How many ribs are there in a gorilla's chest? Why are men missing one rib?

For many centuries, people believed that women have more ribs than men. Despite the fact that this myth was refuted by science long ago, it is still alive today. For example, some people who blindly believe the biblical scriptures still believe that men have fewer ribs. When discussing with religious fanatics, even an educated person can feel confused. So, it's worth finding out what the truth is.

On the palm of the hand and the foot joint of the 1st finger there are two small bones called fissures. Bone of the lower limb. Lower limb limbs, compared to upper limb, is very strong and has two pelvic bones and cross bones. They fit together to form a strong bony ring called the pelvis.

The pelvic bone is made up of three separate bones separated by a layer of cartilage childhood. The largest, pointing upward and sideways, is called the hip. The lower and back sides of the body are a sutured bone, below and the anterior pubic bone. The above bones are connected in the region of the deep great hip joint, which serves to connect the femur to the head. The acetabulum is visible at the bottom of the acetabulum. There is a covered hole under the saucepan. Its name comes from the curtain film that is attached to the edge of the opening.

Where it is stated that a woman has more ribs

The story of the first people - Adam and Eve - is described in the Bible, in the Old Testament. After God created the Earth, he decided to populate it with living beings. First he created a man, Adam. Then he thought that it was not good for man to be alone and that Adam needed to create a helper. And then he created a mate for him - a wife. To do this, God borrowed one rib from Adam.

Closed hind legs reduce stem and sciatic nerve below and behind. At the point where the sciatic canal is connected, slightly above the ischial spine. Spinal stenosis separates the sciatic incision smaller than the deep sciatic node, larger than the superior one. The inferior and frontal opening is limited by the superior and lower bones pubic bone. At the junction of each of the pubic bones there is a connecting surface that serves to connect the identical surface of the second pelvic bone.

Organ of movement: joints and ligaments, muscles, skeleton. Passive movement layout - joints, ligaments and bones. For the body - scaffolding, for muscles - back, enlargement, protective function of organs, hematopoietic function, storage function. Flat bones: shoulder, skull bones.

There is an opinion that in the Bible, Adam's rib actually means something else.

Based on this, some believers claim that men have fewer ribs than women. It is worth noting that the Koran describes a similar story about the origin of man, so Muslims often also believe in this fact.

What science says about how many ribs a woman has

You can figure out how many ribs a woman and a man have using a regular anatomy textbook. It clearly states that a person has 24 ribs, that is, 12 pairs. 10 of them close, forming dense rings between the sternum and the spine, and the remaining pairs do not touch each other, and therefore they are called oscillating.

Short bones: sternum bones, carpal bones. Long bone: humerus, femur. The skeleton is divided into the axial skeleton: cranium, cranium, rib, rib cage and limb skeleton. The skeleton is created by tissue: bone and cartilage tissue. The intestinal perianal membrane covers the surface of the bone, excluding the joints. Read more Biology Dictionary is a fibrous membrane that protects the outer surface of bone; heavily veined and unvaccinated.

Bone cells - present in the periosteum; They begin to produce bone tissue during bone growth or after a bone fracture. Superior base - It is constructed, like the lower base, of cancellous bone, consisting of bone edges of varying thickness. The spatial arrangement of these bone rays provides maximum rigidity and resistance to deformation forces. There are spaces between the rods that are a continuation of the bone marrow cavity.

Ribs are arched, flat bones that form the rib cage, which protects vital human organs such as the lungs and heart.

The misconception that representatives of different sexes have differences in the number of ribs was refuted in the 16th century by the brilliant surgeon and anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), who is considered the founder of modern anatomy. After performing several autopsies on the bodies of men and women, he announced that both had 12 pairs.

Such ideas, revolutionary for that time, caused great indignation among the clergy. The scientist was severely punished: he was imprisoned and then tried. Vesalius was saved from the inquisitorial fire by the intervention of the king himself.

Stem - it is made of hard bone tissue. This is a compact substance and can be seen under a microscope. The marrow is the space inside the trunk filled with bone marrow. Red bone marrow is hematopoietic tissue. A tissue group of cells of similar structure, of common origin, performing the same specific functions in the body. Tissues are the building blocks of organs or organs. Read more Biological dictionary of blood cells. The bone consists of ossein, mineral salt, cartilaginous forest.

Vitamin deficiency in children is a disorder in bone formation, and in adults, due to decalcification, the bones become soft and distorted. Read more Biological Dictionary - caused by vitamin deficiency Vitamins Organic compounds of various chemical structure.

Exceptions to the Rule: Adam's Rib Syndrome

Availability 12 pairs of ribs is considered the norm for all people. However, exceptions to the rules are possible. Sometimes a person may have several more ribs than it should be. However, this does not depend on a particular gender. However, according to statistics, the presence of the thirteenth rib is more often observed in women than in men.

The body cannot produce them on its own and is taken with food in active form or in the form of a provitamin. Gaps are divided into closed and open. Closed - when the bone does not break the continuity of the skin. Open - When a bone breaks the skin, it can become infected.

Osseous tissue is tissue formed from the periosteum during the healing process of a fracture. The circle is made up of an arch, a stem, and vertebrae. Intervertebral discs - consist of cartilage, located between the vertebrae of adjacent vertebrae. It acts as a shock absorber in case of spinal injuries and allows for straightening, bending, rotation and lateral movements.

A similar phenomenon in medicine is called “Adam’s rib syndrome.” The fact is that a newborn child has a set cartilage tissue, which grows together over time, hardens and forms a skeleton, like that of an adult. However, all processes in the body of different people are individual. Therefore, it happens that there are 1-2 extra ribs left, and it’s not very easy to live with them. Extra shoots often interfere and put pressure on internal organs, causing malfunction of some of them and numbness of the tissues of the hands.

The skull is a skeletal scaffold of the head. The skull is the back and upper part skulls Sutures - without skull bones are not yet connected. Bones: frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, sphenoid bone, occipital bone. The left and right parietal bones form the vault and lateral walls of the skull.

Frontal bone - forms the front part of the storage. Occipital bone - limits the back and skull from below. In the middle of its fragment there is a foramen magnum, through which the expanded nucleus passes. Left and right temporal bones form the supporting and lateral walls of the skull.

For people with this syndrome, doctors recommend surgery to remove extra ribs to eliminate negative consequences from troublesome bones. And only with 12 pairs of ribs, a person, regardless of his gender, can feel healthy.

Several hundred years ago, when medicine was in its infancy, the exact answer to the question of how many ribs does a person have, baffled the most advanced doctors. They could say one thing with confidence - men should have one less rib than women. After all, the Bible says that God created a woman for Adam from his rib, which means that men have been missing one rib ever since. The answer to the question of how many pairs of ribs a person has was found only in 16th century. That's why How many ribs does a person have?
The rib is an arched bone that runs from the spine to the chest and forms the rib cage. The chest, in turn, protects against damage soft fabrics, vital human organs: heart, lungs, liver and others.
The human skeleton has 12 pairs of ribs. Each rib (costa) has the appearance of a long, flat, arched plate, consisting of the costal bone and the short anterior part of the costal cartilage.
Seven pairs of upper ribs(I-VII), which are connected to the sternum by costal cartilages, are called real ribs. Lower 5 pairs of ribs(YIII-XII) are called false ribs.
Moreover VIII, IX, X pairs of ribs are connected not with sternum, A with cartilage above the placed rib.
The XI and XII ribs have short costal cartilages, end in the thickness of the muscles of the abdominal wall. These ribs differ from others in greater mobility, so they are also called oscillating ribs.
The posterior end of each costal bone ends with the head of the rib, on which there is an articular surface of the rib head. The heads of the thoracic vertebrae articulate with the costal fossae on the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae.
On the heads of the II-X ribs, which connect to the upper and lower costal fossae of two adjacent thoracic vertebrae, is located crest of the rib head. This ridge divides the articular surface of the head into two parts. A ligament begins from it and attaches the head of the rib to the corresponding intervertebral disc.
The heads of the I, XI and XII ribs do not have a crest, because they articulate only with a complete fossa on the body of the vertebra of the same name. The head of the rib passes into the narrow part - rib neck, on which there is a ridge of the neck of the rib. Located on the border of the neck and body of the rib rib tubercle. On the hill of the top ten ribs is articular surface of the tubercle of the rib for articulation with the costal fossa of the transverse process of the corresponding vertebra.
The longest and widest part of the rib bone is called body of the rib, which is somewhat twisted around its own longitudinal axis and sharply curved forward at the tubercle. This place is called rib angle. The body of the ribs is flat, has an outer and inner surface, an upper rounded edge and a lower sharp edge. The inner surface of the rib is smooth; a rib groove runs along the lower edge of the body, in which the intercostal vessels and nerves lie. The anterior thickened part of the rib body has a fossa at the end for connection with the costal cartilage.
But some people have a different number of pairs of ribs. This is how children are born, in which it happens 11 pairs of ribs, and some even 13 pairs

Clinical bone - present at the base of the skull. Red blood cells: yoke bone, palatine bone, jaw bone, nasal bone, mandible. Bone pegs - form scaffoldings of bone on the cheek. The Palatine is the bone scaffold of the sky. Jawbones. They have 16 holes, which are where the teeth are placed.

The mandible is the part of the skull that is the only moving part; Its main function is to participate in chewing processes and has 16 holes. Nasal nostrils - nasal ridge. Spine - built from vertebrae. These are: axle and main body; shield for the spinal cord, organ of movement.