Orthopedic pillows. Orthopedic pillows Large availability and low prices

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Among the pathologies in the cervical spine, trauma, instability, myositis, and various manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis take the first place.

For the treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the cervical spine, cervical collars are recommended. In the medical community, these products are called Shants collars. Cervical bandages are used from infancy to old age.

For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct position neck, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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Rib cage

The chest, first of all, protects the organs of the chest cavity - the lungs, blood vessels and heart, and is also involved in breathing. Therefore injuries chest very dangerous.

Also common cause Chest pain is caused by inflammation of the intercostal muscles (myositis) and nerves (neuralgia). In these cases, doctors prescribe special bandages for the chest (T-1339, T-1338).

These bandages provide elastic fixation of the chest, thereby significantly relieving pain after injuries and inflammation.

After operations on the chest organs, postoperative bandages fix the suture and create conditions for speedy healing postoperative wound and professionals activate the development of postoperative pneumonia.

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IN abdominal cavity vital organs are located: stomach, intestines, spleen, liver and others. After operations on the abdominal organs, the use of postoperative bandages is mandatory.

Bandages are also divided according to the degree of fixation. After laparoscopic operations, a light fixation bandage (T-1334, T-1301) is sufficient, but for example, after operations for peritonitis, a stronger fixation bandage (T-1345) is required.

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The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all joints. This fact is sufficiently conditioned large number shoulder dislocations, muscle damage, and in old age, fractures humerus.

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Wrist joint

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Inguinal hernias most often occur in men. This is due to the characteristics of the inguinal canal. In men it is shorter and wider than in women and is less strengthened by muscles and ligaments.

Factors contributing to the development of a hernia are: weakness of the abdominal muscles and increased intra-abdominal pressure, chronic cough, excess weight, constipation, severe physical work. In case of a reducible inguinal hernia, as well as after surgery, it is necessary to use anti-hernia bandages.

Bandages can be used for bilateral hernia (T-1443, T-1401, T-1445) and for unilateral hernia (T-1446).
After operations, you can use a bandage in the form of panties (T-1447).

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IN at a young age the most common reasons for applying for medical care are injuries in the joint area - this is damage to the ligaments and menisci. In adulthood and old age, the phenomena of arthrosis of the knee joint come to the fore.

Depending on the type and severity of the pathology, doctors recommend bandages for knee joint varying degrees of fixation.

To prevent injuries and diseases, you can use light fixation bandages (T-8520, T-8521)
For partial damage to the ligamentous apparatus - medium fixation bandages (T-8512, T-8592)
For more severe pathology, bandages with metal hinges are used (T-8508, T-8593, T-8594)

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The ankle joint is quite powerfully strengthened by ligaments on the outside and inside. One of the most common injuries is ankle ligament damage or ankle fractures.

For the treatment and rehabilitation of these injuries, bandages for the ankle joint with medium (T-8610) or rigid fixation (T-8608/1, T-8609) are used.

After strokes, foot drop syndrome often develops. In this case, doctors recommend using the so-called “Swedish orthosis” (T-8615) to make walking easier.

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood adolescence. There are various types posture disorders: flat back, round back, stooped back, etc.

Special orthopedic products - posture correctors - are designed to help correct posture. These products spread the shoulders, relieve the load on the thoracic spine, and help teenagers form a stereotype. correct posture, normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781), in adults the lumbar spine is additionally unloaded and fixed (T-1701, T-1779, T-1781, T-1775).

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Along with injuries to the elbow joint, degenerative-inflammatory changes in the area of ​​attachment of muscle tendons to the epicondyles of the humerus (epicondylitis) are often diagnosed.

In rehabilitation after injuries and in the complex treatment of epicondylitis, elbow bandages with silicone inserts play an important role. These products have a decongestant, compression effect on the affected area, normalize muscle tone and relieve stress on the elbow joint.

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Small of the back

The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae, which are connected to each other by intervertebral discs and is the lowest movable part of the spine.

To the most common problems Occurring in the lumbar region, osteochondrosis and trauma should be included. Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and surrounding tissues caused by compression of the spine.

In the complex treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the use of orthopedic corsets plays an important role. The main functions of corsets include: unloading painful areas of the spine, compression of surrounding muscles, fixation and stabilization of the lumbar region.

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Varicose veins are the most common manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency, which is characterized by an increase in the diameter of the superficial veins and is manifested by edema lower limbs, trophic changes in the skin.

This high incidence is due to many factors affecting blood flow disorders in the lower extremities. First of all, this is a genetic predisposition, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged standing or sitting, bad habits, flat feet.

The main method of treatment and prevention is wearing compression stockings. Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle in the office or spend long periods of time on business trips and flights are recommended to wear Schiebler compression socks.

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The joints and ligaments of the foot experience the greatest load of all parts of the musculoskeletal system when walking. The proper functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system directly depends on the health of the feet.

In most cases they come to the rescue orthopedic insoles. Insoles support the arches of the feet, reduce the impact load on the musculoskeletal system, correctly orient the feet when walking.

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For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, and headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct neck position, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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The cervical spine is the least loaded, but on the other hand it is also the most mobile and less protected. Among the pathologies in the cervical spine, trauma, instability, myositis, and various manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis take the first place.

All neurologists recommend cervical collars for the treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the cervical spine. In the medical community, these products are called Shants collars. Cervical bandages are used from infancy to old age.

For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, and headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct neck position, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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Rib cage

The chest, first of all, protects the organs of the chest cavity - the lungs, blood vessels and heart, and is also involved in breathing. Therefore, chest injuries are very dangerous. Another common cause of chest pain is inflammation of the intercostal muscles (myositis) and nerves (neuralgia).

In these cases, doctors prescribe special bandages for the chest (T-1339, T-1338). These bandages provide elastic fixation of the chest and significantly relieve pain after injuries and inflammation.

Postoperative bandages fix the suture, create conditions for rapid healing of the postoperative wound and prevent the development of postoperative pneumonia.

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The abdominal cavity contains vital organs: stomach, intestines, spleen, liver and others. After operations on the abdominal organs, the use of postoperative bandages is mandatory. The use of a particular bandage depends on the location postoperative suture and its sizes. Bandages are also divided according to the degree of fixation.

After laparoscopic operations, a light fixation bandage (T-1334, T-1301) is sufficient, but for example, after operations for peritonitis, a stronger fixation bandage (T-1345) is required.

During operations with a stoma on the anterior abdominal wall, a special ostomy bandage (T-1336) is used.

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The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all joints. This fact is responsible for a fairly large number of shoulder dislocations, muscle damage, and in old age, fractures of the humerus. The most common diseases are inflammation of the muscles, tendons and arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

For serious injuries and severe pain, it is necessary to use a “kerchief” and a Deso bandage. These bandages secure and relieve the entire upper limb.

To prevent sports injuries and dislocations, bandages are prescribed for shoulder joint(T-8107, T-8195). With the help of these products, the shoulder is held in the joint.

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The wrist joint provides mobility of the hand in all directions. According to statistics, the most common fracture in humans is a fracture of the radius in the lower third. This injury occurs when you fall on your hand.

Another common pathology in the area of ​​the wrist joint is the so-called tunnel syndrome. Manifestations of these syndromes are swelling, pain and limitation of movement in the wrist joint.

During the period of rehabilitation after fractures, bandages for the wrist joint with anatomical splints have been widely used for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndromes. With the help of these products, a functionally advantageous position in the wrist joint is achieved, a reduction in pain and swelling, and unloading of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the forearm and hand.

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After 50 years, women often experience prolapse of the pelvic organs, primarily the uterus. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, physical activity, obesity, or vice versa, emaciation, changes in connective tissue, multiple births, etc.

Uterine prolapse negatively affects both the physical and social health of a woman. Special bandages (T-1371, T-1372), which help keep the pelvic organs in a physiological position, will help prevent this condition.

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The distribution of the load on the overlying parts of the musculoskeletal system, primarily the spine and hip joints, depends on the proper functioning of the knee joint. Depending on the type and severity of the pathology, doctors recommend bandages for the knee joint of varying degrees of fixation.

To prevent injuries and diseases, you can use light fixation bandages (T-8520, T-8521).

In case of partial damage to the ligamentous apparatus - medium fixation bandages (T-8512, T-8592).

For more severe pathology, bandages with metal hinges are used (T-8508, T-8593, T-8594).

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The ankle joint is quite powerfully strengthened by ligaments on the outside and inside. However, one of the most common injuries is ligament damage in the ankle or ankle fracture.

Ankle bandages are used to treat and rehabilitate these injuries. Depending on the severity of the injury and the timing of rehabilitation, medium (T-8610) or rigid fixation bandages (T-8608/1, T-8609) are prescribed.

In order to prevent injuries, people involved in sports use light fixation bandages (T-8601, T-8621, DO421).

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood and adolescence. As you get older, your posture may change.

Special orthopedic products are designed to help correct posture - posture correctors, which spread the shoulders, unload the thoracic spine, help form correct posture, and normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781), in adults the lumbar spine is additionally unloaded and fixed (T-1701, T-1779, T-1781, T-1775).

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The elbow joint is a complex joint in structure and consists of 3 simple joints: the humeroradial, humeroulnar and proximal radioulnar.

Along with injuries to the elbow joint, degenerative-inflammatory changes in the area of ​​attachment of muscle tendons to the epicondyles of the humerus (epicondylitis) are often diagnosed. The most common is external epicondylitis (tennis elbow), less often internal (golfer's elbow).

In rehabilitation after injuries and in the complex treatment of epicondylitis, elbow bandages with silicone inserts play an important role.

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Lower back during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, and as a result, the load on the lower back increases sharply.

From 20-24 weeks of pregnancy, you need to use a prenatal bandage (T-1101, T-1118, T-1115), and place a pillow under your back on the chair to reduce the load on the lumbar spine.

After childbirth, to quickly restore the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, it is necessary to use postpartum bandage(T-1222).

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Varicose veins

Due to the sharply increasing load on the veins of the lower extremities, there is a risk of developing varicose veins. If there were no problems with veins before pregnancy, then doctors recommend using medical compression hosiery Compression class 1.

If varicose veins are detected before pregnancy, consultation with a phlebologist is required. During childbirth, a woman needs anti-embolic jersey to prevent thrombosis.

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"Bone" or hallux valgus first toe is a common disease caused by a hereditary predisposition.

Uncomfortable shoes, excess weight, changes in the ligamentous apparatus with age are concomitant factors that accelerate the development of pathology.

At the initial stages of the disease, special products are used that abduct the first toe. This can be a night bandage (T-01, T-04) or bandages used in shoes (T-02, T-04).

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Small of the back

The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae, which are connected to each other by intervertebral discs and is the lowest movable part of the spine. The most common problems arising in the lumbar region include osteochondrosis and injuries.

Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and surrounding tissues caused by compression of the spine. In the complex treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the use of orthopedic corsets plays an important role.

The main functions of corsets include: unloading painful areas of the spine, compression of surrounding muscles, fixation and stabilization of the lumbar region.

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During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that can affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, this is a rapid weight gain, which can reach up to 20 kg.

At the same time, the load on the lower extremities and lumbar spine increases sharply, and the outflow of blood through the veins of the lower extremities becomes more difficult.

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The joints and ligaments of the foot experience the greatest load of all parts of the musculoskeletal system when walking. IN mature age Due to the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and the development of concomitant pathology, various types of flattening of the arches of the foot develop.

In all these cases, orthopedic insoles come to the rescue. The insoles support the arches of the feet, reduce shock loads, and correctly orient the feet when walking.

When calluses, corns and other lesions appear on the skin of the feet, silicone products for various areas of the foot have shown great effectiveness.

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Feet during pregnancy

Rapid weight gain during pregnancy and a shift in the center of gravity provokes changes in the arched structures of the foot. The load on the joints of the lower extremities also increases.

To facilitate walking and prevent diseases of the lower extremities, pregnant women need to use orthopedic insoles (ST-203, ST-102, ST-105, ST-161, ST-163).

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Often, immediately after birth or in the first days of a newborn’s life, doctors diagnose pathology in the cervical spine. This may include muscular torticollis, short neck syndrome, or consequences of birth trauma.


Children's bones are more elastic and flexible than those of adults. Also, the periosteum in children is more extensible and thicker. This may explain the characteristics of injuries in childhood: if fractures occur, they are subperiosteal - without displacement of fragments.

If you fall on your hand, you may have a subperiosteal fracture of the clavicle. In this case, a “Delbe ring” bandage (T-1730) is prescribed.

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Wrist injuries are just as common in childhood as in adults. These are, first of all, damage to the ligaments, bruises, and subperiosal fractures in the lower third of the forearm.

To treat injuries and diseases of the wrist in children, bandages for the wrist joint with anatomical splints (T-8330, T-8331) are used. These bandages fix the area of ​​the wrist joint in a functionally advantageous position, reduce swelling and pain.

In childhood for correct formation foot, the use of low-complexity comes to the fore orthopedic shoes both for the purpose of preventing various foot deformities, and for the purpose of treating existing pathology.

Twiki orthopedic shoes for children provide correction of the foot position using special complex parts. The selection of soles takes into account the structural features of the feet of girls and boys at each stage of growth and development.

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood and adolescence.

Special orthopedic products - posture correctors - are designed to help correct posture. These products spread the shoulders, relieve the load on the thoracic spine, and normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781).

In childhood and adolescence, with an underdeveloped muscle corset, it is very important to follow the regime of wearing a corrector recommended by a doctor.

The arches of the feet familiar to adults in children are not developed and begin to form at the age of 3. Therefore, there are no arches (supporters) in orthopedic shoes for children. In Twiki shoes, arch placement is provided from size 21. The selection of soles takes into account the structural features of the foot and the behavior of children at different stages of development.

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Due to different growth rates of bones, ligaments and muscles in children, planovalgus deformities of the foot are most often observed.

When a pathology is identified, it is very important to make correction immediately. For this purpose, children's corrective insoles (ST-181, ST-186, ST-982) are used. Insoles with high sides correctly orient the heel bone when the foot is placed flat-valgus and correct the axis of the lower leg.

Arch-forming insoles (ST-167, ST-169, ST-185) will help all healthy children with the correct development of the arches of their feet.

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Dysplasia - underdevelopment of one or both hip joints in the first year of life it can be suspected by the following signs: asymmetry of skin folds, shortening of the hip, limited abduction of the hip.

IN lately Special bandages that provide flexion and abduction of the child’s legs come to the fore in the treatment of hip dysplasia. They are called Freika splint (T-8402) and Pavlik stirrups (T-8404). The treatment is complemented by massage and therapeutic exercises.

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Foot3 is one of the largest and most complex joints human body, which constantly carries a heavy load. And at the same time, he is very vulnerable: he often suffers from injuries and various diseases.

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Among the pathologies in the cervical spine, trauma, instability, myositis, and various manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis take the first place.

For the treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the cervical spine, cervical collars are recommended. In the medical community, these products are called Shants collars. Cervical bandages are used from infancy to old age.

For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, and headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct neck position, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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Rib cage

The chest, first of all, protects the organs of the chest cavity - the lungs, blood vessels and heart, and is also involved in breathing. Therefore, chest injuries are very dangerous.

Another common cause of chest pain is inflammation of the intercostal muscles (myositis) and nerves (neuralgia). In these cases, doctors prescribe special bandages for the chest (T-1339, T-1338).

These bandages provide elastic fixation of the chest, thereby significantly relieving pain after injuries and inflammation.

After operations on the chest organs, postoperative bandages fix the suture, create conditions for the speedy healing of the postoperative wound and professionally activate the development of postoperative pneumonia.

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The abdominal cavity contains vital organs: stomach, intestines, spleen, liver and others. After operations on the abdominal organs, the use of postoperative bandages is mandatory.

Bandages are also divided according to the degree of fixation. After laparoscopic operations, a light fixation bandage (T-1334, T-1301) is sufficient, but for example, after operations for peritonitis, a stronger fixation bandage (T-1345) is required.

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The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all joints. This fact is responsible for a fairly large number of shoulder dislocations, muscle damage, and, in old age, fractures of the humerus.

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Wrist joint

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Inguinal hernias most often occur in men. This is due to the characteristics of the inguinal canal. In men it is shorter and wider than in women and is less strengthened by muscles and ligaments.

Factors contributing to the development of a hernia are: weakness of the abdominal muscles and increased intra-abdominal pressure, chronic cough, excess weight, constipation, heavy physical work. In case of a reducible inguinal hernia, as well as after surgery, it is necessary to use anti-hernia bandages.

Bandages can be used for bilateral hernia (T-1443, T-1401, T-1445) and for unilateral hernia (T-1446).
After operations, you can use a bandage in the form of panties (T-1447).

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At a young age, the most common reasons for seeking medical help are injuries in the joint area - damage to ligaments and menisci. In adulthood and old age, the phenomena of arthrosis of the knee joint come to the fore.

Depending on the type and severity of the pathology, doctors recommend bandages for the knee joint of varying degrees of fixation.

To prevent injuries and diseases, you can use light fixation bandages (T-8520, T-8521)
For partial damage to the ligamentous apparatus - medium fixation bandages (T-8512, T-8592)
For more severe pathology, bandages with metal hinges are used (T-8508, T-8593, T-8594)

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The ankle joint is quite powerfully strengthened by ligaments on the outside and inside. One of the most common injuries is ankle ligament damage or ankle fractures.

For the treatment and rehabilitation of these injuries, bandages for the ankle joint with medium (T-8610) or rigid fixation (T-8608/1, T-8609) are used.

After strokes, foot drop syndrome often develops. In this case, doctors recommend using the so-called “Swedish orthosis” (T-8615) to make walking easier.

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood and adolescence. There are different types of posture disorders: flat back, round back, slouched back, etc.

Special orthopedic products - posture correctors - are designed to help correct posture. These products spread the shoulders, unload the thoracic spine, help teenagers form a stereotype of correct posture, normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781), in adults they additionally unload and fix the lumbar spine (T -1701, T-1779, T-1781, T-1775).

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Along with injuries to the elbow joint, degenerative-inflammatory changes in the area of ​​attachment of muscle tendons to the epicondyles of the humerus (epicondylitis) are often diagnosed.

In rehabilitation after injuries and in the complex treatment of epicondylitis, elbow bandages with silicone inserts play an important role. These products have a decongestant, compression effect on the affected area, normalize muscle tone and relieve stress on the elbow joint.

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Small of the back

The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae, which are connected to each other by intervertebral discs and is the lowest movable part of the spine.

The most common problems arising in the lumbar region include osteochondrosis and injuries. Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and surrounding tissues caused by compression of the spine.

In the complex treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the use of orthopedic corsets plays an important role. The main functions of corsets include: unloading painful areas of the spine, compression of surrounding muscles, fixation and stabilization of the lumbar region.

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Varicose veins are the most common manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency, which is characterized by an increase in the diameter of the superficial veins and is manifested by swelling of the lower extremities and trophic changes in the skin.

This high incidence is due to many factors affecting blood flow disorders in the lower extremities. First of all, these are genetic predisposition, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged standing or sitting, bad habits, flat feet.

The main method of treatment and prevention is wearing compression stockings. Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle in the office or spend long periods of time on business trips and flights are recommended to wear Schiebler compression socks.

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The joints and ligaments of the foot experience the greatest load of all parts of the musculoskeletal system when walking. The proper functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system directly depends on the health of the feet.

In most cases, orthopedic insoles come to the rescue. The insoles support the arches of the feet, reduce the impact load on the musculoskeletal system, and correctly orient the feet when walking.

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For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, and headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct neck position, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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The cervical spine is the least loaded, but on the other hand it is also the most mobile and less protected. Among the pathologies in the cervical spine, trauma, instability, myositis, and various manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis take the first place.

All neurologists recommend cervical collars for the treatment and prevention of injuries and diseases of the cervical spine. In the medical community, these products are called Shants collars. Cervical bandages are used from infancy to old age.

For various manifestations of osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, and headaches, doctors recommend orthopedic pillows for correct neck position, unloading of the spine and healthy sleep.

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Rib cage

The chest, first of all, protects the organs of the chest cavity - the lungs, blood vessels and heart, and is also involved in breathing. Therefore, chest injuries are very dangerous. Another common cause of chest pain is inflammation of the intercostal muscles (myositis) and nerves (neuralgia).

In these cases, doctors prescribe special bandages for the chest (T-1339, T-1338). These bandages provide elastic fixation of the chest and significantly relieve pain after injuries and inflammation.

Postoperative bandages fix the suture, create conditions for rapid healing of the postoperative wound and prevent the development of postoperative pneumonia.

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The abdominal cavity contains vital organs: stomach, intestines, spleen, liver and others. After operations on the abdominal organs, the use of postoperative bandages is mandatory. The use of a particular bandage depends on the location of the postoperative suture and its size. Bandages are also divided according to the degree of fixation.

After laparoscopic operations, a light fixation bandage (T-1334, T-1301) is sufficient, but for example, after operations for peritonitis, a stronger fixation bandage (T-1345) is required.

During operations with a stoma on the anterior abdominal wall, a special ostomy bandage (T-1336) is used.

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The shoulder joint is the most mobile of all joints. This fact is responsible for a fairly large number of shoulder dislocations, muscle damage, and in old age, fractures of the humerus. The most common diseases are inflammation of the muscles, tendons and arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

For serious injuries and severe pain, it is necessary to use a “kerchief” and a Deso bandage. These bandages secure and relieve the entire upper limb.

To prevent sports injuries and dislocations, bandages for the shoulder joint (T-8107, T-8195) are prescribed. With the help of these products, the shoulder is held in the joint.

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The wrist joint provides mobility of the hand in all directions. According to statistics, the most common fracture in humans is a fracture of the radius in the lower third. This injury occurs when you fall on your hand.

Another common pathology in the area of ​​the wrist joint is the so-called tunnel syndrome. Manifestations of these syndromes are swelling, pain and limitation of movement in the wrist joint.

During the period of rehabilitation after fractures, bandages for the wrist joint with anatomical splints have been widely used for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndromes. With the help of these products, a functionally advantageous position in the wrist joint is achieved, a reduction in pain and swelling, and unloading of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the forearm and hand.

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After 50 years, women often experience prolapse of the pelvic organs, primarily the uterus. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, physical activity, obesity, or vice versa, weight loss, changes in connective tissue, multiple births, etc.

Uterine prolapse negatively affects both the physical and social health of a woman. Special bandages (T-1371, T-1372), which help keep the pelvic organs in a physiological position, will help prevent this condition.

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The distribution of the load on the overlying parts of the musculoskeletal system, primarily the spine and hip joints, depends on the proper functioning of the knee joint. Depending on the type and severity of the pathology, doctors recommend bandages for the knee joint of varying degrees of fixation.

To prevent injuries and diseases, you can use light fixation bandages (T-8520, T-8521).

In case of partial damage to the ligamentous apparatus - medium fixation bandages (T-8512, T-8592).

For more severe pathology, bandages with metal hinges are used (T-8508, T-8593, T-8594).

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The ankle joint is quite powerfully strengthened by ligaments on the outside and inside. However, one of the most common injuries is ligament damage in the ankle or ankle fracture.

Ankle bandages are used to treat and rehabilitate these injuries. Depending on the severity of the injury and the timing of rehabilitation, medium (T-8610) or rigid fixation bandages (T-8608/1, T-8609) are prescribed.

In order to prevent injuries, people involved in sports use light fixation bandages (T-8601, T-8621, DO421).

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood and adolescence. As you get older, your posture may change.

Special orthopedic products are designed to help correct posture - posture correctors, which spread the shoulders, unload the thoracic spine, help form correct posture, and normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781), in adults the lumbar spine is additionally unloaded and fixed (T-1701, T-1779, T-1781, T-1775).

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The elbow joint is a complex joint in structure and consists of 3 simple joints: the humeroradial, humeroulnar and proximal radioulnar.

Along with injuries to the elbow joint, degenerative-inflammatory changes in the area of ​​attachment of muscle tendons to the epicondyles of the humerus (epicondylitis) are often diagnosed. The most common is external epicondylitis (tennis elbow), less often internal (golfer's elbow).

In rehabilitation after injuries and in the complex treatment of epicondylitis, elbow bandages with silicone inserts play an important role.

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Lower back during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, and as a result, the load on the lower back increases sharply.

From 20-24 weeks of pregnancy, you need to use a prenatal bandage (T-1101, T-1118, T-1115), and place a pillow under your back on the chair to reduce the load on the lumbar spine.

After childbirth, to quickly restore the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, it is necessary to use a postpartum bandage (T-1222).

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Varicose veins

Due to the sharply increasing load on the veins of the lower extremities, there is a risk of developing varicose veins. If there were no problems with the veins before pregnancy, then doctors recommend using medical compression hosiery of 1st compression class.

If varicose veins are detected before pregnancy, consultation with a phlebologist is required. During childbirth, a woman needs anti-embolic jersey to prevent thrombosis.

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“Bunion” or hallux valgus is a common disease caused by a hereditary predisposition.

Uncomfortable shoes, excess weight, changes in the ligamentous apparatus with age are concomitant factors that accelerate the development of pathology.

At the initial stages of the disease, special products are used that abduct the first toe. This can be a night bandage (T-01, T-04) or bandages used in shoes (T-02, T-04).

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Small of the back

The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae, which are connected to each other by intervertebral discs and is the lowest movable part of the spine. The most common problems arising in the lumbar region include osteochondrosis and injuries.

Osteochondrosis is a lesion of the intervertebral discs and surrounding tissues caused by compression of the spine. In the complex treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the use of orthopedic corsets plays an important role.

The main functions of corsets include: unloading painful areas of the spine, compression of surrounding muscles, fixation and stabilization of the lumbar region.

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During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that can affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, this is a rapid weight gain, which can reach up to 20 kg.

At the same time, the load on the lower extremities and lumbar spine increases sharply, and the outflow of blood through the veins of the lower extremities becomes more difficult.

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The joints and ligaments of the foot experience the greatest load of all parts of the musculoskeletal system when walking. In adulthood, due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and the development of concomitant pathology, various types of flattening of the arches of the foot develop.

In all these cases, orthopedic insoles come to the rescue. The insoles support the arches of the feet, reduce shock loads, and correctly orient the feet when walking.

When calluses, corns and other lesions appear on the skin of the feet, silicone products for various areas of the foot have shown great effectiveness.

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Feet during pregnancy

Rapid weight gain during pregnancy and a shift in the center of gravity provokes changes in the arched structures of the foot. The load on the joints of the lower extremities also increases.

To facilitate walking and prevent diseases of the lower extremities, pregnant women need to use orthopedic insoles (ST-203, ST-102, ST-105, ST-161, ST-163).

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Often, immediately after birth or in the first days of a newborn’s life, doctors diagnose pathology in the cervical spine. This may include muscular torticollis, short neck syndrome, or consequences of birth trauma.


Children's bones are more elastic and flexible than those of adults. Also, the periosteum in children is more extensible and thicker. This can explain the characteristics of injuries in childhood: if fractures occur, they are subperiosteal - without displacement of fragments.

If you fall on your hand, you may have a subperiosteal fracture of the clavicle. In this case, a “Delbe ring” bandage (T-1730) is prescribed.

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Wrist injuries are just as common in childhood as in adults. These are, first of all, damage to the ligaments, bruises, and subperiosal fractures in the lower third of the forearm.

To treat injuries and diseases of the wrist in children, bandages for the wrist joint with anatomical splints (T-8330, T-8331) are used. These bandages fix the area of ​​the wrist joint in a functionally advantageous position, reduce swelling and pain.

In childhood, for the correct formation of the foot, the use of low-complexity orthopedic shoes comes to the fore, both for the purpose of preventing various foot deformities and for the purpose of treating existing pathology.

Twiki orthopedic shoes for children provide correction of the foot position using special complex parts. The selection of soles takes into account the structural features of the feet of girls and boys at each stage of growth and development.

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Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest - standing or in motion. The formation of posture occurs in childhood and adolescence.

Special orthopedic products - posture correctors - are designed to help correct posture. These products spread the shoulders, relieve the load on the thoracic spine, and normalize muscle tone (T-1773, T-1778, T-1703, T-1781).

In childhood and adolescence, with an underdeveloped muscle corset, it is very important to follow the regime of wearing a corrector recommended by a doctor.

The arches of the feet familiar to adults in children are not developed and begin to form at the age of 3. Therefore, there are no arches (supporters) in orthopedic shoes for children. In Twiki shoes, arch placement is provided from size 21. The selection of soles takes into account the structural features of the foot and the behavior of children at different stages of development.

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Due to different growth rates of bones, ligaments and muscles in children, planovalgus deformities of the foot are most often observed.

When a pathology is identified, it is very important to make correction immediately. For this purpose, children's corrective insoles (ST-181, ST-186, ST-982) are used. Insoles with high sides correctly orient the heel bone when the foot is placed flat-valgus and correct the axis of the lower leg.

Arch-forming insoles (ST-167, ST-169, ST-185) will help all healthy children with the correct development of the arches of their feet.

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Dysplasia - underdevelopment of one or both hip joints in the first year of life can be suspected by the following signs: asymmetry of skin folds, shortening of the hip, limited hip abduction.

Recently, special bandages that provide flexion and abduction of the child’s legs have come to the fore in the treatment of hip dysplasia. They are called Freika splint (T-8402) and Pavlik stirrups (T-8404). The treatment is complemented by massage and therapeutic exercises.

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The foot3 is one of the largest and most complex joints in the human body, which constantly bears a heavy load. And at the same time, he is very vulnerable: he often suffers from injuries and various diseases.