protected sex.

Bloody discharge that appears after curettage and prohibits sexual activity is practically no different from menstrual discharge. Doctors consider sex during menstrual bleeding unacceptable and explain this by the following factors.

  • The main reason is infection. This applies to both sexual partners.
  • The next danger of sexual activity (sex) against the background of bleeding lies in the discharge itself. Blood in itself is not dangerous, but only if it is not retained inside the vagina and can flow freely. If a woman after the curettage procedure is not too concerned about proper hygiene, then stagnant blood becomes a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathological microflora.
  • After curettage, the cervix remains partially open, which makes the wound surface even more vulnerable. A genital infection that enters the vagina during sex can penetrate the uterine cavity without any problems and cause serious inflammation.
  • The back-and-forth movements that a man makes during sex contribute to the reverse flow of blood and its reflux not only into the uterus, but also into the fallopian tubes. That is why early sexual activity after curettage can cause the development of endometriosis. The pathology is characterized by excessively active growth of the endometrium and its extension beyond the organ cavity. The disease very often causes infertility and bleeding of varying intensity.
  • The uterus, injured during curettage, increases slightly in size and movements during sex cause the woman severe pain and discomfort. Sexual life does not bring pleasure, which negatively affects the psychological state.
  • Sexual activity (sex) after curettage can cause pathological uterine bleeding. The organ is toned, its muscles tense, and when the moment of orgasm occurs, a sharp relaxation occurs. As a result, the volume of released blood increases significantly.
  • When ejaculate hits the surface of the cervix during unprotected sex after curettage, the muscles relax and the cervical canal expands, which facilitates the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity and prevents its contraction after the intervention. This happens due to the relaxing effect of prostaglandins contained in sperm.

These are the main reasons why doctors prohibit sexual activity after curettage. Sexual activity is allowed to begin only after examination by a physician, who will confirm the completion of the healing process. As a rule, restoration of the endometrium and healing of the wound lasts one menstrual cycle.


Curettage, which is a traumatic manipulation, is accompanied by the development of a painful syndrome. Many women note the development of pain localized in the lower abdomen. They are caused by the surgical intervention performed. Soreness in the context of the issue we are considering is also a contraindication for sexual activity and sex.

In some cases, the curettage procedure may be accompanied by serious complications, which an active sex life can only intensify.

There are quite a few reasons severe pain spreading across the lower abdomen may become.

  • Perforation of the uterine wall is a through breakthrough of the muscle layer, provoked by inaccurate manipulation of gynecological instruments. The main cause of perforation is the compliance of the walls of the organ, which accompanies any inflammatory process. Early onset of sexual activity, i.e. when a couple begins to practice sex immediately after curettage, it can only aggravate the existing problem. As a rule, small tears heal on their own, and early sex can aggravate the condition, then the woman will need full-fledged surgical intervention.
  • Tear of the cervix of the vaginal segment. This complication after curettage develops due to laxity of the cervical tissue. As a result, the forceps come off and injury occurs. During sex, the woman's sexual partner can increase the size of the injury, which will subsequently require stitches. A sign of injury to the cervical canal area is severe pain in the lower abdomen and vagina, radiating to the perineal area.
  • Inflammation of the uterine cavity. The development of pathology can be facilitated by a chronic infection present in a woman’s body. Infection of an injured organ can also occur during sexual intercourse. Transmission of STDs as a result of early onset of sexual activity after curettage is far from uncommon. This is facilitated not only by a large wound surface, but also by weakened local immune defense.
  • Hematometra. The condition is an accumulation of blood inside the uterus caused by spasms of the cervical canal. With the development of hematometers of secretion, they are not able to flow out of the organ naturally, which can cause severe inflammation of the uterus. Having sex against the background of such a condition will only aggravate the existing problem.


Early onset of sexual activity causes postoperative infection. Even complete confidence in your sexual partner cannot be a guarantee. Many diseases occur in a latent form and do not pose a danger to a healthy body. In addition, even the opportunistic flora of the sexual partner should not be able to enter the cavity of the injured organ. As a result of weakened immunity caused by surgery, severe inflammation can develop in the cavity of the injured uterus.

Most often, endometritis develops as a result of a woman’s negligent attitude towards her own health. Sex immediately after curettage can cause the introduction of pathogens of various infections– chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, herpes viruses, streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci and others.

The date for the beginning of full sexual activity is determined individually in each specific case and depends on several factors: the reasons for which the curettage was performed, concomitant pathology and the quality of the cleaning performed.

On average, doctors allow you to have sex after curettage after 4 weeks. This time is enough for the extensive wound surface to recover. Refusal to have sexual activity will help avoid the development of possible complications.

After the ban on sexual relations is lifted, a woman may experience some problems. This may include soreness, dryness and a burning sensation that accompany sexual intercourse. Such symptoms are considered acceptable and in many cases go away completely without a trace within a few days.

If symptoms persist for a long time, the woman is recommended to have a professional gynecological consultation.