Wishes to the music director. Congratulations to the music director of the kindergarten on graduation in verse and prose

Suitable for those whose lives are connected with music; to organize it you need to know the basic biographical data of the hero of the day, and make or order a Grand Piano in advance as a surprise (or make original photo piano and figure out how to play it). Original congratulations with a surprise for the music worker “Melody of Life”- this is the life story of the hero of the occasion with the giving of a significant gift at the end, very touching and beautiful. A musical congratulation will be especially effective if you accompany the story with relevant photographs from different periods of the hero of the day’s life (make slides).

Note: this is just a congratulation template, specific names and biographical facts are omitted - everyone enters their own.

Original "Note" congratulations

It's no secret that any melody is made up of the same seven notes, and, nevertheless, it sounds different every time. This evening is dedicated to the melody of the life of our hero of the day, let’s listen to every note of this melody.

Note DO.

1. The first note, as you know, “C”... (the story of how the parents of the hero of the day met).


Let's remember what the world was like before (name of the hero of the day) was born.

So, the 60s, 20th century, in one of the (names of educational institutions) a girl with an amazing name ... (parents' names) met and fell in love with each other, and where there is love, there is a wedding and the birth of a daughter:

It's (name)'s birthday today
And, even though so many years have flown by, -
It’s impossible to remember without worry
The birth of (name).

For parents she is like the sun,

What warmed a gloomy winter day

Great happiness! Without the bottom...

It made me want to live and sing!

Note RE.

2. (something about the hero of the day’s childhood)


It is not surprising that in this loving family the girl grew up obedient, cheerful and in love with music. We move on to note RE, (Girl's name) is a child.

Olechka, desired, dear,
Cute curls, ringing laughter,
Clever, such a beauty -
Since childhood, she has fascinated everyone.

Sang songs and wrote poems,
She brought only joy and kindness into the world.
“I’ll become a musician,” she assured
To give beauty to melodies...

Note MI .

3. (something from the hero of the day’s youth)


And now it's time to move on to note MI, since a million roads were open to the hardworking and talented girl, but she did not change her childhood dream and entered a music school, and later graduated from the university.

She was the best student at school
Bright and talented in everything
Mommy could be proud of you -
You didn't let her down in anything!

Note FA

4. (about the wedding of the hero of the day)


And now, along with the Mendelssohn march, the wedding Veil bursts into our scales note FA, (date and place of wedding, name of chosen one, etc.)

The wedding is noisy and youthful,

And next to you is someone who is dear to your heart.

Family life is sometimes difficult

But the angel guarded their fate.

Note SALT.

5. (facts family life, birth of children, etc.)


No one, alas, measured how much salt the newlyweds ate together later, maybe a pound, maybe more, but Salt the story is that they are together, and children's voices joined the melody of their lives (children's names). And last year the family melody sounded even brighter: the wedding of a son and the birth of a charming grandson (Name)

And now dad became a great-grandfather.

And my daughter grew up imperceptibly,

A (Name) became a young grandmother.

And the music of life is pleasant and bright!

Note A

6. So what? note A, so versatile, fun and triumphant. They say it’s enough to sing la-la-la correctly and no words are needed in the song. But Zhenya knows how to not only sing A correctly, but also find the right words, otherwise her students would not have brought awards from Russian and international competitions.

Twenty-nine years of experience behind me,

And day after day: work, music and children

But Zhenya does not expect any other fate,

Life is good and the sun is shining!

Note SI

7. (symbolic gift)


And today on our anniversary day we wanted to give (Name) something very significant and symbolic . Note SI means symbol, and we unanimously decided that it would be a piano,

And we made him the way we are (Name) we see, feel and know

(a hand-made piano is ceremoniously brought out)

Grand piano white- as a symbol of sincerity and a bright attitude (Name).

Grand piano with black and white keys, saying that (Name) goes with music in both the light and dark periods of his life.

Grand piano graceful- as a symbol of the grace and subtlety of her nature.

Grand piano with raised openwork lid as a symbol of her constant grace, taste and openness to everything new.

A grand piano on stable and graceful legs- as a symbol of her reliability and constancy despite external fragility and vulnerability.

Finally this one grand piano with surprise- as a symbol of her mystery and inner depth.

And there are exactly 50 of these surprises in this piano - as a symbol of the anniversary date and our endless wishes for all the best! (50 chocolates and sweets were used)

What is music, tell me?
This is medicine for the soul,
A stream enters the heart of music...
Congratulations to all musicians!
Congratulations to all of us musicians -
Composers and orchestra players,
Opera and pop artists -
Congratulations on their wonderful musical holiday!
Receive greetings from congratulators -
All music lovers in the world!

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Music teaches us to live,
And laugh and love,
Forgive everyone, don’t be embittered,
Stay young!
Love everyone and feel sorry for everyone,
Have a good heart!
Congratulations to the musicians,
The most excellent talents!
And we wish you to create,
As if in good fairy tale live,
On this musical day
Congratulations from the fans!

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(Minsk literary and musical association "Galaktika" and literary website "Infinity") have the honor to congratulate all the women of our "yard" on the most working women's holiday! And let men pretend that they worked for three, preparing this day for their halves, they only pretend, and women do the rest

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Congratulations on the national holiday Teacher's Day and all preschool workers.
Dear workers of preschool educational institutions!
In 2004, for the first time, the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers was celebrated throughout the country.
In each municipal formation of the region on September 27, 2004, special events dedicated to the national holiday of all workers of preschool educational institutions.
Today, more than ever, the fate of every child depends on the wisdom, kindness and patience of adults. Educational institutions, and first of all - preschool ones, are based on caring enthusiasts who love children, on individuals obsessed with their profession. With your help children preschool age learn the secrets of the world around them, learn to love and take care of their homeland. Your students will build a new Russia.
In your professional holiday, dear employees preschool institutions Please accept congratulations and sincere wishes for good health, creative success, prosperity, optimism and confidence in the future.
Sincerely, Director of the Department of Education M.V. Koreshkov

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Dear teachers, kindergarten workers and veterans preschool education!
September 27 is a new national holiday “Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers.” I sincerely congratulate everyone on the Day preschool worker!
Preschool Worker Day was established on September 27, 2004 on the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications. The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and on preschool childhood in general.
The preschool education system is the first link of universal education; it has retained its best traditions and is constantly evolving to meet the real needs of the residents of our area. Today preschool education- this is the educational component that is most in demand by the population, and this is a serious reserve for preserving the network of preschool educational institutions and its personnel potential. This is a way to create equal starting conditions for all preschool children.

A teacher is not only a profession whose essence is to provide knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of personality, the affirmation of man in man. Thanks to your kindness and skill, every day of a child in kindergarten turns into a day of joy and happiness. You invest a lot of strength and energy in personal development little man, care about the well-being of each child.
I express my sincere gratitude for your noble work and love for your profession.
Happy holiday everyone! I wish everyone good health, happiness, optimism and success in all good endeavors, and prosperity in the family.
Head of the Batyrevsky district N.I.Glukhov

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Social Worker Day
A great holiday to remember
About those who care every day
About the old, the sick, the helpless.
They are working to the limit
Their work is not easy. After all, everyone is on nerves.
Happy Social Worker's Day
I hasten to congratulate you one of the first!

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Forest Workers Day
Landlords, foresters, rangers!
Plant forests, raise forests!
Let the earthly beauty not become scarce,
Our land is so famous for its forests.
Green patrol - your help in protection.
In the forest they are like in a temple from a young age.
And the forest is a temple of nature and miracles.
Love, keep our forest green.
When the autumn season comes in the forest,
People congratulate forest workers.
Their holiday of profession inspires people,
How help is needed for those who protect the forest.

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Happy Teacher's Day!!!
September 27 is a new national holiday “Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers.”
The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general. On this day, ceremonial events are held, dedicated to the Day workers of preschool educational institutions.
Preschool age is a particularly important and responsible period in a child’s life; at this age, personality is formed and the foundations of health are laid. A prosperous childhood and the future fate of each child depends on the wisdom of the teacher, his patience, and attention to the child’s inner world. With the help of their teachers, preschoolers learn the secrets of the world around them, learn to love and take care of their Motherland.
We congratulate all the workers of preschool institutions on the holiday, who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day! We are confident that your kindness and teaching skills will turn every day for kindergarten students into a day of joy and happiness!

Congratulations for the nanny.
From dawn clear until dark
She is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch?
And will he clean up the dishes?

Of course, we helped
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And do not apply sand.

Our group is no more beautiful.
Clean and bright all around!
Maybe our nanny's
And not two, but ten hands?

Let's thank her now
For care and comfort
And for the fact that this is the time
She dedicated her work to us!

Our teddy bear is sad
And he was always cheerful like this:
We to our nanny - (nanny's name)
Let's wave goodbye.

Toys and books are in order,
And all the mugs were washed clean.
Now girls, boys
They leave: Goodbye toys!

We promise we will
Study only for "FIVE"!
We will not forget kindergarten
And we ask you not to forget!!!

* * *

It's time for us to grow up
We part with the fourth group.
Our garden "........", bye!
We won’t wake up in your cribs.

We'll grow big soon
And sometimes we remember the kindergarten,
A nanny like (nanny's name),
We'll never meet again.

Whose smile is welcoming
Did she always meet us in the morning?!
Whose patient hand
Did you braid the girls' hair?!

Now not for us, other guys
Show me some bright pictures,
You will take them for a walk,
And you will lace your shoes.

And as we leave, we want to say,
We, (nanny's name), love you very much.
Your smile and eyes
We will never forget!!!

You weren't afraid of a lot of work,
You were both kind and patient.
(name of nanny or teacher)! With an open mind
We say to you: “Thank you very much!”

It is so difficult, at times, to teach children -
Sometimes there is a disobedient person, sometimes there is a breaker.
You showed them how to live correctly,
You - with a capital letter V O S P I T A T E L:

(name of nanny or teacher)! Your work will not be appreciated
Patience and care cannot be measured by anything,
We will not tire of thanking you for your work -
We loved and love! And we will love!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -
And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina porridge
So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

Congratulations for the speech therapist.
It's beautiful for us to speak
It will be useful at school!..
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.

Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Speech therapist.
One, two, three, four, five
That's how I can count!

And at the holiday yesterday
The loudest shout was "Ur-ra"!

With "r" we were in a quarrel for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her
And all the time in conversation
Replaced it with "l".

But it sounds funny "I'm out of hair"
And you can’t say “grew up”!

I decided to make peace with "r"
Tried but couldn't
Make strong friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

I'll tell you a secret:
This doctor is a speech therapist!

This doctor teaches children
Speak without mistakes
We owe him for this
Thank you very much!

After all, with the insidious letter "r"
We are very friends now!

patience and creativity,
Perseverance and victory -
Here are the main steps
In the work of a speech therapist.
All Nadi, Vani, Viti
We must speak
And it depends on you -
To be it or not to be it.
My heart aches for everyone.
Everyone wants to help.
More than once the question: “What to do?”
Haunted me all night.
Sometimes you go with bags,
And the tongue is “fungus”,
Or the “horse” clicks,
Or lips “proboscis”.
Suddenly the engine starts to crackle
Several times in a row
And you catch alert
Look at those walking by.
So day after day -
Now down, now up
The tongue flies
Work so hard
Not every one of you could do it.
And... sounds appeared
Suddenly, syllables will appear,
And then the words will come
On the right road.
At the very first meeting
We often hear: "Datte"
And a clear farewell:
“Health and happiness to you!”
And I without false modesty
I'm not ashamed to admit,
That I am by my profession
Really proud!

The child may have problems
with a speech,
Then I can give you a practical
The solution to the issue will be provided
Only a professional speech therapist.
He teaches speech: clean, smooth,
He knows the secret of eloquence:
How to speak clearly and understandably -
Qualified master -
He teaches verbal communication,
Grammar and vocabulary are his subject.
Breathing, phonation, articulation
He will teach you knowledgeably
He is an educator, teacher and psychologist,
He is a philologist and he is a linguist,
He is a teacher, doctor, defectologist,
An actor, a speaker is a speech therapist.
Researcher, methodologist, innovator,
He is a diagnostician, corrector and expert,
Both consultant and observer -
A versatile specialist -
He is thoughtful, serious,
And he can answer any question
He is passionate, searching, active,
He is a creative person -

He will explain, aim, justify,
He will tell and show you tete-a-tete,
Writes down, clarifies, recommends
Attentive, tactful speech therapist.
He works subtly, patiently,
Adding up the result from small ones
Works skillfully and efficiently
Intelligent, delicate
He loves his job selflessly
And there is no better job for him.
He dedicates his aspirations to children,
Speech therapist worthy of respect!
Now you are familiar with the profession
All you have to do is knock
to the office
(In a hospital, school or nursery
With a modest sign “Speech therapist”.

Congratulations to the manager.
Accept our bow to the very ground
For being able to warm your hands
Your children's oasis, create comfort there,
For moms and dads, you are like a second mother,
After all, we are young and sometimes not always,
We have enough experience at our age,
We sometimes went to you for advice.
The children have completed their preschool journey,
And today we want to wish you,
So that your kindergarten managed to survive
In such difficult difficult times,
You have enough patience, this is a burden for you
Carry through the years on women's shoulders!
You can't express all the respect in words,
Thank you for everything, for your warmth and care,
May your work only bring you joy,
Success and happiness to the kindergarten and to you,
Bow to you today from dads and moms!

You, of course, have the hardest work!
We would like to say that the children are going to school today
They will go, instilled in order by you!
With worn-out female hands
They restored order every day!
And sometimes to insure the teacher,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work with joy,
May your work be rewarding!
Let them not call you a teacher,
Let you only be his assistant,
But you had enough worries,
Why can't we appreciate your work?
We will hardly be able to forget you,
I wish you health and happiness in the future,
Blaze at work and burn!

Nowadays no, it’s not easy
Manage the kindergarten.
Every day there are a million questions
All of them need to be solved.
Yes, work here is not honey
Not everyone could do it here.
For this hard work
We will thank you!

And our manager is a beauty
And he handles everything.
And her work is extensive,
And we will thank her very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity to the kindergarten!

The manager has concerns
More important than all other concerns.
How does he come to work?
And so the cycle began:
The nanny in the group got sick,
Need someone to replace
And there will be no energy -
Call Gorenergo.
Select specialists
So that academic year begin.
Invite artists to the kindergarten,
Show the children a fairy tale.
Register new children,
Praise teachers
And, of course, updates
Purchase for kindergarten.
And thank her very much
We all want to say.
Too bad, in elementary school
We will miss you.

To all employees and children
Every day needs care
At the head of our
Very difficult job.
We say thank you to her
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Poems for kindergarten workers.
And when did we have time?
So suddenly we grew up!
At school he is waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
It's a pity we are leaving the garden.
We need to say thank you to everyone.
How many festive balloons -
There will be so many kind words.

Kindergarten is fun and nice!
Well, who is the most important here?
Who is sitting in the office?
Who is in charge of everyone?
I don't sleep at night,
Monitoring the budget
Talking to mothers
Good Manager!

What should the guys do?
How to study and when?
How to go out and have fun?
We don't know, that's the problem!
But there’s a whole list of activities
A methodologist writes to children!

Doors, light bulbs, carpets,
And sand for the kids,
Curtains and toys,
Blankets and pillows,
We brought furniture to the kindergarten
Wonderful caretaker!

Washing, ironing
On an ironed sheet
In quiet times we rest our backs.
On a snow-white pillow
Sleep comes serene.
The laundry has a bathhouse in the garden.
The director there is Aunt Tanya!

It sits in our bellies
Sweet tooth-appetite.
He alternately gurgles and howls.
Who will calm the poor thing down?
Porridge since the morning
Chefs cook for children!

Canteen workers
Who will open the canteen?
Will you set the table for the kids?
Who will pour the soup into the bowls?
will he clean up after us?
Who will give us new supplements?
Only cafeteria workers!
Gena spilled the soup again,
Gosha dropped his porridge.
And the canteen workers
Clean up again!

Who will stroke each baby
Arms, back, belly, legs?
Give a gentle massage
Our favorite massage therapist.

Well, who is stronger here?
All illnesses and colds?
Like Doctor Aibolit
Will it protect us from the flu?
I'm not afraid - I run, I jump
Visit the good doctor!

We're not without a reason at all
We love vitamins very much.
Time for a cocktail, hooray!
The nurse is calling!

For health and figure,
And for leg and arm strength
For physical education lessons
The physical teacher will take the children!

Speech therapist
Oh, what torments there were -
People couldn't hear sounds!
Eternal errors:
Instead of “fish” - “libka”.
"Bowl" instead of "bear"
“Fifka” instead of “bump”!
We'll tell you a secret:
A speech therapist will help everyone!

We didn't know the days of the week
They barely spoke.
The path to knowledge is terribly long.
But the defectologist helped us.

We fantasize, we play,
Putting something together
In a great mood,
In an unusual office.
Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash -
Our psychologist loves everyone.

We couldn't do anything
They even wrote more than once.
You almost turned gray
Always helping us out!

Wiped, washed
Lenochek and Vanechek (Zhenechek and Tanechek),
And we always knew for sure:
We can't live without nannies!

Musical director
Who plays the harmonica
Besides Gena the crocodile?
Piano, tambourine, spoons,
She can even play the flute!

Our farewell holiday
Spend with us
Most musical
Our leader!

Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot to do.
So it is necessary for someone
And he looked after us!

Who will feed you porridge from a spoon,
Who reads us a fairy tale?
Who will put on our boots?
Who knows poems and songs?

Who will reconcile, who will tell
Who is the girlfriend and buddy,
Who will show us tricks?
Well, of course, teacher!
I. Gurina

We sang songs with you
And learned to dance
We want you at graduation
We, thank you, say everything.

We wish that in your
The music of the heart sounded
So that love and kindness
I hit the notes with you.

We wish you goodbye
You have talented children,
So that songs and dances sound
In the light of holiday lights.

Music is in our hearts
Now that sounds fun!
Each of you in these verses
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Let the notes of happiness all the time
They play on your soul!
Let your favorite job
It only brings you joy!

There is no happy childhood without songs and music, and you are the same person who turned every day for our children into a wonderful round dance of cheerful notes and fabulous melodies. Dear music director, we congratulate you on your children’s graduation and wish you to always hit the high notes of success and compose your own melody of happiness and love. We also wish you wonderful ideas for work, sincere joy for the children in the tone of every day and great inspiration for your heart.

The whole kindergarten sings and dances
And shines with joy,
With our wonderful music
There is no other way.

Thank you for the fun
For bouquets of melodies,
In a musical mood
May your whole life pass!

You are a wonderful music director,
And there are no more like them in this world!
You are a very talented teacher,
And any concert is more fun with you!

We are here for your music lessons
We sincerely want to say “thank you”!
Thank you for all the events,
We are grateful for our leisure now!

We wish to receive only pleasure
From this wonderful work!
We wish you a great mood
For long days, months and years!

You are the fairy of music in our garden,
Congratulations on your graduation!
We adore you like a bright star,
We sincerely wish you everything.

May your dreams come true,
Let life be calm and carefree.
You taught us to sing beautifully,
For that we thank you endlessly.

We thank the man who, from childhood, instilled in our children a love of beauty, filled their lives with music and taught them to feel notes with their hearts. May there always be harmony in your life. Let music always sound in your heart. We wish you constant inspiration, so that new ideas continuously appear in your soul to contribute to the development of our children. Happy graduation!

Dear music director, congratulations on your graduation! Thank you for decorating my childhood with joyful melodies, cheerful songs, dances and round dances. Let there be more major chords, positive tones, creative inspiration and personal happiness in your life!

So many good songs
It was sung with you,
How fun it was
And it’s nice for children too!
It will be for a long time, there is a motive in my soul,
Kindergarten of melodies - like an explosion of emotions!
Music to the manager,
This graduation
From every parent
We give a big bow!
May happiness be with you,
Luck and love
And matinees are often
You spend again!

We sang a lot of songs,
The lessons passed with a bang!
We managed to get attached to you,
But now it’s time for us to say goodbye!

We wish you a sea of ​​inspiration,
Only harmonious melodies,
Good, colorful mood
And a lot of great songs!

A comic greeting-congratulation on the beginning of the new school year for music directors


  1. Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si,
    Everyone came to the 6th kindergarten.

We will sing for you. Fine?

  1. This is not the first time we go on stage,
    Again the eyes light up with smiles.
    We were all waiting for the long-awaited meeting -
    Everyone is happy to see musicians.
    We love our meetings very rarely -
    And ready to chat all day long,
    It's very interesting for us to meet
    And no reason to laugh.


We met this summer

At the dacha on "Sands"

We swam in the pool -

Well, one word - “Ah!”

Two granddaughters and two grandchildren

We washed it lightly

Snacks left -

We ate a lot of barbecue. – 2 times

  1. "Blue Car"

The years fly by faster every year,

It's school time again,

Many of us are already over 50,

But he also dances and sings.


Our children grew up, we didn’t even notice

Like second grandchildren, the granddaughters are growing up.

Let it spread like a tablecloth, like a tablecloth

Creative and sometimes our hard work.

After all, we won’t even notice everything during our work,

Like grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters will follow.

  1. “Here’s someone from the hill”

Our whole life is just childhood,

Either Santa Claus or Freken Bok,

Huge experience in our work

And school awaits us again.

Who sits at the top,

His studies are not in danger,

And of course about the criteria

Their heads don't hurt.

And we attend courses,

Now we’ll “seminar”, now we’ll “compete”,

Everywhere we score points,

Oh! Surprising yourself.

  1. And now the school year has arrived again.

Who was rested, or maybe who was tired?

Come on, smile

Because everyone saw each other,

It's great that we all got together.

Smile at all your colleagues,

It’s so good that we’ve gathered,

So smile with us, have fun.

  1. "Old Grandmothers"

We are sad without children, we know about it,
As soon as they smile at us, we immediately come to life.
Without boys and girls, everything is not interesting,
And we sing about this to you in a famous song. – 2 times


Grandmothers, we are grandmothers, but we are not old women,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we can sing ditties!

We are grandmothers twice, but we are not old women,

So be it, we will sing ditties for all of you. -2 times

  1. Ditties:
  • Like the kindergarten teacher,

For children, we are also a mother -

Teachers draw,

Well, we sing and dance.

  • Music managers -

Forever like children

Music managers -
The best in the world!

  • Without music there is no mood,

Life is not sweet without her!
We wish you all inspiration,
We wish you complete happiness!

  • May your life be successful,

How the music is a fun move.
And during the school year, of course,
Good luck, the ocean awaits you!

  • We wish you to be appreciated

Gave a lot of kind words
We want that in the children's world
Your talent felt love!

  • We also wish you new songs,

In all fields - awards!
From music classes -
The best result!

  • Let the work bring you

Positive attitude!
And all the other problems -
Let them bypass!