Drawings on nails at home with a needle scheme. Simple and stylish manicure with a needle

Many people are surprised to learn that you can create some great nail designs with just a regular needle. Although toothpicks, brushes and dots are used more often in nail art, needles can still be used to create the smallest details. A needle is the best tool for sketching or painting portraits on your nails. Isn't it amazing?

For nail art with a needle, you will need

- 2 or 3 nail polishes (any colors of your choice)
- needle
- base coat (to prevent yellowing of the nail)
– top layer (finish to protect the design)

Step 1. Apply base coat to the surface of the nail.
The use of a base layer prevents the appearance of yellow spots and the loss of the natural color of the nails. It will also strengthen the nails.

Step 2. Cover your nails with the first coat of varnish.
Once the base coat is dry, apply the first coat of your chosen enamel over the entire nail.

Step 3 Apply a second, thicker coat of the same polish.

Step 4. Use a thin or gypsy needle (choose a needle depending on the required thickness of the lines in the pattern) to create a marbling effect or to draw a beautiful pattern.

Now, be quick before the top coat dries. Make a few drops on the nail with the desired colors of polish, and move the needle on the surface in an "8" shape, in the form of horizontal or vertical lines. Drawing schemes for creating drawings with a needle on nails are attached to the lesson.

Step 5. Wait for the nail art to dry completely and apply a finishing, protective layer.


When working with needles, please make sure that the nail polish is not too thick, that the layer is not too thick, otherwise the needle will not work, as it will not be able to easily slide along the polish.

Working with a needle requires a lot of practice because it is not easy to work with due to its diminutive size and because it has a very sharp point.

The needle can be replaced with a thin brush for nail art.

Along with patience and practice, some precision is needed to get the desired result, and if successful, decorated nails will put you in a good mood and become a real highlight of the image.

However, in the fast paced life we ​​lead, too much time and effort can be spent on nail art, so it's worth turning your attention to gel polishes. Gel polish is a great solution, a needle drawing made with UV polish will lastnot 2-3 days, but 2-3 weeks. It will delight you and those around you with its brightness and glossy shine.

And more nail design ideas for wet polish. Free hand examples: butterfly, flowers, butterfly side view, fantasy patterns, decoration of the free edge of the nail.

Beautiful manicure- this is an important factor that men pay attention to. Beautiful and well-groomed nails perfectly characterize a woman and her desire (ability) to take care of herself. Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but even those who have never done this can do their own manicure and draw an unpretentious picture.

Where to start - the necessary materials and tools

Any pattern on the nails will not look well-groomed and ugly if they are sloppy or broken, and the cuticle will be with sloppy barbs. Therefore, the first thing any nail art craftswoman needs to start with is to do a beautiful and high-quality manicure. As soon as the nails are put in order, you can start drawing.

Today, nail art includes the use of all kinds of improvised means with which you can make beautiful and high-quality drawings, such as toothpicks, tape or needles.

But as decorating materials, you can use everything from special stickers to feathers and rhinestones.

The list of materials and tools that will be needed in the process is as follows:

  • wooden sticks with different tips;
  • scotch;
  • special thin brushes;
  • needle;
  • special powder with sparkles;
  • nail stickers;
  • foil and glue;
  • pebbles;
  • rhinestones or small beads;
  • threads of different thickness;
  • various colors of varnishes;
  • acrylic paints;
  • toothpick;
  • dots;
  • sponge

The selection of materials and tools is easier to do when there are already plans and an accurate diagram of the drawings. Well, when the last preparations are completed, you can be patient and start.

Easy toothpick nail art for beginners

Many begin to comprehend the art of nail art with a very small set of tools. Simple drawings can be made with just a toothpick and multi-colored varnishes.

Valentine's day drawing

This simple drawing is done quickly and easily. And you can draw it both for the holiday of all lovers, and on weekdays. It looks very neat and beautiful on nails of any length.

You will need a toothpick and two varnishes of different colors.

  1. Cover the nails with the main color, it is advisable to use a dark solid color;
  2. Pour red or pink varnish (a small amount) onto a piece of paper;
  3. Put two dots with a toothpick;
  4. Draw neat strips down from each of them so that they connect and a heart comes out;
  5. Dry and cover with a colorless varnish on top.

Schemes for drawings with a toothpick

With the help of these schemes, you can perform any pattern with a regular toothpick. It is necessary to use from 2 different colors of nail polish. It is enough to cover the nail plate with one color, put points in another and use a toothpick to lead from one point to another following the diagrams in the figure.

The simplest drawings with a needle on nails for beginners

A needle is best for creating neater drawings, drawing fine lines and drawing fine details.

This detailed diagram flower drawing. You can draw it at any length, and changing colors each time create a new picture.

You will need a needle, red and white colors, flesh-colored varnish or a base.

  1. Cover the nail plates with flesh-colored varnish or use a special transparent base;
  2. Put down six dots in a circle with red varnish on the tip of the plate. Do not make them very liquid so that they do not flow;
  3. For convenience, you can pre-pour varnish on paper or a plastic cap;
  4. With a needle, gently draw a strip in the middle of each point from the center to the middle;
  5. Let dry;
  6. Put down 6 white dots in the middle of the nail;
  7. Repeat drawing;
  8. With a needle, carefully put a few dots of red varnish from the flowers in a line;
  9. The location of the flowers can be chosen at will.

A simple pattern draws attention because of the contrasting colors and interesting concept.

You will need red and white varnishes, a needle.

  1. Gently apply red polish in two layers on each nail;
  2. With a brush from white varnish, put bold dots in the place where the butterflies will be located;
  3. With a needle, first bring out the large upper wings, and then the small ones. Draw a small tail and antennae;
  4. If there is not enough white varnish for the whole butterfly, carefully take a small amount from the brush with a needle and continue the drawing.

Drawings on nails with varnish for beginners step by step

Beautiful drawings can be done on nails without needles and toothpicks, it is enough to buy a couple of varnishes with an ultra-thin brush and draw with it.

Youth drawing is done with the help of multi-colored varnishes and does not require special skills or efforts. The only thing you need is patience and time.

You will need 5 multi-colored varnishes (more can be); white varnish with a thin brush; black varnish with a thin brush.

  1. Coat each nail with varnish so that five multi-colored nails are obtained;
  2. With white varnish, carefully draw a toe for each nail;
  3. Draw two lines of 4 strips along the length of the sock;
  4. Carefully connect all the strips diagonally, and the top two - in a straight line;
  5. With black varnish, put dots on top of the white dots and draw a thin line in the middle of the “sock”;
  6. Fix on top with a colorless varnish.

This type of classic manicure appeared in the distant 60s and has not lost its appeal since then. It will suit both a young girl and an adult lady.

You will need two contrasting varnishes; stencil stickers.

  1. Prepare the nails by removing the old coating from them and filing;
  2. Stick stickers on the base. You can use round stencils special for moon manicure, or you can take stencils for french manicure. In extreme cases, you can get by with tape;
  3. Stick stickers so that they cover the base of the nail in a semicircle;
  4. Paint everything with two or three layers of varnish of the main color;
  5. Dry;
  6. Carefully peel off the stickers and paint over the semicircle with varnish of a different color;
  7. You can experiment with colors, or you can not paint over the remaining semicircle at all.

Drawing on nails with a brush for beginners

In specialized stores, you can find many types of a wide variety of brushes for painting on nails. They differ in length, thickness and shape. With their help, you can create masterpieces of nail art.

Drawing "Loneliness"

This is a drawing of increased complexity and you can start it already having experience in drawing. To perform, you will need several different brushes.

You will need white, beige and blue varnishes; black varnish with a thin brush; two thin brushes with a thin end.

  1. To begin with, cover the nail plate with a base beige varnish and let it dry;
  2. Mentally draw a line along the nail, which will divide it in half;
  3. One of the halves is painted with blue varnish. dry;
  4. Paint over the line separating the halves with a brush with black varnish;
  5. Carefully paint over the second half with white varnish and dry;
  6. On different halves with a thin brush, draw branches with contrasting varnishes. dry;
  7. Cover with fixative.

Drawings with adhesive tape on nails for beginners

Ordinary adhesive tape can not only replace expensive stencil stickers for French and moon manicures, but also help to draw complex geometric patterns.

Cut out strips from ordinary adhesive tape, intricately superimposed on each other, will eventually create an intricate geometry.

You will need two bright varnishes and adhesive tape.

  1. Cover everything with base. dry;
  2. From above, apply varnish in two layers, which will be the color of the pattern;
  3. dry;
  4. Stick two thin strips of adhesive tape crosswise;
  5. Top with two layers of base color. dry;
  6. Carefully remove the strips;
  7. Paint over with a colorless varnish or fixative.

Drawing "Romance"

A simple and quick drawing, which is done using a stencil of adhesive tape and two varnishes, can be done by any girl.

You will need a sharp knife, tape, pink and white varnish.

  1. Paint your nails with pink varnish in two layers;
  2. Let the nails dry;
  3. With a sharp knife, cut off a strip of adhesive tape of such a width that it completely covers the nail;
  4. Cut out a neat small heart on the strip;
  5. Stick the strip where the heart should be located;
  6. Paint over the stencil with white;
  7. Dry the drawing without removing the adhesive tape;
  8. Carefully remove the sticky strip;
  9. Pass the fixer.

Dots Nail Art for Beginners

Dots is a special manicure tool that resembles a metal pencil with a small ball at the end. The ball and makes patterns. Today, many drawings are made using the dots technique.

A gentle manicure using a decorative element looks very beautiful on any length and shape.

You will need pink and purple varnishes; dots; bow sticker.

  1. Cover the nails with a base for manicure;
  2. Apply two layers of pink varnish on top;
  3. Violet is carefully poured onto a piece of paper or a plastic cover;
  4. Gently dip the dots into the purple liquid and put dots of different diameters over the entire surface;
  5. Let dry completely;
  6. Stick stickers on the ring fingers;
  7. Go through the fixative on each nail.

Variants of drawings in the technique of dots

Thanks to dots, you can create any drawings that you can think of. This does not require a lot of knowledge or skill, enough experience and constant practice.

Due to the different diameters of the ball at the end of the dots, you can put different points, blur them, connect and draw different lines over the entire surface of the nail. The main rule of working with dots is to paint on a still wet surface, not letting it dry.

How to make drawings on nails with acrylic paints

Relatively recently, acrylic paints began to be used in nail art. But it is they who give the broadest color scheme for nail artists, are resistant to UV rays, retain their color for a long time and are absolutely resistant to moisture and steam.

This is one of the simplest acrylic painting techniques.

You will need a varnish for the base; acrylic paints in two colors; thin brush.

  1. Apply base coat to nails
  2. From the lower left corner of the nail with paint, draw two thin curved lines along the entire length;
  3. In the same color, draw leaves on the branches;
  4. Paint the middle of each leaf with paint of a different color;
  5. Dry the paint;
  6. Cover the nails with a fixing base.

A bit complicated drawing, which may require large quantity time. But it looks very gentle and beautiful.

You will need 2 thin brushes; colorless base; black and pink acrylic paints; sequins.

  1. Cover each nail with two layers of a transparent base. dry;
  2. In the middle of each nail, draw a thin curved line with black paint;
  3. Draw two wings with pink paint - one is larger, the other is smaller;
  4. Paint over the wings. dry;
  5. Draw with black paint the antennae of the butterfly;
  6. Place a small amount of nail glitter on two wings using special glue;
  7. Dry the glue;
  8. Cover each nail with two layers of fixative.

Other ways to paint on nails

There are many additional ways to create a work of art on the nails. These include:

  • "Caviar" manicure.

Such a manicure is performed with the help of special beads, which are shaken off on freshly painted nails and, as it were, “pressed” into a still wet surface.

  • "Velvet" manicure.

This is the latest discovery in the art of manicure. It is performed with the help of a special “velvet” and an apparatus that, as it were, sprays the material onto the nail. At home, this method can also be used if you purchase a special pile.

In the next video - a few more options for simple drawings.

If you are looking for an easy and inexpensive way to make a trendy nail design at home, then be sure to pay attention to the video tutorials below for beginners that will help you quickly decorate a manicure with a needle on wet varnish. More recently drawings on the nails were drawn with a needle teenage girls, creating with their own hands a beautiful and most importantly - original manicure. Today, even eminent nail art masters often resort to this technique if they want to make an exclusive design with drawing the smallest details of the drawings.

It is very easy to master this nail art technique even for women who do not have basic drawing skills with thin brushes. In this material you will find different schemes, using which you can quickly apply beautiful drawings on the nails with a needle. To create beautiful drawings, 3-4 tools of different thicknesses are usually used. The thinner the needle, the smaller you can draw nail art elements on the nail. Now you can buy a set of special needles for drawing patterns on the nail cover, but at home it is quite appropriate to use the usual ones. sewing needles different thickness, performing a fashionable nail design. For ease of use of the tool, make a holder from an empty ballpoint pen by strengthening the needle in it with a piece of cork or any other hard-fix seal. You can also fix the needle in an empty autopencil by twisting it at the end of the writing medium.

It is advisable for beginners to choose to start at all simple circuits drawings, consisting of ordinary lines and elementary geometric shapes. Having mastered the basic skills of nail art, you will eventually be able to create complex patterns, compositions with flowers or butterflies, sophisticated drawings on nails with an ordinary needle. For work, you can use both contrasting and slightly different colors of varnishes. 2-3 different colors of lacquer are enough for drawing with a needle, both very simple drawings and complex patterns on the nails. You will also need a base coat to apply the background and protect the natural nail plate, as well as a top coat that fixes and preserves the created design from damage.

When mastering this nail art technique, try to stick to a few important rules. All sliding movements with a needle should be fast and confident, but do not press on the coating, as this can damage the natural nail plate. When making a continuous line according to the chosen design scheme, do not lift the tool from the nail until this element is completely drawn. The layer of wet varnish on which the drawing is made should not be too thick and try to complete the design completely before the varnish thickens on the nail.

After the drawing is completed with a needle, you can supplement the composition with decorative elements of nail art (glitter or small sparkles, crystal chips or larger rhinestones, multi-colored beads). If, to complete the composition, it is required to apply dots, thick lines, large patterns and monograms to the hardened coating, then it is best to use dots (instead of varnish, you can choose acrylic paints of the desired color).

As for a suitable nail shape, the design with a needle can be done on absolutely any nail plate, including gel extensions. But it is advisable to choose modern version- round or square shape for short nails and oval or almond-shaped for long nails. By the way, instead of ordinary varnish, it is quite appropriate to use shellac or any other high-quality gel polish. The drawing is done with a needle on the gel polish coating of the nails before the stage of polymerization (drying) of the applied layer in a UV lamp follows. After that, apply a top coat on all nails and fashion design nails will remain in perfect condition for several weeks.


Unfold before procedure on the manicure table the following accessories : 3-4 needles of different diameters, manicure tools for preparing nails for design (scissors, pusher, glass or ceramic files to shape the free edge ), as well as buff for polishing, orange sticks, lint-free wipes, degreaser, not enough for cuticles). If you want to do a manicure with gel polish, then in addition to the finish and base coat it is necessary to prepare another UV lamp for the polymerization of the layers;

❶ We trim the length of the nails, give the free edge of each nail the desired shape, grind and polish the surface of each plate, then apply a degreaser;

❷ To protect the natural nail from the absorption of the varnish pigment and the appearance of yellowness, apply the base layer in a thin even layer and wait until it dries completely;

❸ Then we apply a thin layer of colored varnish on the entire surface of the nail, sealing the end and wait until the varnish dries;

❹ And now we need to apply a layer of varnish, on which we will design with a thin needle;

❺ Without waiting for the second layer of varnish to dry, draw a pattern with a marbling effect with a needle. Now we need to drip a few drops of varnish of a different color and with quick movements of a thicker needle we draw horizontal and vertical lines, figures in the form of a figure eight. After drawing each element with a needle, be sure to wipe it with a lint-free cloth;

❻ Now let's wait until the drawing is completely dry and apply a protective coating (a colorless varnish is suitable for this).


- No. 1. click on the photo and expand the scheme "Sakura Branches" and a master class

- No. 2. click on the photo and expand the "White Branch" scheme and a master class

- No. 3. click on the photo and expand the "Golden Pattern" scheme and a master class

- No. 4. click on the photo and expand the "Droplets" scheme and a master class

- No. 5. click on the photo and expand the "Scales" scheme and a master class

Such simple drawings you can do it with a needle on your nails the first time without even having basic nail art skills.


On the picture: interesting ideas for design to your manicure


Modern technologies have made it possible to make the process of nail care simple and fast, so today no one can be surprised by an ordinary manicure. To look really interesting and fashionable, you need to use original solutions, for example, a manicure with a pattern. Services for the creation of such a manicure are offered by most beauty salons, but original and unique drawings on the nails with a needle are quite capable of being done even at home.

Necessary equipment for drawing drawings on nails

First of all, having decided to create drawings on nails in the conditions of your own home, you need to acquire special tools and cosmetics.

What you need for a manicure with patterns applied with a needle, beginners

  • a selection of varnishes of various colors;
  • set of needles for sewing machine, both the smallest and large and medium needles are needed;
  • toothpicks;
  • flat work surface
  • good lamp;
  • napkins;
  • fixing or clear varnish;
  • nail polish remover.

Needles of small and large sizes are used to create drawings of varying complexity. For example, you need a large needle, and when you have to draw small details like veins on leaves and stems, you need the smallest needle. Toothpicks are used to create blots and to fill in drawings.

The technology of drawing patterns on nails with needles

As you might guess, a manicure with a needle requires certain skills and accuracy. But with a certain perseverance and systematic practice, a manicure with a pattern will soon become a fairly simple procedure for caring for your appearance.

A few important tips on how to paint your nails beautifully and apply a pattern on them

Manicure options created with needles

Everyone knows that fantasy has no limits, so the options for how to draw on nails with a needle cannot be counted. However, before you start implementing your own ideas, you should learn how to paint your nails beautifully and how to draw the simplest patterns on your nails with a needle. The given examples and schemes are placed in order from simple options to more complex ones, so that any person who is not familiar with this technology can learn to draw at home with their help.

Schemes for creating drawings on nails


Drawings imitating the skins of wild animals - a leopard or a zebra - look very simple and original on the nails. These patterns are very easy to draw. In addition, if a mistake is made, the mistake will not be evident.

Chess board

To create this manicure at home, you need to carefully apply horizontal and vertical lines to the painted base of the nail plate, imitating the effect of coloring the board. In the event that irregularities are obtained on the surface, an adjustment is made with a needle.

Floral motifs

This version of a manicure with needles is a little more complicated than the previous ones. Here you can already try yourself as a designer and decide whether to use one or more colors, whether to paint with sparkles or.

We carry out the procedure according to the following scheme:

  • on the prepared base we apply a few drops of varnish, from which we draw petals on the nails with a needle, then let the coating dry;
  • finer details are applied over the first layer of the pattern with a varnish of a different color or tone.

It must be remembered that we draw the veins and the core on the nails with the smallest needles.


Having mastered the floral drawing, you can try to draw feathers on your nails. On the main layer, apply diagonally 3 drops of varnish of various shades or colors. Then we draw a single line on the nails with a thin needle, on top of which we create a blot with strokes.


To make it impossible to take your eyes off your manicure, draw a flame on your nails! There is nothing easier than making this drawing with needles at home. top We paint the nail plate with varnish of one color, and the bottom one with another. Then, at the junction of flowers with a needle, draw tongues of flame.


A simple and daring manicure is created with varnishes in three or four colors. On the main coating you need to apply multi-colored droplets and then use a toothpick to give them the shape of a blot.

Dots and strokes

A complex pattern does not always mean the best. If you use fantasy, then from dots and stripes you can create a very beautiful and original pattern. For example, you can draw flags, hieroglyphs and cobwebs.


This option is complicated by the fact that it is performed without waiting for the base coat to dry. We drip a varnish of a different color onto a semi-dried base, so that the droplets are very small. Then, with the thinnest needle from the drops, we create miniature stars.

Having learned how to draw, create the listed patterns, you can try to apply more complex motifs, including your own design.

Video: creating a “Pigtail” pattern on nails with a needle

Here are such simple lessons on how to easily and cost-effectively create drawings on nails with a needle, all these recommendations are ideal for beginner nail artists.

All girls love manicure: someone chooses classic options, someone likes unusual bright drawings.

Both can be done in the salon with the help of a nail art specialist - the gel coating will last 3-4 weeks without any problems.

Or experiment with colors, shapes and patterns on your nails yourself - in this collection we have collected 70+ home manicure ideas for beginners with step-by-step photos of the process.

List of necessary things for home nail art

If you are not going to become a professional, it is not necessary to buy everything in a row, get a set of irreplaceable things that will be useful for drawing drawings, and as far as your imagination is enough.

Original manicure if you want, it's easy to do it yourself

You will need:

  1. Dots - a small stick made of plastic, metal or wood with a ball on the end for bitmaps (it is also convenient to draw with it)
  2. Scotch tape - with its help you can create geometric shapes and make a jacket
  3. A set of brushes of different diameters - choose with natural soft bristles
  4. Glitters, varnishes, gel polishes of different colors, rhinestones and sequins - everything that is enough for imagination
  5. Nail polish remover and/or manicure corrector
  6. Cotton swabs, toothpicks
  7. Fixer - prolongs the life of the coating and gives extra shine

Tip: it is not necessary to immediately experiment with professional materials, at the initial stage, practice painting on your nails with simple watercolors - they are easily washed off.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the design

Nail patterns for beginners using tape

There is nothing easier than making a jacket or colored blocks of different lengths and shapes.

To do this, you can either use ordinary adhesive tape, which is in every home, or buy special self-adhesive strips - they are sold in a cosmetic store.

Design with adhesive tape - what could be easier?

The simplest lines are performed as follows:

  1. We apply a transparent base on the nails, then a layer of varnish of the same color
  2. After complete drying, glue the strips
  3. We cover the desired part of the plate with a layer of varnish of a different color / colors, depending on the idea
  4. When the coating dries, remove the strips and fix with a transparent top.
It is important to follow the sequence of actions

In the same technique, it is easy to create patterns with semicircles, rhombuses, triangles and other geometric shapes.

Consider a few options for beginners in more detail:

Design with an accent: a yellow manicure with a couple of bright details looks fresh and bright in summer
Self-adhesive strips will come to the rescue
Tri-color design with adhesive tape Bold and bright manicure
Now you know how to make a moon manicure yourself.
Single color geometry step by step
Such a decor can be obtained using not straight lines, but semicircles.
Any girl can handle triangles
Another very simple and spectacular manicure in the trend of the season 2018 Matte finish is still in style.
Combination of classic black and white and metallic
Lacquer matte jacket with adhesive tape

How to draw patterns on nails for beginners using dots - apply the dot technique

Mastering the dot technique

Dots is the most suitable tool for point technique.

If there is no desire to purchase professional tools, replace it with a hairpin, toothpick, wooden stick with a pointed end.

A few simple points can make a manicure expressive and noticeable.

Using devices of different diameters, you will get completely different drawings: images of animals, figures, flowers.

If drawing with your left hand is uncomfortable, limit yourself to highlighting one finger

Apply a few drops of varnish with a brush on the palette - a piece of cardboard or foil.

Dip the tip of the tool into the coating and gently apply to the nail in a dripping motion.

To get a curl or a straight line, start drawing with the tool, as if writing with a ballpoint pen.

Stretch a drop of varnish into a preconceived pattern with a smooth movement.

Yellow is one of the most popular shades of the season.
Dots flower drawing step by step
Variant of laconic dot technique
French oval manicure with tape and dots
Colored dot coating
Lovely hearts are made in the same technique
This manicure is literally made to charm you.
For a contrasting design, you will need varnishes of several colors.
A perfectionist's dream

Patterns on nails for beginners in stages - photo of work with a brush

Drawing with a brush is also not difficult

For girls who are taking their first steps in home nail art, the brush technique may seem the most difficult.

But this is a delusion. Start experimenting with simple geometric patterns.

To create a spectacular coating, you will need a base color, two more for the pattern and a varnish fixer.

Let's proceed by looking at a simple step-by-step guide:

Start simple

Tip: do not forget that each coat of varnish should dry well. Only after that you can apply the next, so as not to spoil the entire drawing.

Choose classic light patterns

Of course, with the help of a brush, professionals create real miracles, and it is quite difficult to learn all the intricacies of craftsmanship at home, but everyone can master a few basic techniques.

Bring some variety to classic red
Scottish cell
pastel cage
Available Geometry

Simple patterns on nails for beginners using a sponge


Such a manicure is called a gradient or, and any representative of the fair sex can handle it.

To work, you will need a sponge / fine-pored sponge, several colors of varnish, a transparent base for color coating, a fixative and liquid latex.

two color gradient

It is important that the selected sponge does not absorb the varnish too actively, and that it is not thickened, otherwise nothing will come of the idea.

Before exercising on own nails, try to achieve the desired effect on a piece of cardboard.

three color gradient

Step-by-step ombre coating technique

First way

  1. Get a manicure and apply a protective base on your nails
  2. Cover the nail with one of the colors in a dense layer
  3. Apply the second color to the sponge - one part should be thicker
  4. Press the sponge against the plate with quick movements; start from the middle to the free edge, making the color denser

shades of red

Second way

It is considered more complex, but the color transition is smoother.

  1. Cover the palette tightly with three colors of varnish and carefully blend the borders with a needle
  2. Apply liquid latex to the finger around the nail
  3. Dip a sponge into the varnish and cover the nail plate with it
  4. When dry, remove the latex layer
  5. Fix the manicure with a top

Ombre can be emphasized by highlighting a couple of fingers with stickers
Rich blueberry
Ombre combined with moon manicure

How to make easy patterns on nails for beginners using stamping

Nail design with stamps

Stamping - it is also a way of transferring a pattern to a nail using a stamp - is another simple technique diversify a boring monochromatic manicure.

To master it, you need a little patience and a set of tools:

  1. Flat metal plate with engraved patterns
  2. A stamp with a silicone or rubber base for transferring a pattern from a plate to a nail
  3. Scraper to remove varnish residue from the disc

Stamping saves time

Tip: plus stamping techniques in the speed of execution. A pattern that would take up to two hours for a craftsman can be drawn with a stamp in 15 minutes.

You will need a set of stencils and stamps

Stamping execution scheme step by step:

  1. Degrease the surface of the nail and apply the base
  2. Cover nails with base color and let dry well
  3. Coat the stencil with a second varnish
  4. Leave the varnish only in the recesses, remove the excess with a scraper
  5. Transfer the image to the rubber stamp surface
  6. Choose places for the stamp on the nail and press firmly to the nail
  7. If the design is imprinted on the skin, carefully remove the excess with acetone
  8. When the drawing is dry, cover your nails with a top coat.

Stamps can be completely different.
Combination of tape and stamping
Eternal classic
Multicolored stamping
Boring black and white decor with stamps
stamping and gradient

How to make patterns on nails at home for beginners with a needle

Another relatively simple and popular technique is drawing on nails with a needle - tools for such nail art can be found in every home.

Start practicing by applying the most simple elements and shapes
pastel sea wave

As in previous cases, the first thing we do is a manicure, apply a base coat of varnish and wait until it dries.

Then we make points with a needle and, moving smoothly from one to another, we form a pre-designed pattern.

When the painting is done, let the varnish dry and cover the nails with a top coat.

flirtatious kitties
Summer sea breeze
Black and white classic
predatory print
Coping with a web pattern is not difficult even for a beginner

There are thousands of options for a simple and beautiful homemade manicure.

If you accidentally happened to have a fan brush, it will not be difficult for you to come up with a cute two-tone manicure from varnishes that can be found in your home palette:

Fan brush design

Do not forget also about rhinestones and beads. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with accents:

So that the manicure does not look tasteless, decorate one finger with stones and beads To keep the coating longer, use gel polishes instead of regular ones. Although they are more expensive, they last more than two weeks.

True, in addition to varnishes, you will have to fork out for a UV lamp for drying.

Drawings and patterns are performed in the following sequence:

  1. We process the plates with a buff - a special rectangular file and degrease with a primer
  2. We apply the base and dry it in the lamp
  3. We carry out a pattern in the chosen technique
  4. Drying in a lamp
  5. Top coat and dry again
  6. Remove the top sticky layer with acetone

In addition to the varnishes themselves, you will have to spend money on a drying lamp

You will also find an easy way to make beautiful patterns on nails in this video tutorial for beginners: