Patchwork: diagrams, templates and patterns. Patchwork kits

Admiration for patchwork and quilting has long excited the minds of needlewomen, but not everyone decides to take such a serious step, because this type of fabric art is quite labor-intensive, requiring patience and perseverance, as well as a good sense of color and shape. Several schemes are described in this article.

This unusual word refers to a type of needlework based on sewing small (or not so small) pieces of fabric in a special way, during which a pattern is formed from these pieces, selected according to texture, color and shape. Loosely translated, patchwork is sewing, an entire art that combines the skills of sewing, design, geometry and drawing. During the sewing process, experienced craftsmen combine the pieces into various geometric patterns, patchwork patterns, forming a complex pattern structure. Products of various sizes are created: from small wallets to carpets and padding polyester blankets.

How to choose fabric?

You can use any fabric for patchwork, but for beginners it is better to use chintz, teak, and cotton: they practically do not deform and hold their shape well when sewing and washing. Also, the color schemes of these fabrics are extremely diverse, so choosing the necessary colors will not be difficult even for an inexperienced student.

If you plan to sew a blanket in a patchwork style, you can use old trousers, jeans, warm shirts and other unnecessary things to assemble fabric pieces. This is one of the features of patchwork - it gives a second life to old things, turning them into stunning handmade works.

If old things are not enough, then for dense large items you can use drape or gabardine, wool or velor, corduroy and other fabrics that suit your taste.

Patchwork for beginners

The “quick square” pattern is considered the simplest and most understandable for craftswomen taking their first steps in patchwork: the fabric is cut into squares of the same size, sewn into strips along the width of the product, which in turn are sewn along their length, forming a canvas. The originality of this scheme lies in the color scheme: the fabric for the patchwork is chosen to be bright, with various small patterns. Children's patchwork blankets sewn step by step using this pattern look very impressive.

The pattern pattern in the “Chess” patchwork is also quite simple, moreover, it uses only two shades: for example, red flowers on a yellow background and yellow flowers on red. From squares of the same size, a kind of chessboard is formed, that is, pieces of fabric alternately replace each other with a sideways shift of one square in the next row.

Stack-n-Whack technique for beginners

Schemes of templates and patterns in patchwork have several levels of complexity, but you should start with the simplest ones in order to get the hang of it and understand the principle of connecting parts. "Stack-and-vac" is considered not trivial, but quite simple template in patchwork. The pattern consists of five parts, which together look like part of a children's kaleidoscope. The blocks are cut out quite simply: the selected multi-colored fabric is divided according to the color scheme into several piles: 4-5 will be enough. Each section should have the same number of segments similar in color: four or five. Next, all the stacks are cut into identical squares, for example, with a side length of 45 cm, and each of them is cut according to a template.

    Then the pieces of the kaleidoscope are sorted so that in each department there are different colors for each part of one template; it is important not to confuse the colors so that the finished product has a harmonious color scheme.

    Simple patterns for connecting pieces of fabric for beginners

    The patchwork patterns described below are the most common, due to their simplicity, accessibility and uncomplicated geometry of the pattern, because in every art (even such an unusual one) there must be harmony of form, color and style:

  • “Hut” or “log hut”, “block house” - this is the name of the method of connecting strips of fabric in the form of a log house or in a spiral around a central square or rectangle, sometimes with an emphasis in one direction (corner)
  • “Watercolor”: in this patchwork pattern there is nothing special, the main idea is in color: stripes or squares are created from smaller parts of the same shape and then grouped according to color, building a specific pattern
  • “Strips in a row”: the name speaks for itself - a canvas and a specific pattern are formed from strips of various lengths and widths.
  • "Magic Triangle" - This pattern is considered one of the most popular among both beginners and experienced quilters, as it has a unique shape that can easily be combined into more complex patterns by mixing and matching different colors. Quite a lot of complex patterns, patterns and patterns in patchwork are built on the basis of a triangle.

On the basis of such simple schemes, you can build quite complex compositions that you should learn how to use in products different sizes and assignments to gain confidence in connecting pieces of fabric of different sizes and shapes to obtain the desired patchwork pattern. Ideas for practicing skills:

    pillowcase for baby pillow;

    blanket or blanket for picnics;

    oven mitts for the kitchen;

    shopping bag;

"Quick Square"

This scheme is ideal if you are short on time, but want to create something unique and unusual. Sometimes it is called the “Russian square”. It is cut out of three stripes, and two of them (each) are half the width of the third.

Two narrow strips are sewn along the entire length into one wide one, fold the resulting part with a third wide strip and stitch on both sides: you get a fabric “tunnel”.

Iron the seams and use a square-ruler to divide into triangle segments, cutting the workpiece at an angle of 45 degrees in two directions. As a result, you will get rhombuses (squares) of two types: the bottom triangle will always be the same color, and the top will be divided into two sectors: a small triangle and a trapezoid, which will replace each other in color. From these blanks you can create quite a few different patterns, combining them in different ways:

A blanket made of “quick” squares in a “patchwork” style is a warm and soft home decoration. Read here how to make it yourself. Schemes, patterns and step by step instructions for beginner needlewomen.


Grandma's colorful blanket, patchwork rugs and bedding, bright pillows and potholders with multi-colored appliqué have been familiar to us since childhood. Such cute little things always filled the house with warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, only grandmothers remember the technique used to make those cozy and cute blankets. And every girl and woman should get acquainted and make friends with patchwork in order to be able to fill her hearth with something dear and close.

Fabric for making a patchwork blanket

Patchwork is patchwork sewing from fabric of various household and decorative items - beds, blankets, bags, clothes, tablecloths, kitchen utensils, etc. The technique, known for thousands of years, is popular all over the world. Skilled craftswomen create all sorts of outlandish works of art using the patchwork method. And novice needlewomen are recommended to start with wide blankets from “ fast squares" Such products are practical and aesthetic, and are also optimally suited for mastering such a delicate science.

Today, patchwork is considered one of the most popular patchwork techniques. It consists of stitching together various pieces of fabric according to the mosaic principle. In the hands of experienced needlewomen, bright pieces of material are transformed into luxurious products that surprise and delight. But not all fabrics are equally good for patchwork patchwork.

To select the appropriate material to create patchwork quilt, you can follow the traditions of our grandmothers: simply save all the scraps and leftovers from sewing clothes or bed linen. From such different-sized scraps you will certainly get a motley blanket. Or you can do it much simpler - purchase a set of fabrics for patchwork in any specialized store. Since the most difficult process in the patchwork technique is working with the material, the fabric must certainly not only be beautiful in appearance, but also of sufficient quality.

The ideal material for patchwork is cotton fabrics, because they meet all the important requirements:
  • Do not wrinkle;
  • Don't rush;
  • Do not shrink;
  • They don't shed;
  • Easy to cut.
Linen, silk, viscose and wool are used a little less often in patchwork, since such materials are more capricious and always require special care in work. Craftswomen with experience begin to use complex fabrics; for beginners, there is nothing better than cotton!

Sewing material stores offer customers a huge selection of cotton fabrics of different colors and densities. But, unfortunately, they are not always suitable for patchwork. Some options fray too much when cut, others are hard to iron or sag after washing. It is, however, recommended to buy special fabrics for patchwork that have undergone special pre-treatment. This material is very easy for beginners to work with.

Popular types and patterns of patchwork

The patchwork style is a wide field for ideas and experiments, which has no boundaries in combinations of shapes, colors, and types of material. Here, any creative idea of ​​the author can be brought to life. Fancy patterns, applications with animals and flowers, geometric mosaics and other equally interesting options can easily be folded into a warm bedspread or comfortable blanket.

Of course, you can create a diagram for a product with your own hands, armed with imagination and a sharp pencil. Or you can use ready-made ones, of which there are hundreds of thousands, depending on the types of patchwork.

Let's look at the most popular types of patchwork:

  1. Classic English. In this version of patchwork, all parts of the same shape and size are used, usually in two primary colors. Patterns for English patchwork are very primitive. For example, squares of two shades arranged in a checkerboard pattern, or symmetrically stitched triangles.
  2. Eastern patchwork. The manufacturing principle is similar to the classic one, but differs in the use of various decorative elements - ribbons, beads, zippers, etc. Most patterns for oriental patchwork products allow greater freedom in the shapes and sizes of parts. For example, these can be arched and wavy patches, connected and decorated with satin ribbons.
  3. Crazy patchwork. The most “free” look. Characterized by its aesthetics and attractiveness. As a rule, the shape, color and size of parts are not limited by anything other than the pattern used. And the designs can be incredibly diverse: images of nature or flowers, floral or geometric patterns, complete abstraction.

Making a patchwork blanket step by step

Of course, the abundance of various complex patterns and variations of products using the patchwork technique surprises even those craftswomen who have devoted decades to this type of art. And for beginners, there are more primitive, but no less beautiful and functional options. For example, a blanket of “quick” squares. It’s better to start from there.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to decide color scheme and the size of the future product. Although for the first time any available pieces of various shades will be suitable. Prepare a piece of fabric in advance for wrong side blankets corresponding to its future dimensions, and the same piece of padding polyester. Don't forget about the fabric for the edging. It is better to buy it with a reserve. In our case, to make a blanket from squares you will need chintz of three colors, scissors, a ruler, pins, chalk, a template and a sewing machine.

It is recommended to pre-soak chintz fabric in hot water, then rinse with cold water, starch and iron. A tablespoon of starch is diluted in a glass cold water. Then the mixture is poured into 2 liters of hot water and stirred thoroughly. The chintz is rinsed in a slightly cooled solution, ironed while still wet and dried.

After preparing the material and collecting all the necessary tools, you can begin preparing those very “quick” squares that will make up the blanket.

Preparing “quick” squares for a blanket

The production of the elements we need begins with the preparation of the strips. From two pieces of fabric of different colors, cut two strips of the same width. Then, placing them face to face, stitch along one edge. At the next stage, cut a wide strip from the third piece of chintz, corresponding to the size of the previous two together. Sew the resulting third strip to the first two on both sides, first folding them face to face, just like the first time. As a result, you will end up with something like a sleeve turned inside out.

At the next stage, cut the resulting sleeve with an even zigzag into isosceles triangles. To do this, use a square, triangle or triangular ruler template. As a result, from one long “sleeve” you will get several double triangles, and, accordingly, squares in the spread.

Assembling squares using patchwork technology

To create a product in the patchwork style, a wide variety of patterns and styles are used. The squares you have can be folded into zigzags, scales, triangles or diamonds. The choice of style depends only on the taste of the craftswoman. It is not recommended to rush in such a matter. It is better to fold the parts in several in different ways, among which it will be easier to determine the most successful one.

The assembly of “quick” squares is carried out as follows: first, the parts are sewn together into longitudinal strips, only then the strips are sewn together. The main thing is not to forget to iron the finished seams. Essentially, the front side of the quilt is complete at this stage.

Making a blanket from “quick” squares

You can use any fabric, preferably natural, as the back side of the blanket. Batiste or chintz will do the job best. To quickly assemble a blanket, place the prepared fabric for the wrong side face down, then spread a layer of padding polyester and place a piece of squares on top, face up. Using a sewing machine, stitch around the perimeter of the future product. The border can be the edges of the picture or the edges of the squares.

Before the process is completely completed, all that remains is to make the edging of the luxurious blanket. To do this, you need to cut a strip of suitable fabric 8 cm wide and slightly longer than the side of the product. Apply the resulting strip to the front edge of the blanket, aligning the edges. Use a sewing machine to stitch the strip to the blanket, then fold it over to the wrong side, turn it under, and stitch again to the right side. Finish the remaining edges of the blanket in this way.

At this point, making a blanket from “quick” squares is considered complete. For the first time, such a product is considered optimal in terms of complexity. But even if the result is not entirely ideal, you should not be upset. The second try will certainly turn out better!

Nowadays, patchwork creations have become more popular than ever. In between the noisy bustle and tiring workdays, you really want to touch something warm and cozy. Even those women who have never thought about needlework before begin to confidently master patchwork. Decorative sofa cushions, aprons, hot stands, colorful panels, curtains for a country house, ultra-modern bags and many other things can be created by experienced craftswomen.

Beginning needlewomen should pay attention to a few useful tips:

  • Before use new fabric, it must be washed, ironed and only then cut. This will prevent accidental shrinkage, loss of color, or other problems.
  • The color of the thread used should match the color of the shred or differ by a couple of tones.
  • For drawing, use a pencil or soap. It is prohibited to use a pen.
  • Cutting is done along the shared thread. In this case, the part will not warp.
  • When cutting, leave a 1 cm indent on all sides. If the fabric is loose - 1.5 cm.
  • Ideal templates are made of plastic.
  • Without a ruler, patchwork is impossible.
  • The resulting fragment must be ironed after each line.

Patterns for making a blanket using the patchwork technique

Depending on the chosen patchwork technique, the needlewoman may need one or another pattern pattern:
  1. Square technique. It involves creating a product from square patches or square blocks of different colors. In this case, a pattern in the form of a regular square or a pattern of strips from which a square block will be made will be useful.
  2. Strip technique. This is parallel or circular stitching of strips of different colors and lengths. To create a product using this technique, you will need to cut out different strips.
  3. Triangle technique. Much like squares. Most often, patterns of isosceles triangles, identical in size, but different in color, are used for it. Parts can be sewn along a short edge to form a strip, 4 pieces to form a square or in the shape of a star.
  4. Honeycomb technique. It got its name thanks to the end result. Upon completion of the work, the design of the product will resemble the pattern of a honeycomb. For production, patterns of symmetrical hexagons are used.
  5. Lapachiha technique. It is considered the most interesting and at the same time difficult. Pieces of fabric with raw edges are attached to the canvas, thereby forming a three-dimensional drawing of a certain pattern or a chaotic image of a three-dimensional abstraction. If a specific pattern is chosen for the product (bird, animal, flower, etc.), patterns for each part will be needed. If you plan to randomly sew on different patches, you can do without patterns altogether.
How to make a patchwork blanket - watch the video:

Products made using the patchwork technique are not only beautiful and cozy home decorations, but also positive emotions from the process of their manufacture. Agree, several pieces of fabric, sewing machine and imagination combined can work wonders.

Quilt masters know how to create a large, complete blanket from small pieces. Patchwork is another name for this art, which develops accuracy, cultivates patience and enriches emotions. The painstaking combination of different fabrics into a whole pattern, they say, originated from poverty, but today it has already been elevated to the rank of art and creative hobby.

Where to start with patchwork?

The easiest and safest way to get started patchwork technique– master – sewing from old things –. Old men's shirts, jeans and dresses - everything can be useful for your first experiments. Ideally, fabrics should be ironed and steamed well, not stretch and not require additional processing of seams. This means that all cotton fabrics fit this description.

An iron is an indispensable tool for patchwork sewing. All elements need to be smoothed not only before work, but also after each machine stitch. And not just use the iron, but steam it at high temperature.

For one product you need to select fabrics of the same thickness and density. Take another one life hack from professionals: fabric blanks need to be wetted and starched, and then ironed.

To begin with decide on the size of the future product. Estimate the size of the squares and start selecting materials. Such simple circuit requires colorful, bright fabrics, otherwise the design will turn out boring. Draw a square on cardboard and make the required number of the same fabric blanks with seam allowances. If you are using more than two colors, first lay out the fabric squares on a large surface. This way you will avoid annoying mistakes that can ruin the whole picture.

If you are planning to sew a bright blanket, you you will need padding polyester and fabric for the wrong side and facings.

Operating procedure:

  • sew the required number of squares into a strip along the width of the product;
  • for the next strip, change the arrangement of colors in a checkerboard pattern;
  • when all the squares are sewn together, you will get several identical strips;

  • Carefully iron all stripes, smoothing the purl seams in different directions;

  • Now sew the strips together until they form a fabric of the desired size.

Now you can make a blanket from the canvas:

Such, it would seem, a simple technique will help you create more than just a simple blanket. The most prestigious fashion houses create bags using the patchwork technique. If you are interested in this idea, find out how to sew a bag with your own hands.

Any master class on patchwork sewing for beginners begins with a photo of the finished product and an explanation of the main principle of this sewing technique. And the main principle is: accuracy and attention to detail. And if the squares still have a chance to correct the situation as work progresses, then already at the stage of creating the mill, all the flaws will immediately come out.

The “mill” pattern is created on the basis of the same squares, but some will be cut and sewn on the diagonal. For practice, you can create a small fragment of the drawing.

You will need:

  • fabric of several colors;
  • diagram of the future ornament;

Operating procedure:

  • cut out squares of the desired size from the fabric, but remember to allow seam allowances for parts that will be cut into triangles;

  • cut some squares diagonally into triangles to create the correct pattern;

  • lay out the resulting fragments on the table and make sure that they coincide with the drawn diagram;

  • start stitching from triangles, in the end you will get all the same squares, but from different shades fabrics;

Using the patchwork technique, you can make useful things for your baby. Find out how to sew bumpers into a crib with your own hands.

Patchwork according to the rose pattern

The rose scheme is used not only for floral motifs. This is the general name for a design that resembles a flower in outline. You will need to work hard on individual fragments, but in the end you will get beautiful thing and appreciation of your skill.

You will need:

Operating procedure:

You can sew other products on the basis of patchwork squares. Find out for yourself and please your loved ones with your skills.

Appliques for patchwork sewing

Patchwork will help not only decorate your home, but also bring joy to your children. funny applications. Ready-made blankets, pillows and napkins can be decorated with images of animals, cars or cartoon characters. This is where all the small scraps, including knitted ones, come into play.

- a handicraft that is gaining amazing popularity, based on creating a holistic composition from multi-colored scraps of fabric. They are connected to each other by hand sewing or by machine, forming designs, patterns or colorful designs that decorate various household items. This is a difficult process that requires diligence and taste. But the result is worth it!

Where can patchwork design and hand sewing be used in the manufacture of home textiles?

Needlewomen, craftsmen from the hand-made category and simply zealous housewives who are not used to throwing away trimmings, scraps and other “waste” after sewing will find somewhere to use them.

Reasonable thrift and the ability to use patchwork and other techniques for hand-decorating home textiles will help you build your own business.

Some people make bedspreads from colored and variegated scraps, sew children's blankets, while others are closer to creating original textile bags and creative panels.

Handicrafts and a creative approach to stylizing home textiles will help you create original items for a comfortable home.

Pattern bed headboard

This is practical, profitable, and will allow you to produce original gifts for your friends, family and friends.

Children's soft toy from scraps

Patchwork is very beneficial for developing your own business.

In this direction:

  • master all the subtleties and techniques of manual decoration, while simultaneously doing your main job;
  • set up a workshop by selecting a corner in your apartment or private house;
  • start searching for potential clients via the Internet.
Cozy textiles using patchwork technique
Extravagant accessories for girls using patchwork technique

Patchwork pillows

By combining a creative approach, creativity and business to organize their own business, any woman or girl will be able to become financially independent. Here it is important to competently prepare a business plan for patchwork needlework, calculate how profitable it is, and also consider your activities for the future. Start a business without starting capital and create your brand.

Patchwork is an ideal way of self-realization

Patchwork decor in the interior looks very organic not only in an ethno style, but also in a romantic one, where the owners of the home want to create a special atmosphere of comfort and a friendly atmosphere.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with original ideas for practicing patchwork, which you can involve your children and relatives in.

Patchwork is a chance for business development

Having learned to build harmonious relationships with your potential and actual clients, it will not be difficult to promote your business, over time, from a corner for handicrafts, to create a workshop and even an atelier.

Patchwork as a business has a number of advantages

To do this, you will not have to allocate amounts that will be spent monthly on:

  1. Direct costs (with purchase price).
  2. Taxes and wages.
  3. Fixed costs per month (room rental).
  4. Unjustified payments and expenses.
  5. Investment costs (to purchase the necessary funds).

Starter set for patchwork

Having scraps, threads and needles available, you can build the basis for a profitable business with your own hands. Thoughtful strategies and the proposed action plan in the table will help with this.

Features of textile crafts: it is proposed to make everything with your own hands to stylize the interior

It is necessary to choose the simplest technique, then patchwork for beginners will not seem as complicated as it is used in the manufacture of quilted products - potholders, blankets and bedspreads.

Products made from patches most often feature repeating prints. These can be shaped blocks or individual simple elements (stripes, squares, triangles, polygonal shapes from the mosaic category). Repeating prints are made up of specific parts that are pre-cut.

Particular precision of dimensions is observed so as not to disturb the harmony of the created motif. When cutting out the components (flaps), this procedure will take more time compared to the subsequent operations - assembly and sewing.

Therefore, before you begin assembling the ornament: it is necessary to accurately cut; For each block, strictly adhere to the parameters; Carefully and manually control the dimensional accuracy (up to 1 mm) in order to avoid distortion in the assembled fabric.


Quick work in cutting “by eye” is not appropriate!

Thoughtfulness and haste will only lead to the fact that individual fragments and blocks cannot be combined, and the fabric will only be cut in vain.

Why do you need patterns in patchwork?

If you are starting to use the patchwork technique and need to create colored or textured blocks, then for this you will need to prepare a special template that will help you cut out small details faster. It is from small elements with certain sizes and configurations that blocks are formed.

Patchwork template - an indispensable assistant

The template is prepared for the part taking into account seam allowances. If you have not purchased a special ruler for patchwork, then you will have to use a template, and the seam allowance is usually set to one size from 5 to 7 mm. The template for working with patterns is conveniently made of cardboard or plastic.

In the West, specially made templates are sold to professional quilters, whose craft includes not only simple patchwork and patchwork, but also quilting. To develop your own business or hobby, use quilting.

Incredibly beautiful quilting

This technique combines patchwork with appliqué and embroidery. It is recommended to use it when styling decorative interior elements - panels, appliqués, ribbon embroidery.

Quilting or patchwork - for making home textiles and styling interior items

Representing a patchwork mosaic of textiles, quilling and patchwork techniques differ significantly from each other. By stitching through two pieces of textile to create a quilted base, the quilting technique has wadding or batting in the middle of the sewing. To do this, you will need a sewing machine and, unlike patchwork, quilting allows you to form original quilted and three-dimensional patterns on textiles.

Without sewing machine quilting is indispensable

It looks very impressive, and based on this technique, it is proposed to make: blankets, pillows, holiday lunch mats, textile bags, blocks for storing things or children's toys, household containers for storing items from the wardrobe or accessories.

Upgrading old and worn denim items is ideal for these two techniques. In the house there are a dozen out-of-fashion models of jeans, jackets, skirts, and sundresses. Sometimes it’s a pity to throw it away and you don’t know where to use your old jeans? But this is ideal for sewing fashionable things in the boho style.

Exquisite bohemian style in combination with a free hippie, will help:

  • cut out beautifully decorated vests and skirts;
  • create, using quilting and crazy techniques, spectacular textile handbags with patterned stitching;
  • as an additional decor, in combination with a denim base, use fur, lace, embroidery, which are appropriate in ethnic or country style.

If it is in an interior characterized by geometric prints, ethnic patterns, a variety of colors, spectacular ornaments, modern materials, then use patchwork upholstery for soft armchairs, styling ottomans and couches. Patchwork for home

Patchwork pillow