Defense of the project “What do fairy tales teach? Project "Theatrical production of the fairy tale "Teremok"" Project implementation plan.

Preparatory work:
teachers’ formulation of the problem, goals and objectives of the project;
defining the project product;
drawing up an activity plan;
creating project sketches;
selection of materials and equipment for work;
introducing children into a play situation;
distribution of children’s roles in the creation of the project: selection of the most interesting and feasible tasks for the level of children’s development.
Children and their parents took part in the creation of the project

Stage 2

Practical part:
(creation of the final product of the project)
At this stage, teachers (in addition to organizing work and
direct production of the product) help children competently plan their own activities in solving assigned tasks,, if necessary, provide children with practical assistance, and also direct and monitor the implementation of the project.

3) the child strengthens the skill of cutting out paper (grass, leaves); skill of accurately filling in the background on wood, modeling.

Stage 3

Bringing the project to life in a primary school: demonstration
staging of the Russian folk tale “Teremok” in a new way by children
for elementary school children in grades 1-4.
The project was implemented through the integration of educational areas:
1) Cognition
2) Communication
3) Socialization
4) Labor
5) Reading fiction
6) Acting and artistic creativity
1) development of skills in working with different materials: plywood, paper, plasticine, salt dough, straw, cereals, fabric, acrylic paints, wire, corrugated cardboard, tree branches, colored paper, etc.
2) in the process of activity, children become familiar with or improve their skills in familiar techniques: quilling, modeling from dough, plasticine, millet applique, designing from branches;
3) a primary school child consolidates the skill of cutting out paper (grass, leaves); skill of accurately filling in the background on wood, modeling.

The work on creating the project had a positive impact on the development of children's skills and abilities. The children's self-confidence has strengthened and their self-esteem has increased.
The final product of the project is
model of a Russian folk tale in a new way
"Teremok". Similarities and differences.
The product is not only completely hand-made, it is a work in video recording.
The towers were painted with watercolors in an art lesson. (finger method used)
Animal character figures are made of plasticine. To decorate the stage, trees were made in the form of construction; for this purpose, dry branches with glued polyurethane foam balls and decorated with flowers were used. The flowers are made using the quilling technique (twisting paper). The fence and paths are made from dry branches.
Each “frame” is a transition to a new character appearing in the fairy tale. The video recording was made for further viewing and discussion of the fairy tale and for children to independently play the dramatization.

I would like to thank my actors and the presenters of the project for my 1st “B” grade students (Daria V., Evangelina A., storyteller - Ignat G., Wise Head Owl - Evelina F., Hare - Artyom N., Mouse - Anastasia K., Frog - Emma L., Fox - Victoria B., Wolf - Alexander S., Hedgehog - Alexander Ch., Bear - Artyom B., Vitamins - Danil K., Roman K., Maxim B., Kirill Ts.

Thanks to respected parents in preparing the costumes - Nesterenko Yu.A., Fishchuk I.G., Kireeva S.A., Klimova L.V., Volchugova N.V., Savostin A.A., Cherepanova T.A., Barbakova A.V., Krasnozhenova A.V., Klyukina E.B., Gulyaeva S.N.

Primary school teacher S.V. Borisova

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(First junior group)

1. Project passport

Name: pedagogical project: “Spring of Kindness.”

Project implementation location: MBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 13 in Podolsk.

Form of implementation: development and implementation of technology for spiritual and moral education.

The project was developed on the basis of the general education program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraxes. We also drew information and interesting material from partial programs on spiritual and moral education: “Introducing children to the origins of folk culture” by O. A. Knyazeva, children’s books by A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova.

on moral and creative education “Book II “Nature - through the eyes of the soul””, “Folk fairy tale in the system of education of preschool children” I.K. Zimina., Evtukhova L.N., Pronina M.V. The role of fairy tales in the speech development of younger preschoolers / / Current issues of modern pedagogy: materials of the V international. scientific conf. (Ufa, May 2014).

Project type:

Target creative practice-oriented.

Child - adult;

The child is the subject of design;

Open - in preschool educational institutions and beyond.

Duration: short.

Project participants: children of the first junior group, specialists: music director, teachers, parents of students.

Integrated educational areas: « Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” (Musical, Visual activity), “Social and communicative development” (Game activity), “Physical development”.

2. Project concept


The material for folk tales has always been the life of the people, their struggle for happiness, their beliefs and customs. The embodiment of positive traits in fairy tales made them an effective means of transmitting these traits from generation to generation.

Optimism Children especially like fairy tales, which enhances their educational impact.

Imagery- an important feature of fairy tales, which facilitates their perception by children who are not yet capable of abstract thinking.

funny fairy tales increases children's interest in them.

Didacticism is one of the most important features of fairy tales of all peoples of the world.

These features of fairy tales make it possible to use them in solving pedagogical problems.

Fairy tales have great educational, cognitive, speech and aesthetic significance in the development of young children, because They expand the child’s knowledge of the world around him, influence the child’s personality, and develop the ability to subtly sense the form and rhythm of the native language. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only knows, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Even older children believe in fairy tales, which means it is easier to teach and educate through it. Russian folk tales reveal to children the precision and expressiveness of the language, showing how rich their native speech is in humor, lively and figurative expressions. The inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, the ability to repeatedly reproduce the same speech forms, and images force fairy tales to be put forward as a factor in the development of coherent speech in children of primary importance. Russian folk tales promote the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language.

We believe that the implementation of this pedagogical project will ensure the psychological formation of the child listener, and in the future, the reader in preschoolers. And fascinating communication with fairy tales will contribute to the development of interest in the book, which will be an integral part of the education system for preschool children at the stage of formation of a modern personality. Therefore, we decided to devote a little more time to Russian folk tales in the development and upbringing of our children.

Problem: how and by what means you can introduce children of primary preschool age to reading Russian folk tales.

Justification of the problem:

Not enough time is devoted to reading children's literature at home;

Parents' lack of understanding of the importance of reading folk tales in raising a child;

Interest in books is replaced by watching TV and playing computer games.

Hypothesis. If, when planning the educational process, we turn to reading Russian folk tales, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of educational work on the speech development of students, increase the competence of teachers, students, parents, expand the educational space and provide active access to society.

Project goal: Speech, spiritual and moral development of children through reading and dramatization of Russian folk tales.

Project objectives:

  1. Educational:

create the necessary conditions for getting acquainted with fairy tales;

work on sound pronunciation, develop the sound culture of children’s speech;

develop the ability to retell fairy tales.

  1. Educational:

develop group cohesion, self-esteem of children, develop the child’s cognitive abilities, curiosity, creative imagination, memory, fantasy;

3. Educational:

instill in children respect for themselves and other children; awaken interest in fairy tales;

to intensify the influence of family education on the development of preschool children, to involve parents in the problems of children's reading.

Expected result:

Pupils have ideas:

  • about fairy tales about animals;
  • show an emotional response to the fairy tale: sadness, empathy for the characters, compassion, sympathy, empathy, joy;
  • strive for good and rejection of evil.
  • fairy tales will help children show:

    How friendship helps defeat evil;

    How the good and peace-loving conquer;

    That evil is punishable.

In children of the younger group:

Development of cognitive activity, creative abilities,

Communication skills;

Development of children's artistic creativity.


  • cooperate closely with preschool educational institutions in nurturing interest in reading Russian folk tales;
  • I participate in organizing the exhibition of drawings “Visiting a Fairy Tale”; in making do-it-yourself baby books with parents.

Principles of organizing organized educational activities.

Visibility, awareness and activity, accessibility and measure, scientific character, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, systematicity and consistency, strength of knowledge acquisition, connection of theory with teaching practice and life, education in the learning process; variable approach.

Main characteristics of the activity.

  1. A combination of teaching and moral education.
  2. The project does not impose requirements on the content and volume of starting knowledge, as well as on the level of development of the child.

    To implement the project, we offer the following methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Visual method used in time:

  • teacher reading stories and fairy tales;
  • observations;
  • showing fairy tales (teacher, children);
  • examining book illustrations, reproductions, objects;
  • conducting didactic games;
  • modeling fairy tales.

Verbal method seems to be most effective in the process:

  • reading literary works by the teacher;
  • conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing stories from the teacher;
  • answers to questions from the teacher and children;
  • conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, etc.);
  • communication of additional material by the teacher;
  • asking riddles;
  • viewing visual material;
  • children's stories using diagrams, illustrations, modeling fairy tales;
  • analysis of everyday situations;
  • leisure activities;
  • reading literary works by parents.

Practical method used when necessary:

  • organize productive activities;
  • conduct games (construction, didactic, active, sedentary, dramatization, etc.);
  • organize a performance of fairy tales
  • Make visual aids for classes with your children.

Forms of working with children.

  • OOD, conversations, games with moral content.
  • Handicrafts and all types of creative artistic activities for children.
  • Exhibition of drawings - posters, photographs, children's drawings.
  • Listening and learning musical works and songs.
  • Holding joint holidays.
  • Viewing slide films, filmstrips, using audio recordings and technical teaching aids.
  • Reading different fairy tales;
  • Children's drawing of fairy tale heroes.
  • Learning sayings, proverbs about fairy tales, fairy-tale characters.
  • Dramatization of read fairy tales.
  • Making your own fairy tales.
  • Illustration of read fairy tales.
  • Examination of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.
  • Riddles about fairy tales, fairy tale heroes.
  • Carrying out creative work together with parents.
  • Theatricalization of a fairy tale: “Teremok”
  • Organization of co-living events for adults and children.

Thus, the program traces several areas of work:

  1. spiritual and educational (classes, conversations, oral teachings);
  2. educational and recreational (holidays, active and edifying games, role-playing and construction games, walks);
  3. cultural and educational (targeted walks, watching filmstrips);
  4. moral and labor (self-service work, work based on interests, productive activity, making gifts for the holidays);
  5. social development;
  6. familiarization with the origins of Russian culture;
  7. identification of factors influencing the development of speech in children of primary preschool age when reading and retelling fairy tales.

The full version of the work is available.

Yulia Mikhailovna Voronina
Project based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Age of children: 2-3 years

Participants project: children, teachers, parents.

Type project: cognitive - creative.

View project: group, short-term (1 week)

1. Explanatory note.


Fairy tale- a necessary element of a child’s spiritual life. Entering the world of miracles and magic, the child plunges into the depths of his soul. Russian folk fairy tales, introducing children into the circle of extraordinary events and transformations that occur with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach kindness towards people, show high feelings and aspirations.

Meeting children with heroes fairy tales will not leave them indifferent. The desire to help a hero in trouble, to understand fabulous situations - all this stimulates the child’s mental activity, develops interest in the subject. As a result of empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude towards surrounding: to people, objects, phenomena. From fairy tales children draw a lot knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about the connection of man with nature, the objective world. Preschoolers are faced with such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate; anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit. The form of depiction of these phenomena is special, fabulous, accessible to the child’s understanding, and the height of manifestations, moral meaning remain genuine, "adults". Language fairy tales different big picturesqueness: it contains many apt comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, songs, rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember fairy tale.

Target: Development of speech activity and communication abilities of preschool children through fairy tale« Teremok» , education of love and interest in fairy tales, as a means of forming positive relationships between children and learning about the world around them.

Tasks project:

1. Consolidate knowledge about wild animals.

2. Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.

3. Increasing the speech activity of children.

4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands using rhythmic and finger exercises.

5. Development of imagination and creativity.

6. Develop children’s communication abilities, form emotional contact between teachers and children through joint activities.

7. Educate interest in fairy tales, as a means of speech formation.

Forms and methods of work:

games, conversations, modeling situations, viewing, coloring, memorizing, reading

Expected results:


Reader's interest in children's books;

Development of the emotional sphere;

Desire to participate in dramatization fairy tales;

Speech enrichment;

The ability to convey the character of characters fairy tales intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures;

Introduction to spiritual values.


Steel interested participants in educational project;

Replenishing the library with books by section « Fairy tales» ;

Took an active part in the puppet theater show « Teremok» .

2. Plan - schedule of events.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

*Selection of poems, nursery rhymes, songs, Russian folk fairy tales.

*Looking at illustrations for fairy tales.

*Conversations with children.

*Selection of didactic, active, theatrical games.

Stage 2. Practical.

Date Working with children Working with parents Improvement

subject-development environment

Monday Conversation "Wild Animals"

P/game "The little white bunny is sitting"

Games with building materials "House for the Bunny" Making a game "Animals and Cubs" Pictures "Wild Animals"

Tuesday Finger Game "Bunny"

P/game "The Fox and the Bunnies"

S/r game "In the theater"

D/game "Animals and Cubs" (Wild animals)-Lullia circles

Coloring « Teremok»

Reading p. n. fairy tales"Mitten"

Music game "To the bear" D/game "Animals and Cubs", coloring pages

Wednesday M/n game "Find where it's hidden"

Memorization of A. Barto "Bunny"

P/game "The Fox and the Bunnies"

Repeating the poem

A. Barto "Bunny"

Toys (Fox, hare, bear, wolf)

Thursday Finger game "The Wolf and the Hare"

Round dance game "Bunny"

Looking at illustrations for fairy tale« Teremok»

Reading p. n. fairy tales"Jug - teremok»

P/game "Three Bears" Assisting in the selection of illustrations for fairy tale« Teremok» Illustrations for fairy tale« Teremok»

Friday D/speech development game « Teremok» .

Finger game "Fox"

Board game "Animals and Cubs" (Wild animals)-Lullia circles

P/game "Bunny"

Didactic game "Make by height" Showing by parents fairy tales« Teremok» Tabletop theater « Teremok»

Stage 3. Final.

The final product.

Showing by parents fairy tales« Teremok»

Appendix No. 1 Conversation "Wild Animals"

Target: Give children an idea of ​​wild animals, their characteristics, habits, and nutrition.


To form in children ideas about animals - inhabitants of the forest (hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear), their appearance, nutrition, lifestyle features. Tell about it how a bear prepares for winter.

Develop children's speech, the ability to listen to the teacher, answer questions, and repeat after the teacher. Develop the ability to solve riddles. Enrich children's vocabulary. Vocabulary Job: winter, forest, fox, bear, hare, wolf.

Contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom. Call interest to play together with adults. Develop the ability to build dialogue with adults and peers. Bring up interest and love for animals, desire to take care of them.

Learn to move, imitating the movements characteristic of a fox, wolf, hare. Develop coordination of movements.

Methodical techniques: visual, verbal, gaming, guessing riddles, artistic expression, questions, surprise moments, musical ( "lullaby").

Equipment and material: wild toys animals: hare, fox, wolf, bear, basket; treat for animals: a barrel of honey, raspberries, a toy fish, mushrooms, meat (a replica from the game "shop").

The teacher invites the children to go into the forest.

Educator: Guys, do you want to go into the forest with me? Wild animals live in the forest. Let's get them a treat.

There are dummies on the table for playing shop: raspberries, a barrel of honey, a toy fish, carrots, mushrooms, nuts, meat. The teacher offers to put all the products in a basket. Children name each item and put it in a basket.

Educator: It’s winter now, there’s a lot of snow in the forest. And it’s hard for us to walk in the snow! Let's sit down quietly and I'll tell you a poem about a bear.

You can't find a bear's track in winter,

Zimushka sent Mishenka to bed.

In the den he sucks a sweet paw,

And he dreams that he eats honey.

Mishka purrs contentedly with joy.

Hey animals, be quiet. Let Misha sleep.

(Gusarova T.)

The teacher draws the children's attention to the bear cub lying under the tree.

Educator: Hush, children, the bear is sleeping! You won’t see him in the forest in winter, because the bear sleeps in a den for the winter. To make the bear sleep better, let's sing him a lullaby.

Children with teacher singing "Lullaby", music E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Naydenova.

1. Bye-bye, bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, go to sleep.

2. Hurry up and close your eye

You go to sleep, sleep for an hour.

3. Bye-bye, bye-bye!

Sleep, my teddy bear, sleep!

The children sing along and lull the bear to sleep.

Educator: Guys, what will we give the bear as a gift, what kind of treat? Children choose raspberries and honey, take them out and leave them next to the teddy bear.

Educator: The bear will wake up, see raspberries and honey and be happy. Let the little one sleep, and you and I will take a walk through the winter forest. We will walk quietly so as not to wake the bear.

The teacher shows a toy hare.

Educator: Oh, look, children, who we met in the forest! Who is this? (bunny) What bunny? (white, soft, fluffy). In winter, the bunny's fur is white as snow, so that the wolf and the fox would not notice him in the snow and would not catch him. What kind of ears does the hare have? (long, sensitive - hear well). The bunny wants to play with you.

Game with the Hare.

There is a snowball on the ground (running on tiptoes in circles)

A bunny runs through the snow.

Jump - jump, jump - jump (jumping like bunnies)

A bunny runs through the snow.

Ears are freezing, (stroke ears,

My paws are freezing (stroke hands).

Without boots and without a hat. (show)

Skok - skok, skok - skok, (jumping like bunnies)

The bunny hid in a snowdrift. (squat down).

Educator: The bunnies jumped merrily. What will we give the bunny, what does he like to eat?

Children choose a carrot and give it to the hare.

Educator: Let's say bunny: “Eat a carrot, bunny!”

Educator: The hare was delighted with the gift and galloped further into the forest. The bunny runs fast and fast.

Educator: Here is a little fox running - her red sister.

The teacher shows the children a toy fox.

Educator: The fox also doesn’t want to wake up the little one. She walks quietly, on her toes. Can you walk like that? Show it to the fox.

Children do an exercise, imitate a fox.

Educator: Guys, what kind of fur does the fox have? (red, fluffy) What kind of tail does the fox have? (long, fluffy, big). The fox really enjoyed playing with the guys. Shall we treat the fox? What will we choose for the fox?

Children choose a fish and treat the fox.

Educator: Let's say fox: “Eat the fish, little fox!”

Educator: The little fox played and ran into the forest to eat fish.

Educator: Listen, about what forest animal mystery:

On a gloomy winter day, cold

A hungry beast walks and wanders.

He prowls through forests and fields,

And he is looking for food for himself. Who is this? (wolf).

The teacher shows a toy wolf.

Educator: A wolf is hunting in the forest. He walks carefully so as not to frighten other animals. Show how a wolf makes its way through the forest.

Children imitate the movements of a wolf.

Educator: The wolf is a strong beast. What kind of fur does he have? (thick, gray). What kind of teeth does a wolf have? (spicy). What will we treat the wolf to, what will he like most? (let's treat you to meat).

Educator: Let's say: “Help yourself, little top, gray barrel!”

Educator: Children, do you think we didn’t wake up the bear? Let's hear if the bear is growling?

Children listen.

Educator: You played so quietly that the target didn’t even wake up. Did you enjoy a walk in the winter forest? Let's remember who lives in the forest?

The teacher quietly puts a bag of carrots in the basket.

Educator: Now it’s time for us to return to the group. Oh, look, guys, there’s something in our basket. What is this? (carrot). Who do you think put this on us? (bunny). The bunny also wants to treat you. Help yourself to some carrots! Let's tell the bunny "Thank you"! It's time for us to return to the group.

Appendix No. 2 Finger games.

Rushes without looking back

(clap our hands)

Only the heels sparkle.

He rushes with all his might,

(we clasp our hands and move our fingers)

The tail is shorter than the ear.

(we hit our fists against each other)

Guess quickly:

Who is this?

(clap our hands)

(point with index fingers "bunny")

Fox, little fox, beauty,

Everyone really likes her.

(rubs hands)

The tail is fluffy,

The fur is golden.

(spread their fingers, turn and stroke them)

It's important to wander through the forest,

("walk" fingers on the table)

It brings fear to hares.

(pounding fists on the table)

"The Wolf and the Hare"

The wolf will open his mouth, (Index, middle, ring

Wants to steal a bunny: fingers and little fingers on both hands

Click and click and click again! press against each other

The wolf won't catch the hare, but the pad of his thumb will

press against closed fours

fingers, then release, depicting

wolf's mouth "Snap your mouth"

on both hands)

The mouth clicks in vain - (Relax the fingers on both hands

The hare runs great! And "to run" them on the table surface)

Appendix No. 3 Outdoor games

Fox and bunnies

On one side of the site there is a fox's house - a hole (circle). The fox gets out and goes to his house. The players represent hares, their house is on the opposite side of the hall (behind the conditional line). At the teacher’s signal, the hares go out onto the lawn, frolic, run and jump in different directions. Educator speaks: "The fox is going hunting!" The children quickly run to their house, but if the fox manages to nag someone, he is considered caught. When the fox catches 2-3 hares, another fox is chosen. The game is repeated with all children.

(round dance game)

Children dance in a circle. In the center sits a child representing a hare and holding on to "paw". Children sentenced:

And the bunny has a gray

Sweetie hurts.

And with a sore paw

He doesn't move.

The boys and I will go

We will find a plantain

Let's apply it to the paw,

Let's help the bunny.

The leader points to the child, who must pick a plantain leaf and apply it to the hare’s paw after words:

The little bunny will jump

And play with the kids.

"Bunny" jumps towards one of the children. The chosen child runs out of the circle, "bunny" catches up with him. Children do "gates", try to fence off the running child from "bunnies".

Three bears

Three bears walked home, children walk in a circle

Dad was big, big. hands up

Mom is a little shorter, hands at chest level

And my son is just a little baby. sat down

He was very small, swaying in a squat

He walked around with rattles. take rattles and "ringing" them, running on the rug

“Find where it’s hidden!”

Target: Develop children's visual memory and attention. Practice working with a team.

Children sit on one side of the playground. The teacher shows the children a toy to turn towards the wall. The teacher himself takes a few steps away from the children and hides the toy, after which speaks: “Look!” Children begin to search.

Appendix No. 4 Didactic games


Target: focus on the ending of the verb in the past tense when agreeing it with a noun.

Materials: wooden teremok, toys animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Let's put it on the carpet teremok. Near house we will house the animals. We will tell a story encouraging children to take part in telling.

Standing in the field teremok. Came running to little mansion. Who? That's right, mouse. (Children suggest, focusing on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) "Who's in lives in little house There is no one. The mouse became live in the little house.

galloped to little mansion. frog. Etc. In conclusion, let's summarize result:

Listen to us we talk: the frog galloped, and the bunny galloped; the fox came running, and the wolf came running.

Appendix No. 5 Fiction

The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

"Jug- teremok»

Russian folk fairy tale

A man was driving, taking dishes to the city for a fair, when he dropped a large jug and didn’t even notice. A jug lies by the road; a fly flies past and sees - teremok anywhere; crawled into it and began to live.

A mosquito has arrived.

- Terem-teremok who's in lives in the mansion?

I, a bitter fly, and who are you?

And I am a squeaking mosquito.

Come live with me.

They live for a day or two; the mouse is running. Knock, knock ponytail:

- Terem-teremok who's in lives in the mansion?

I, a burning fly, and I, a squeaking mosquito; and who are you?

And I am a little mouse.

Live with us. - There were three of them living now, but everything was not crowded.

The frog jumped up.

- Terem-teremok, who lives here?

A bitter fly, a squeaking mosquito, and a little mouse; and who are you?

And I'm a frog.

Come join us, there's plenty of room.

A cross-eyed bunny is running.

- Terem-teremok who's in lives in the mansion?

Bitter fly, squeaking mosquito, little mouse, frog frog; and who are you?

And I'm a dodger on the mountain.

Live with us.

They began to live and get along; The fox came running to them.

Who, who's in mansion, answer me.

The fly-fly, the mosquito-squeaker, the mouse-norushka, the frog-frog, the dodger on the mountain; and who are you?

And I’m jumping everywhere.

The fox also climbed into teremok.

A wolf wanders, looks around, tail tucked.

Who, who's in mansion, who, who's in high?

A fly-fly, a mosquito-squeaker, a mouse-norushka, a frog-frog, a dodger on the mountain, a hop everywhere; and who are you?

I am a grabber from behind the bushes.

The wolf also climbed into tower.

Mishka Toptygin wanders; The dead wood is crackling in the forest, the pines and aspens are creaking.

- Terem-teremok who's in lives in the mansion?

A fly-fly, a mosquito-squeaker, a mouse-norushka, a frog-frog, a dodger on the mountain, hopping everywhere, a grabber from behind the bushes; and who are you?

I am crushing all of you!

Mishka sat down on the jug and began to crackle. tower, and all its residents fled.


The grandfather was walking through the forest, and the dog was running after him. The grandfather walked and walked and dropped his mitten. Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and speaks:

This is where I will live.

And at this time the frog is jumping and jumping! - asks:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher. Who are you?

And I'm a jumping frog. Let me go too!

There are already two of them. The bunny is running. He ran to the mitten, asks:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a jumper. Who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny. Let me in too!

There are already three of them. Runs fox:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a hopper and the bunny is a runner. Who are you?

And I am a fox-sister. Let me in too!

There are already four of them sitting there. Lo and behold, the top is running - and also towards the mitten, and asks:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

- jokes. ru -

The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a jumper, the bunny is a little runner and the little fox-sister. Who are you?

And I am a top - a gray barrel. Let me in too!

This one got in too. There are already five of them. Out of nowhere, he wanders boar:

Hro-hro-hro, who lives in a mitten?

The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a jumper, the bunny is a little runner, the little fox is a little sister and the top is a gray barrel. Who are you?

And I'm a wild boar. Let me in too!

Here's the problem, everyone's gotta play it safe.

You won't even fit in!

I’ll get in somehow, let me in!

Well, what can you do, climb!

This one got in too. There are already six of them. And they are so cramped that they can’t turn around! And then they started cracking branch: the bear comes out and also approaches the mitten, roars:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a little runner, a little fox is a sister, a top is a gray barrel and a boar is a fang. Who are you?

Gu-gu-gu, there are too many of you here! And I am a bear - father. Let me in too!

How can we let you in? It's already cramped.

Yes somehow!

Well, go ahead, just from the edge!

This one got in too. There were seven of us, and it was so crowded that the mitten was about to tear.

Meanwhile, the grandfather missed it - there was no mitten. He then returned to look for her. And the dog ran forward. She ran and ran and looked - the mitten was lying there and moving. Dog Then:


The animals got scared, escaped from the mitten - and scattered through the forest. And grandfather came and took the mitten.

Russian folk fairy tale« Teremok» .

Standing in the field teremok.

A small mouse runs past.

I saw teremok, stopped and asks:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion?

Nobody responds.

The mouse entered mansion and began to live in it.

galloped to mansion frog and asks:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion

Me, little mouse! Who are you?

And I'm a frog.

Come live with me!

The frog jumped into teremok. The two of them began to live together.

A runaway bunny runs past. Stopped and asks:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion?

Me, little mouse!

I, frog frog. Who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny

Come live with us!

The hare hops in teremok! The three of them began to live together.

The little fox-sister is coming. I knocked on the window and asks:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Who are you?

And I am a fox-sister.

Come live with us!

The fox climbed into teremok. The four of them began to live together.

A gray barrel top came running, looked in the door, and asks:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

Who are you?

And I am a top-gray barrel.

Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into teremok. Five of us began to live together.

Here they are all in live in the mansion, songs are sung.

Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past. Saw a bear teremok, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs be able:

- Terem-teremok! Who's in lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

I, the top-gray barrel.

Who are you?

And I'm a clumsy bear.

Come live with us!

The bear climbed into teremok.

I climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and speaks:

I'd rather live on your roof.

Yes, you will crush us!

No, I won't crush you.

Well then, climb up!

The bear climbed onto the roof.

Just sat down - fuck! - crushed teremok.

Crackled teremok, fell on its side and completely fell apart.

We barely made it out of it jump out: mouse-norushka, frog-frog, bunny-runner, fox-sister, spinning top-gray barrel - all safe and sound.

They began to carry logs, cut boards - new build a mansion.

They built it better than before!

Project Information Card

Project theme; theatricalization based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Type of project; mid-term from February to March 2014

Project type: creative, playful

Project participants: children, parents, teachers, music director.

Age of children: children 2 ml. groups 3-4 years old

A problem that is significant for children and which the project aims to solve: The problem today, when the problem of education and upbringing is being widely solved in a different way and the tasks are becoming more complicated, is that the idea of ​​introducing children from a very early age to theatrical activities remains unshakable.

Relevance of the project:

Early preschool age is the most favorable period for the comprehensive development of a child. At 3-4 years old, children actively develop all mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. During this same period, the formation of basic personality qualities occurs. Therefore, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of means and methods of development and education as the younger preschool age.

One of the most effective means of developing and educating a child in early preschool age is theatrical games. Play is the leading activity of preschool children, and theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows solving many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of personal communicative qualities, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative and etc.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions force the children to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. Improvement of speech is also closely related to mental development. In the process of theatrical play, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. The role played and the spoken lines confront the child with the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogic speech and its grammatical structure improve.

In addition, theatrical activities allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, shyness

Project goal: instill in children a love of Russian folk art and expand knowledge about folklore. Creating conditions for the active use of fairy tales in children's creative activities.

To foster friendly relationships, a desire to help, and to help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Project objectives:

To develop in children emotional responsiveness to literary works and interest in them.

Learn to follow the development of action in poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales with and without visual accompaniment.

Develop listening skills in children.

Help children recognize the heroes of literary works and their actions through repeated reading and storytelling, dramatization, illustrations, toys (gingerbread man, wolf, kids, etc.)

Correlate the content of the works with the personal experience of children, with their everyday life and environment.

Create conditions that encourage independent viewing of books, expression of impressions, recognition of familiar characters from fairy tales and stories.

Project products:

- for children: drawings, applications, attributes, collective fairy tale,

- for teachers: replenishment of the group’s developmental environment (costumes, masks, scenery elements), equipping the theater center with different types of theaters based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Rock Hen”, writing notes, drawing up planning samples;

- for parents: a selection of Russian folk tales, an exhibition of drawings jointly by children and parents “Terem-Teremok”

Expected results for the project:

- for children: the manifestation of cognitive interest in children in Russian folklore, the comprehensive development of the child’s personality (a creative, inquisitive personality who knows how to finish a job);

- for parents: involvement of parents in the life of the group, involving them in creating their own fairy tales in the family circle, the ability to read and see the edifying meaning of a fairy tale.

II . Project stages.

Project stages

Actions of teachers

Children's actions

Actions of family members


The teacher formulates the goal and determines the products of the project.

Notifies parents about the project and invites them to cooperate.

The teacher plans various forms of work with children: individual and group.

Selects material for productive activities.

Selects children's books, board games, illustrations and toys depicting fairy tale characters for children's independent activities.

Read Russian folk tales about animals.

They teach you to guess simple descriptive riddles about animals - heroes of Russian folk tales.

Strengthen children's ideas about the characteristics and habits of animals using speech games and improvisation games.

They look at books and illustrations for fairy tales about animals.

They play and manipulate with animal figures, try to voice them with words from familiar fairy tales and cartoons.

They discuss the topic of the project with the teacher, find out their capabilities for its implementation, determine the means necessary for the implementation of the project, determine the content of the activities of all project participants. They help in equipping the group’s subject-development environment (scenery, masks and costumes of fairy-tale characters).


Reading the fairy tale "Teremok"

Examine and discuss with children illustrations, pictures and toys depicting fairy-tale characters from the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Rukavichka”.

They read different versions of the fairy tale “Teremok” and compare them with each other.

They talk with children about how ordinary animals and fairy-tale animals are different and similar.

During the conversation, they find out which of the fairy tale heroes the child would like to be like. Conduct a conversation with children about the fact that heroes in fairy tales can be positive and negative.

Clarify and expand children’s knowledge about animals (body parts, what color, what they eat, where they live)

Organize children's games with figures of fairy tale heroes using decorations and substitute objects.

Conversation about safety: “Why did the tower collapse, what is the danger of the building collapsing, how could this have been avoided?”

Conduct outdoor and didactic games on the topic.

Practice onomatopoeia with animals.

They are preparing a theatrical performance, learning songs and movements with the children.

Take part in didactic and outdoor games on a given topic. Reinforce acquired knowledge in artistic creativity:

modeling, drawing, constructing from a large construction set “House for Animals”, “Let’s build a house - we’ll live in it.”

Imitation games and role-playing games with masks reinforce knowledge about the habits and lifestyle of animals.

They play with animal figures and voice them.

Receive consultations Prepare for the exhibition “Terem - Teremok”

Assist educators in collecting material to develop children's creativity.

The final one

Theatrical and musical entertainment “Teremok” is held

They learn to convey the content of a fairy tale.

They design homemade books with their parents.

They are setting up an exhibition of drawings “Terem - Teremok”

In the process of dramatization, fairy tales reproduce the content of the fairy tale without distorting the plot.

They recite learned poems with movements and nursery rhymes during dramatization. They sing songs, imitate the habits of animals, their movements and sounds.

They look at the works in the exhibition and talk about how they were made.

Long-term plan



1. Finger game for the development of speech functions “Hello, sunshine)

    Reading RNS "Rukavichka"

    Staging of the nursery rhyme “Horse”

Consultation “Home theater for children”



3. Health

1. Finger game “Fingers say hello”

2. Reading R, N, S,

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

    Showing the fairy tale “Turnip” to children


Watching cartoons based on fairy tales

Reading R.N.S. Houses



1.Staging a nursery rhyme

“Like our cat”

2. Showing the fairy tale “Turnip” on flannelgraph

3.Looking at illustrations based on fairy tales

4.Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”

Making attributes for a fairy tale



2. Socialization

3. Hood. creation

1. Training “Training emotions”

2.Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

3.D.I. "Find out from the fairy tale"

4. Modeling “Bowl for Mishutka”

Fairy tale drawing competition.


2. Socialization

3. Physical education

1. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

2.Staging of the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”

3. Let's tell a fairy tale together with the teacher "Teremok"

P,I. "By the Bear in the Forest"


“development of communication abilities in 2”

Fairy tale drawing competition


1.Staging based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” using flannelgraph

2. Finger game for the development of speech functions

Purchasing new literature on fairy tales

1. Socialization


1. Desktop display

Theater "Teremok"

2.Staging of nursery rhymes “Our ducks in the morning”,

"Ball", "Truck"


"Developing speech at home"




4. Musical

    Finger gymnastics “My Family”, “Brothers”

    Exercise to develop pontamimics “Hedgehog”

    Staging of the "Cat's House" performance using flannelgraph

4. Final event of the leisure project based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Screening of the puppet show “Teremok”

Parents meeting

The end result.

They are able to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of the fairy tale, build a role-playing dialogue, know and say the words of the fairy tale in accordance with the chosen role, build a mansion house


This project contributed to the formation of not only cognitive interest and artistic aesthetic taste, but also enriched the emotional sphere of the child, allowing him to deepen and strengthen the developing personality’s ideas about the world and about himself.