Payments to labor veterans on Victory Day. Payments, vouchers and targeted assistance: how a veteran can get city support

And this was far from the famous Roquefort. And the cheapest analogue of processed cheese “Druzhba” costs 5 rubles, only spoiled.

Klavdia Timofeevna is the same age as the Revolution. Born May 25, 1917. In a couple of weeks she will be 101. But she is in good health. The pensioner is in her right mind, on her own two feet. He just doesn't see very well.

She comes from Shatura near Moscow, where she met her husband, Boris Fedorovich Bedrinsky. When the war began, she was 24. On the first day, her husband went to the front. But Claudia stayed at home, working three shifts on the peat bog. Boris returned from the war covered in orders and medals, but crippled and disabled. The bullet hit him straight in the head, entered one temple, and exited the other. The wound left him blind for life.

After the war, back in the 50s, the couple moved to Moscow, closer to hospitals and clinics.

Grandfather really didn’t like to remember the war, we don’t even have a single photograph of him wearing orders, although he has many of them, he even has the Order of the Red Star. He practically didn’t put them on, it was so unpleasant to remember all this, says granddaughter Olga Bedrinskaya. - Grandfather worked all his life at enterprises for the blind. And my grandmother worked as an economist at WHO. We raised two children. Three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Both are veterans. He is like a participant, she is like a home front worker, and now she is also the widow of a participant. Grandfather died when he was 74 years old.

We celebrate with family. Previously, social activists would come to grandma with candy or cookies. Congratulations were given on the 100th anniversary. The children from the neighboring school even drew a postcard themselves. She was very pleased. This year my grandmother was really looking forward to people coming to her. Or at least they will call. The call never came. But we reassured her that you, grandma, are crying? But they gave you a food package for the holiday.

This set, or rather the coupon for receiving it, was brought from the Veterans Council the day before - May 7th.

On the piece of paper was written the address of the store where the gift was to be given out - Kholmogorskaya Street, building 1. Grandmother

She no longer walks that far on her own; she only goes out with an escort. My mom went to get it. The store turned out to be right in the same building as the veterans' council, by the way. A small grocery nook "Cheese Store". There they gave my mother a black bag, like a funeral bag. And in it was a bag of sugar, a small pack of tea bags, rice, a can of canned corn and processed cheese. But not even "Druzhba", but the cheapest one analogue. It’s on the counter for 5 rubles. Well, God bless her with this gift. We ourselves can buy this cheese in the refrigerator. And on the morning of the 10th we got it, and it’s all moldy. The package has the date 01/03/18. But it’s not clear whether it’s a manufacturing date or an expiration date. Thank God, grandma didn’t eat it, but she couldn’t see it well.

The indignant granddaughter went to this store in the morning. I returned the gift. I also wrote a complaint to

Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitation Station.

I also went to the Veterans Council. I asked if they were interested in how the veterans felt after such a gift? Not everyone has children and grandchildren who can prevent such products from getting into their food. It is unknown how such poisoning could end for a very elderly person. Together with a representative of the Veterans Council, we went to this store. The director did not apologize, but only said: “I’m tired of all this, next year I will refuse to collect orders for veterans.” And it turns out that you only need to collect five of them. And not a word about the fact that it would be nice to think about what products to put in the order for the war participants, probably not cheese for five rubles. I'm very upset, nothing would be better than this. After all, it’s not about these cheap products, but about the attitude towards the elderly, towards veterans.

"KP" contacted the Main Directorate of the Moscow Veterans Council.

“We don’t know about any coupons,” the secretary said over the phone. - Every year we collect 1200 from the city gift sets- there is cake, dried fruits, tea. We distribute them by district, and then the districts by primary veterans’ centers. We cannot control who gave what.

For clarification, I was told to call another number. But at the other end of the line there was also a veteran, Lev Georgievich Politskikh. The elderly man had difficulty hearing what he was actually talking about. I decided about gifts. And then he began to list which of his associates we must definitely remember to visit, otherwise they would be offended.

I love Komsomolskaya Pravda very much. - he finished his speech.

I didn’t want to talk to him about the rotten cheese at all.

Despite the fact that before the holiday of May 9 everything is underway preparatory work, the government will not ignore all veterans, as well as widows of WWII veterans.

Payments to war participants on Victory Day, May 9, 2018

According to a long-established tradition, social benefits are paid every year by May 9th. This benefit is a one-time benefit and can be used by every participant in World War II, as well as widows of WWII veterans. It is assumed that the payment amount this year will be 10 thousand rubles.

Payment amount

Disabled people, participants of the Great Patriotic War, as well as widows of WWII veterans can count on one-time assistance. In addition, all holders of orders for valiant service in the period from June 41 to September 45 will also receive payments.

Veterans who have the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” will also receive payments on an equal basis with other military personnel who took part in the battle.

In addition, the amounts were also calculated for those who suffered as a result of concussion or injury. They will not forget to note the work of the workers who held the defense even after the blockade.

Will widows of WWII veterans receive 10 thousand by May 9?

The country's authorities also decided to take care of the widows of WWII soldiers after their death. They provide them with benefits and payments in the form of social and financial guarantees. For example, by the May 9 holiday, they can count on a certain amount of payment that the country's authorities will provide to combatants living in Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

This opportunity is regulated by the Federal Law “On Veterans,” which was adopted in 1995.

The exact list of women who can hope for help includes:

— widows of soldiers who were engaged in mining objects;
- widows of workers who collected ammunition and military equipment;
- widows of soldiers killed during the war;
- widows of soldiers who were disabled for military reasons;
- widows of soldiers who participated in the liberation of besieged Leningrad.

The only caveat in this case is that the widow will receive benefits until she marries again. After marriage, she will lose all rights to receive these payments and benefits, which were based on the military experience of her deceased husband.

Despite the fact that the volume of privileges that a widow receives cannot be compared with what her husband could receive, there are still some advantages, Therussiantimes reports.

For example, the wives of deceased veterans will receive payments and enjoy all benefits regardless of whether they have a permanent job or are a dependent. In addition, the size of the pension that the widow receives is not taken into account.

How to apply for assistance to widows of WWII veterans

In order to receive benefits and assistance, all widows will need to obtain documents that confirm their status as a widow of a WWII participant.

This document will enable women to confirm their status if necessary. To obtain this status, you must contact the social security authorities.

As for possible changes this year, there will be no such changes. In addition, the state reserves the right to expand the existing list of guarantees.

For Victory Day, combatants will receive lump sum payment in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation announced this recently, referring to the corresponding decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The federal portal of regulatory legal acts contains detailed information about who will be able to receive EDV by the holiday of May 9, 2018.

On April 27, the discussion of documents related to the upcoming one-time payment to veterans ends. WWII veterans who are citizens of Russia but live in other countries will be able to receive EDV. Also, payments for Victory Day are provided to disabled children and victims of World War II.

In Russia, in order to pay veterans money by May 9, 2018, 12 billion rubles had to be allocated from the budget. Russian veterans from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, among others, will be able to receive EDV at the embassies for Victory Day. The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will take responsibility for fulfilling promises for Victory Day.

  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • former partisans and military personnel who served during the Second World War;
  • intelligence and counterintelligence officers;
  • participants in the siege of Leningrad.

One-time payment to combatants by May 9, 2018 in Moscow

As of May 9, 2018, all those categories of citizens listed in Art. 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. This is stated on the federal portal of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

It is reported that not everyone will be able to receive the same payments by Victory Day. Some citizens will receive less than 10 thousand rubles. In Moscow, for example, payments are provided in the amount of 3, 5 and 10 thousand rubles. On March 13, 2018, the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin signed a corresponding order.

EDV in the amount of 10 thousand rubles can be received by:

  • combatants who are WWII veterans;
  • military personnel who served in the military during World War II;
  • disabled war veterans;
  • awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”;
  • workers who worked at Moscow enterprises during the war;
  • builders of defensive structures near the capital.

Payments in the amount of 5 thousand rubles are due.

For the wives of soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War and then died, the state at the federal and regional levels provides certain assistance. Widows of participants in the Great Patriotic War (WWII) can rely on social guarantees or certain financial payments.

What categories of citizens can qualify for benefits and financial assistance?

Released on January 12, 1995 Federal law under the fifth number, which spells out all the rules, as well as the criteria for issuing benefits and financial assistance. The law regulates state support, where it is provided to the widows of soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War and then died. A woman whose husband was part of a crew collecting ammunition, and also military equipment, and died, has the right to benefit from government benefits. The wives of miners and fighters who liberated besieged Leningrad can count on government support.

If a woman’s husband did not die, but became disabled during the Great Patriotic War, the state also provides certain benefits and financial compensation. Current government Russian Federation accrues benefits to those widows who, after the death of their spouses, did not remarry. If there is a second marriage with another person, the benefits are cancelled. Spouses who are legally considered widows of WWII veterans receive state privileges regardless of whether they work or are dependent on the state.

Widows of WWII veterans will receive additional financial compensation by May 9, 2018

In 2018, the government of the Russian Federation determined the amount of a special payment to veterans, which will be timed to coincide with the celebration of Victory Day. To implement this initiative, the government of the country is allocating 12.342 billion rubles from the state budget. 2018 marks the 73rd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The project was prepared by the Ministry of Labor. It involves a one-time allocation of 10 thousand rubles. Widows of deceased military personnel who gave their lives to defeat the Nazis will receive 7 thousand rubles. In some regions, the amount may vary significantly, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, widows of veterans will receive an additional 5 thousand rubles from the regional government. This amount will be paid with the help of Russian pension funds, which will then deliver additional material assistance dedicated to the holiday personally into the hands of each person who meets the criteria of this project.

This year, residents of the Russian Federation will celebrate the seventy-third anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Traditionally, before the holiday, many events take place throughout our country that are aimed at helping war veterans financially and paying attention to them. The government of our country and some domestic companies provide veterans with some benefits and bonuses.

Every year in the first two weeks of May, Russian Railways gives veterans free travel on all types of transport. In addition, at this time the veteran can travel with one accompanying person, who is also provided with free tickets. You will not have to pay any additional fees.

Representatives of the Russian Aeroflot spoke about the social campaign for the Ninth of May. Thus, an airline company provides free tickets for veterans and those accompanying them in economy class. There is no need to pay any tariffs or any fees. This bonus will be available to war veterans from the Russian Federation and the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as Georgia and the Baltic states.

In honor of the seventy-third anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory over the Nazis, veterans and pensioners are promised a one-time supplement to their pension. The Ministry of Labor has already signed the corresponding Government resolution, which states this. As of May 9, 2018, retired judges and citizens with disabilities will also be able to receive money.

The federal website of draft regulations contains information regarding the expected lump sum payment. Pension fund and the Ministry of Defense took responsibility for the implementation of funds allocated by the state.

Pensioners have been expecting an additional payment of ten thousand rubles since the beginning of this year. The Ninth of May holiday will be an occasion for the Government to fulfill its promises, including to WWII veterans who left Russia.

This year, a one-time supplement to pensions will be provided as compensation for the fact that working pensioners did not have their pensions indexed. Recent changes to our laws make it clear which people retirement age can count on a small payment.

People of retirement age living abroad who are considered citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to receive a lump sum payment by May 9th. During May and June, these funds will be transferred to pensioners, the amount of which will amount to ten thousand rubles.

They plan, first of all, to distribute money to residents of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In the Baltics, veterans and pensioners will be able to receive payments through consular departments.

Thus, a one-time payment for the holidays is due to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people from childhood, or those who have already received a group in mature age, pensioners who receive insurance payments and working people of retirement age.

Rumor has it that pensioners will not be able to receive any one-time additional payments this year. Sources on the World Wide Web say that the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation obliged officials to pay funds to pensioners by May 9th.

If everything goes as planned by the state, elderly people will receive the promised funds in May-June this year. The Ministry of Defense reported that more than one hundred thousand veterans will receive the money.

In order to make a one-time payment, the government of our country is allocating more than a billion rubles from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

This year, our authorities have provided one-time payments for people of retirement age, despite many rumors in the press about its cancellation. Let us remind you that last year the payment was five thousand rubles. By May 9th, pensioners will receive twice as much this year.

In some regions of our country, additional assistance from local authorities has been assigned. So, in Tatarstan, for the holiday they are going to make repairs in the apartments of lonely veterans, conduct a comprehensive medical examination and donate food packages.

In Rostov, volunteers will provide assistance to veterans. In Petrozavodsk, volunteers will transport all veterans for free all day on May 9th.