Pain in muscles, joints and cramps. Pain in the muscles and joints of the legs, muscle cramps. Calf muscle cramps: what to do and treatment

In elite sports, muscle pain (cramps) often occurs during intense physical activity. Pain also occurs with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Pain associated with the accumulation in the muscle of specific metabolic products formed during muscle contraction. It appears when the concentration of these substances reaches a threshold level, which occurs only if the rate of their formation exceeds the rate of their removal from the muscle in the blood. Therefore, pain normally occurs only during very intense muscular work, for example, among sprinters and track racers.

After reviewing existing research on the topic, MacKinnon and neuroscientist Bruce Bean hypothesized that the nerve impulses that trigger seizures could be avoided due to a strong feeling that stimulates receptors in the mouth and esophagus, like the one that comes from eating a very tasty food. The effect you get is "distracting" the motor neurons. According to MacKinnon, there are no contraindications to this method because, in his opinion, cramps are not warning pain, such as what we feel when we touch a hot surface; convulsions would have no evolutionary function, but it would be an accident without a purpose in life.

According to the definition of P.K. Anokhin (1971, 1975), pain, especially acute pain, is an integrative function of the body, mobilizing functional systems to protect the body from the effects of harmful factors. It is formed as a response to stimuli that violate the integrity of the body.

Intense physical activity, especially on soft ground (asphalt, parquet, wood, etc.) causes muscle soreness, which is felt not only during training, but also upon palpation at rest.

To test his theory, MacKinnon did tests on himself, trying to suppress electrical impulses after drinking something spicy, and compared his reactions to those without drinking first. The result was that the grip was less easily obtained after taking the spicy substances. MacKinnon then began researching his theory and presented it last year.

Is potassium deficiency actually responsible for muscle cramps?

However, in the past, many athletes took slightly spicy drinks or, in any case, with a strong and pungent taste, for reasons untied by taste: without knowing it, they could find a spam solution.

The idea that every time you have a cramp you are faced with a potassium deficiency can be summed up in one sentence: while it is true that all potassium deficiencies can cause muscle cramps, it is not true that all muscle cramps are caused by a potassium deficiency.

During intense physical activity, disturbances in muscle blood flow and muscle hypoxia occur - all this leads to an increase in the content of lactic acid, urea, histamine, etc. The resulting lactate has an adverse effect on the process contractility muscles, inhibits muscle contraction.

With chronic fatigue, athletes experience adhesions, muscle “contractures,” and tightness in the muscles, which lead to muscle hypertonicity, hypoxia, and impaired muscle blood flow.

To better clarify this aspect, it is necessary to analyze in more detail what it is and how it causes cramping, at least in relation to sports activities. A muscle cramp is a painful manifestation caused by involuntary muscle contraction, often strong and sudden. The causes of muscle cramps can be different. If we consider sedentary subjects, this may be caused by circulatory problems, which are also determined by attitudes or postures that impede circulation.

Some pharmacological treatments, especially the use of diuretics, may contribute to their occurrence, such as excessive sweating or biochemical imbalance. Sodium and potassium are actually electrolytes, the deficiency of which mainly results in muscle cramps.

There is a correlation between the tone of the muscular system and microcirculation. With chronic fatigue (overtraining), muscle tone is increased, muscle blood flow is reduced.

slow, all this leads to tissue hypoxia and muscle pain. Muscle pain reduces performance and is a predisposing factor in the occurrence of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It should be emphasized, however, that it is unlikely that sodium deficiency will exist in a person who eats normally. Because sodium is richly present in all processed foods and is often used too much in the general diet.

In the absence of common deficiencies, before considering possible integrations including potassium, it should be kept in mind that the best preventative action is to properly calibrate the workload, except that it is not certain that the problem is due to rehydration errors.

With moderate intensity exercise, even over a long period of time, increased muscle blood flow removes metabolic waste products as they form in the muscles, so that they do not accumulate and lead to pain. If, however, blood flow is limited before the start of muscle work, the concentration of metabolism in muscles working under ischemia (hypoxia) increases very quickly even with weak physical activity and pain appears. For example, when squeezing blood vessels lower limbs in football players, basketball players, etc., as well as in some diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities (atherosclerosis, endatheritis, etc.).

Pain in the legs: how to get rid of cramps and strengthen the blood vessels of the legs

Sports practice close to important meals is another possible reason spasms. In these cases, blood is used in abdominal cavity, and the limited influx into the peripheral muscle creates a favorable condition for the occurrence of involuntary muscle contractions. Similar situations can occur with the use of clothing or accessories that impede normal circulation, and which are largely used in the field of sports because they offer high field comfort in specific disciplines.

Highly qualified athletes during or after training often experience interstitial muscle pain as a consequence of tissue metabolism disorders, hypoxia, microcirculation disorders and muscle hypertonicity (V.I. Dubrovsky, 1980, 1985, 1993).

A common occurrence in elite sports is cramps - sudden involuntary muscle contraction. They occur due to metabolic disorders and the activity of the endocrine glands, overwork, and large fluid losses (during training in hot and humid climates, during forced weight loss in a bathhouse, diuretics, etc.). Cramps occur in cross-country skiers, swimmers, long-distance runners, football players, etc. Cramps can occur in one muscle or affect a group of muscles both during training (or participation in competitions) and at rest, for example during sleep, etc. p.

Naturally, staples can have causes that are even more serious and difficult to diagnose, such as energy deficiency caused by mitochondrial diseases. In particular, mitochondrial disease causes different imbalances depending on the organ involved, in the case of muscles causing intolerance to fatigue and cramps.

To deceive, cramps sometimes occur at night, a situation that cannot be detected in any of the circumstances described above, that is, excessive muscle fatigue, excessive exercise, and so on. This situation seems to support the idea that cramps are due to potassium deficiency. It should be noted, however, that nocturnal cramps have no definite pathological significance and are a consequence of the foot, which is found to be in plantar flexion. In this position, the calf cannot perform its physiological action, and the force exerted by the contraction causes a painful spasm.

Sudden convulsive muscle tension (tonic spasm) lasts for some time (usually seconds, minutes) and is often accompanied by sharp pain. This type of cramp most often occurs in the calf muscle after prolonged physical activity(for runners-stayers, cross-country skiers, football players, workers in hot shops, foundries, etc.) or during a game (for handball players, basketball players, football players, rugby players, etc.), as well as during swimming (usually in cold water) in a completely healthy person.

Obviously, in a minority of cases there may be an electrolyte problem that requires the use of an integrator. However, this latter condition must be diagnosed by a doctor and should not be the fruit of a preventative intent, which is usually redundant and ineffective. Considering that the various trials that looked at the use of supplements to treat seizures showed small results.

Post-polio syndrome - treatment, recommendations, recommendations. Post-polio syndrome is a set of specific late signs of deteriorating health in people who have experienced polio. These include increased fatigue, muscle or general weakness, joint and muscle pain, cramps and minor muscle twitching of the limbs and torso, worsening deformity, and general impairment of movement. There is also increased sensitivity to cold, difficulty breathing, swallowing, sleep disturbances, swelling, and bone depletion.

Typically, convulsions in athletes occur when increased sweating during training in areas with a hot and humid climate, as well as in case of disturbances in electrolyte metabolism (large losses of microelements) and training in cold, windy weather, etc.

Cramps can be relieved this way: straightening the foot with one hand, holding the big toe and at the same time stretching and shaking the calf muscles with the other hand, or using cryomassage and stretching exercises for the calf muscle.

Other diseases that may worsen the condition should be excluded. Symptomatic drugs are used that affect individual problems, such as analgesics, vitamins, drugs that improve neuromuscular transmission, and vasodilation.

Fatigue, pain in muscles and joints are very difficult to cope with. It is necessary to regulate your diet, eating habits, limit activities, and rest more often during the day. Divide the holiday into several stages throughout the year. Learn to relax, even in the short term, with the relaxing effect of exhalation in the skeletal muscles. Helps with heating, hot baths, carbon dioxide baths. Relaxation brings massage, soft techniques. The exercise should be easy, without resistance, it is advisable to use isometric exercises.

Each of us is familiar with pain in muscles and joints. Therefore, today we will talk about what to do with muscle pain, how to get rid of and relieve pain in the muscles and joints of the legs: pain in the lower leg, knee joint, foot, and we will also look at how to relieve muscle cramps. This is especially true for the calf muscles, which are a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon from which a person, waking up in the middle of the night, feels as if his muscles and veins in his cramped leg are about to burst. Let's consider the causes, symptoms, principles of treatment and prevention of leg and joint pain. And what needs to be done to reduce and remove severe pain.

Pay special attention to the muscular body, which is the most burdened. Important for the spine blood vessels and joints is the position in sleep. Swimming is the most ideal for movement and cardiovascular health. Magnetic therapy is suitable, electrotherapy is not suitable for short-term effect. It is wise to start using support resources over time.

The most commonly used drugs are analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Welding is extremely sensitive to cold, it is necessary to protect yourself from the cold, otherwise there is a risk of falling in winter even without slipping. Cold tiles are not suitable for post-traumatic conditions. Vasodilators are used to improve blood circulation.

Causes of muscle pain

There are many reasons for muscle pain, but the most important one is overload. The muscles cannot withstand the load that you give them (perhaps during training), and react to it in their own way: pain, cramps or stretching.

Muscle pain is most often the result of a physiological process that occurs due to the accumulation of excess lactic acid in the muscles. Lactic acid acts on the nerve endings of muscle fibers, which causes irritation and, as a result, soreness.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Frequent symptoms are sleep disturbances. Much better than drug treatment will help in the end. in combination with acupressure. In patients with respiratory muscles and sleep apnea, it is recommended to promptly use artificial ventilation - a respirator.

At older ages, especially when combined with less mobility and a descending skeleton, there is a risk of fractures. Increase your intake of calcium, magnesium and other minerals in your diet. At present, for obvious reasons, few doctors specialize in studying the implications of this area, and the medical public is poorly informed. The practitioner and expert will make suggestions for spa treatments that should be performed at least once a year.

How to get rid of pain in leg muscles after training and injury

In order to relieve muscle pain, both traditional and official medicine give the following simple recommendations:

  1. If muscle pain occurs, do not stop the load on them abruptly, but gradually, at a slow, relaxing pace. If you suddenly remove the load from the muscles, the pain will decrease for a few hours or even disappear completely, but tomorrow it will definitely return again;
  2. if some sport constantly causes you pain, then it is better to leave it and do something else;
  3. If muscle pain and swelling begin, apply an ice pack to the painful area and hold it for a while. Most often, after such a procedure, the pain will decrease;
  4. If your foot or lower leg is injured, lift your leg up and hold it in this position for 10-15 minutes. This will prevent or reduce the appearance of swelling and reduce pain;
  5. If 2 hours have passed since any injury, then applying ice to the damaged muscle is no longer useful. You need to switch to heat: a heating pad, a warm bath or an underwater massage. Warm - very effective remedy against muscle pain and cramps;
  6. at severe pain, caused by injury, relief is brought by simple drugs such as diclofenac or aspirin (people suffering from stomach ulcers, heart patients and patients with diseases of the blood system should not get carried away with aspirin). In this case, it is better to consult a doctor;
  7. if you have overloaded your muscles, then massage can help you. Since a massage therapist may not always be at hand, you should learn the simplest massage techniques on your own and, if necessary, use them;
  8. If you play sports outside in cold weather, you need to dress warmly. This way you will reduce the possibility of muscle pain;
  9. doing physical work, try to adjust it in the sequence: heavy - light, heavy - light. The same can be said for athletes - a day of heavy training should be alternated with a day of training that requires less energy. Remember that it takes 48 hours for muscles to recover;
  10. Pain in the muscles of the foot, back, and lower leg can be caused by tight or uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, always try to keep your shoes familiar and comfortable;
  11. sometimes pain in a particular muscle group becomes constant. The reason may be that you are overweight. Therefore, always try to lose a few extra pounds if possible;
  12. try to change the work of individual muscle groups from time to time. If you ride a bike, combine it with swimming or look for other options.

Calf muscle cramps: what to do and treatment

  1. Dehydration plays a major role in the development of muscle cramps. Therefore, if they occur, you should drink more fluids, especially before, during and after physical activity.
  2. If you experience a cramp in your leg or foot, simply stand up and focus on the leg that has the cramp. Do some squats. Most often, after this the cramp stops.
  3. If a leg cramp occurs during sleep, rest your foot against the headboard or wall and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
  4. When working on a computer, try to change the position of your hands and the load on individual fingers more often. You can change the tilt of the keyboard and the distance to it. To prevent seizures in milkmaids, it is necessary to bandage their wrists from time to time. The bandaging should not be too tight, so as not to disrupt the blood circulation in the hands.
  5. If you experience cramps in your calf or any other muscle, try to relax and have someone massage the tense muscle. A five to ten minute massage often relieves muscle spasms.
  6. For pain and spasms, try bandaging the limb with an elastic bandage for a few minutes - this can relieve the convulsive state of the muscle.
  7. Frequent muscle cramps can be the result of developing phlebitis (inflammation of the veins). If the deep veins are involved in the process, the disease becomes life-threatening. Therefore, if you experience frequent seizures, you should consult a doctor.
  8. Sometimes the cause of night cramps can be a heavy blanket putting pressure on the leg muscles. Therefore, if you experience frequent night cramps, try replacing the blanket.
  9. To prevent night cramps, it is recommended to sleep on your side with your legs bent, but not on your stomach with tense muscles.
  10. Sometimes the cause of seizures can be a calcium deficiency in the body. Keep this in mind, but consult your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.

Shin pain

The causes of pain in the lower leg muscles can be flat feet, incorrect running and walking technique (in athletes), uncomfortable shoes, etc. Pain in the lower leg occurs especially often in athletes. Thus, in aerobics, pain in the lower leg is observed in 22% of cases, in long-distance runners - in 28%, in skiers - in 35% of cases. The pain can be mild, constant or temporary, dull or sharp.

Before surgery or examination under general or local anesthesia, attention must be paid to the underlying poliomyelitis. The article describes in detail the differences of the patient after polio, recommending how to proceed with preoperative preparation, anesthesia and postoperative care.

In principle, these patients are more sensitive to anesthetics. Patients with breathing problems may have difficulty breathing with anesthetic gases. The dose of anesthetics chosen should always be individualized, according to general principles, but taking into account the degree of disorder affected. Spinal cord sprays are suitable, but be careful not to transfer the nerve fibers. Outpatient outcomes for outpatient treatment are unacceptable given the possible increased need for postoperative care.

Traditional and official medicine advises for pain in the lower leg:

  1. If you experience pain in your lower leg muscles while doing aerobics, first of all pay attention to the hardness of the surface on which you are exercising. Try to avoid concrete floors - wood flooring or mats are preferable. It is better for runners to run on grass or dirt rather than on paved or concrete roads.
  2. When running or exercising, your shoes need to be shock-absorbing. If this is not the case, change your shoes.
  3. If you experience shin pain, take the following measures: rest, ice, a pressure bandage for 15-20 minutes, and elevating your leg.
  4. Contrast foot baths (1 minute with ice, 1 minute with water, the temperature of which reaches 40 °C, alternate 4-5 times) in the vast majority of cases relieve pain in the lower leg and significantly improve blood supply to the muscles.
  5. The cause of pain in the lower leg can sometimes be a high arch or flat feet. Correct these defects with special exercises. Consult an orthopedist.
  6. If there is pain in the front surface of the shin, massage the shin, but not along the bone, but near the edge of the shin.
  7. With developed Achilles tendons, pain in the lower leg, as a rule, does not occur. Therefore, stretch your Achilles tendons with constant training, for example: stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and knees forward, while keeping your back straight. Reach the point of tension and hold the pose for half a minute. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Pain in the knee joint

Knees are the most vulnerable joints in our body. When you fall, get into a car accident, or frequently walk up stairs, your knees are the first to suffer. The knee joints are very vulnerable due to their inability to change their shape under the influence of certain external factors. If your knees often suffer, then it won't hurt you to familiarize yourself with a few practical advice, helping to get rid of pain.

Calf muscle cramps: what to do and treatment

Anxiety may occur after surgery, such as pain from poor positioning on the work table, difficulty passing stool, tendency to cramp, increased sensitivity to pain, and decreased postoperative mobility. You must choose the medicine with the lowest possible side effects, which can worsen your health. It is not recommended to use drugs that increase fatigue, slow down or block the transmission of nerve tension in the area of ​​the neuromuscular junction, the long-term use of which contributes to unwanted release of muscles and ligaments in the areas of supporting joints, which can lead to exacerbation of pain. deformation and formation of a vicious circle.

Strengthen your muscles and ligaments through exercise

The stronger the muscles and ligaments that support the joint, the less trouble you will have with your knees. Choose a few for yourself physical exercise, strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the knee, and do them constantly. For example: sit on the floor, straighten your sore knee. Place a bolster or tightly rolled towel under it, then tense your leg muscles without moving your knee. Hold the muscle contracted for up to 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times. This exercise strengthens the anterior thigh muscles.

Due to the complexity of the problem described, it is always necessary individual approach. If you are self-medicating, we recommend that you consult your doctor. Joint pain caused by arthritis or muscle cramps is worst at night when it prevents sleep and refuses to go away.

Taking painkillers helps for a while, but once their effect wears off, the pain returns. In addition, long-term use of such drugs can damage the liver and kidneys. Therefore, instead of taking drugs, it is better to look for the answer in nature.

If you have weak knees and want to strengthen them, then train yourself to do the following exercise every day: sitting leg raises. Sit down and rest your back against the wall (you can put a pillow under your lower back). Tighten your leg muscles (count to 5), then lift your leg up slightly (count to 5). Lower your leg and relax. Do the exercise 5 - 10 times.

Hamstring Strengthening: Exercise

Lie on your stomach with your chin on the floor. Place some weight on your ankles (a sandbag, dumbbells, a light barbell) and, bending your leg at the knee joint, lift your shin 20-30 cm from the floor. Then slowly lower it back down. Hold the movement for a few seconds before your foot touches the floor. Repeat the exercise 5 times. If after performing the exercises you feel discomfort or pain in the knee joints, reduce the size of the load and the number of exercises.

Try to lose weight

U fat people knee joints hurt much more often than in thin people. This is because every kilogram of weight puts six times the load on the knee. If your weight is 10 kg more than normal, then it follows that your knee joints are loaded with an extra 60 kg.

Wear knee pads

People involved in heavy physical work that can damage the knee joints should wear knee pads. This applies to diggers, runners, skiers and others. Patellas protect the knee joints from bruises and damage. It is better to make patellas yourself than to buy ready-made ones. The fact is that custom-made patellas will protect your knee joints much better than store-bought ones, which simply may not fit you in size.

Use pain-relieving ointments

Almost all rubs and ointments help to retain heat, and heat greatly reduces pain. Therefore, when bruised knee joint Good rubbing will significantly reduce pain.

Rest and ice

After bruising your knee joint or any heavy physical activity on it, give the joint a rest, put ice on it and elevate your leg for 10-15 minutes. After this you will feel a significant improvement.

Target the pain point

Each person has a point on the thigh, when exposed to it, the pain decreases. To find this point, move your hand from the top of your knee straight up the front of your thigh 8-9 cm, then move it inward 5-8 cm. thumb press firmly on the point and hold your finger until you feel the tension in the joint and pain go away. This will take about a minute and a half.

Foot pain

We often think about our legs only when they hurt. We hardly listen to the signals they give us, but we need to do this.

So, when should you pay special attention to your feet?

  • If your legs hurt a lot in the morning and you find it difficult to take the first few steps.
  • If your feet constantly hurt and this pain does not decrease during the day, but increases.
  • If you find it difficult to wear shoes.

When you have caused your feet to develop one of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  1. after a hard day at work or a long walk, lie down for a while with your feet raised on the headboard;
  2. take hot foot baths with a strong infusion of tea (you can prepare a strong infusion of chamomile or mint and soak your feet in it for 5 - 10 minutes);
  3. To prevent your feet from hurting during long walks and hard work, you need to change the heel height more often. This especially applies to women;
  4. Contrasting foot baths relieve fatigue and give a surge of new strength. Sit on the edge of the bath and soak your feet under running hot water for 5 minutes and under cold running water for 5 minutes. Do this a few times and you will immediately feel your legs come to life.

Warm foot baths with the addition of ordinary... table salt. Some herbalists recommend using the following composition for foot baths:

  1. rosemary oil - 6 drops;
  2. eucalyptus oil - 6 drops.

Pour the listed ingredients into a bowl of hot water and steam your feet for 10 minutes. After this procedure, do a contrast douse on your legs.

Foot massage always has a good effect on tired legs. You need to massage the entire foot and each toe separately;

To train your feet, it is very useful to walk barefoot on small stones, pebbles, dew and soft grass.

To improve blood circulation in the foot, experts recommend performing a number of simple exercises every day:

  1. scatter 5-7 pencils on the floor and pick them up with your toes;
  2. While lying on the couch, shake your feet in the air several times a day (the same way you shake your hands). After this, wiggle your toes for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Sitting on a chair, extend your legs in front of you and rotate your feet in one direction and the other as long as you can. Do this exercise several times a day;
  4. put a few peas in your slippers and walk around the room. This is a kind of foot massage;
  5. Place a rolling pin or small round stick on the floor and roll it along the floor with your feet. This is also a kind of massage.

If you have a burning sensation in your feet, then pay the most serious attention to this, since this symptom indicates circulatory failure and can be a sign of such serious diseases as obliterating endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities, diabetes, anemia, and thyroid disease.

In this case, without delaying matters, immediately consult your doctor.

Video on the topic

Pain in the legs: how to get rid of cramps and strengthen the blood vessels of the legs


  1. Video on the topic.
  2. Uzhegov G. N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2012.