Card file of Kgn 2nd junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills of younger preschoolers

Long-term plan on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills
2nd junior group

The idea of ​​a person “The structure of man.”
Goal: Consolidating knowledge of body parts: head, arms, legs, torso, neck, self-orientation. Face: eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears.
Goal: Consolidating knowledge about body parts and their meaning. Skin: nails, hair.
Goal: to cultivate an understanding that people around them approve of actions related to compliance with hygiene rules, to consolidate knowledge about skin, hair, and nail care. Nose, ears.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about caring for your health: correct breathing through the nose, ear care, do not put objects into the nose and ears.
Washing “Long live scented soap”
Goal: To consolidate the sequence of hand washing (familiarity with the washing algorithm) “Three golden rules of hand washing”:
a) before meals
b) after the toilet
c) after a walk
Goal: To learn the “Three Golden Rules”, expand and activate the vocabulary: soap, soap foam, lathered, washed away, soap dish, water - clean, warm, cold. D/I “Let’s wash the doll Katya”
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about proper washing hands, face, give the idea that towels have different purposes: for hands, feet, body. Looking at the illustration “Mom bathes the baby.”
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items: soap, towel, warm water.
Nutrition "Healthy and harmful foods"
Goal: To provide knowledge about useful and harmful products what you can eat a lot and what you can eat in limited quantities. "Table Rules"
Goal: To reinforce the rules of behavior at the table: eat carefully, use a spoon, fork, napkin, do not use cutlery from parents or friends. "Rules of behavior at the table."
Goal: To consolidate the knowledge that they sit at the table with a straight back, their legs stand next to the chair, only their hands lie on the table, their elbows hang down. "Table setting"
Goal: To teach how to set the table, to make it clear to children that they need to help junior teacher, introduce the meaning of the word “on duty”.
Dressing “What are clothes for?”
Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about clothing, to introduce them to the dressing algorithm and to reinforce the dressing sequence. D/I “Let’s dress the Katya doll for a walk.”
Goal: To consolidate the dressing sequence, to expand children’s understanding of the need to dress warmly. "Order in the cabins."
Purpose: To introduce the concept of “things in a pile”, to give an idea that there should also be order in personal cubicles. Dramatization of the poem “Mitya and the Shirt.”
E. MoshkovskayaGoal: to introduce children to a new poem, to draw attention to appearance shirts, make it clear that clothing should be clean and tidy.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Idea of ​​a person D/I “The doll Katya has caught a cold.”
Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about caring for their health: warm cap, scarf, etc.
D/I “How are they similar and how are they different?”
Goal: Compare the parts of the human and animal body (breathe, see, hear, 4 legs, tail, fur, etc.)
Goal: To enrich children's knowledge about the purpose of teeth in humans and animals, what is useful and what is harmful to teeth. "Leather".
Goal: To introduce the rules of skin care and protection, to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of skin in humans and animals
Washing D/I “What kind of water.”
Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the properties of water, to expand vocabulary: warm, cold, clean, dirty, soapy, transparent. D/I “How we bathed Piggy.”
Purpose: To give an idea that being dirty is bad; for bathing you need to use warm water, soap, a washcloth, and a towel.
"Auntie Toothbrush."
Purpose: To introduce children to a toothbrush, what is it for? "Soapy gloves."
Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to properly soap your hands (until “soapy lambs”), rinse well, and wipe your hands dry.
Nutrition Nursery rhyme “Deep, not shallow.”
Deep and not shallow ships in plates. Onion, red carrot, parsley, potatoes and a little grains. Here the boat floats and hits you right in the mouth.
Goal: To introduce children to a new nursery rhyme, to reinforce the ability to hold and use a spoon correctly. “We’ll cook porridge and feed Vanya.”
Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to correctly hold a spoon in your right hand, eat carefully and silently. D/I “Feeding the dolls Katya and Vova.”
Goal: To develop stable attention, the ability to manipulate cutlery: a spoon. D/I "Forks and Spoons".
Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to use a spoon, to introduce them to a fork and its purpose, to compare the differences in using a spoon and a fork.
Dressing Riddles about clothes.
Purpose: To fix the names of clothes, their parts (collar, sleeve, pocket, etc.) D/I “Katya doll shows her outfit.”
Goal: To consolidate knowledge about clothing and develop dressing skills. D/I “Let’s dress the doll for a walk.”
Purpose: To introduce the names and types of shoes: slippers, warm boots, felt boots, rubber boots, etc., to consolidate the dressing algorithm, Situation “Katya the doll fell and soiled her dress.”
Goal: To be able to find a solution to a problem, to develop the ability to sympathize with a person who finds himself in a difficult situation.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Idea of ​​a person “Hair” Riddle about a comb.
As many as 25 cloves, For curls and tufts. And under each clove, hair will lie in a row.
Goal: To consolidate knowledge of what a comb is needed for, what types of combs there are, you can only use your own comb. "Teeth"
Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the need to rinse your mouth after every meal.
“The mouth is the organ of speech.”
Purpose: To give an idea that the mouth is necessary not only for eating, but also as an organ of speech, to introduce the functions of the tongue and throat. “Doctor Aibolit came to us.”
Goal: To introduce the rules of behavior during illness, to consolidate knowledge about protecting your body from injuries and colds.
Washing Reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.
Goal: To cultivate the desire to independently monitor the cleanliness of your body and perform the washing process correctly. D/I “Fluffy towel”.
Goal: To develop the ability to use a towel correctly, wipe your hands dry, and remove the towel from the hook. D/I “Clean children”.
Goal: To cultivate a desire to be clean and tidy, to activate speech, attention, and the ability to name as many hygiene items as possible. Nursery rhyme “Water, water.”
Water, water, Wash my face - So that my eyes sparkle, So that my cheeks glow, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite
Goal: To introduce children to a nursery rhyme, to activate speech, to develop behavior in the restroom (no pushing, splashing, or soaping your eyes).
Meals Instructions for those on duty.
Purpose: Continue to familiarize with duty - wash hands before duty, put on an apron, place a napkin holder, bread box, place spoons to the right of the plate, etc. “The magic word is “thank you.”
One of my friends loves to eat, but after saying “thank you” he forgets. Why should you, friends, be like him? And to mothers and grandmothers and cooks, and to those who brought you food, magic word“thank you” say your gratitude for the work show.
Goal: To form a culture of behavior at the table using artistic expression. The artistic word is a reminder before eating.
It’s not in vain that we remain silent while eating; chewing and talking is very dangerous: no one will understand your speech anyway, what if the food goes down the wrong throat? One of my friends was chatting, having fun, sighed awkwardly and choked on a piece of food.
Goal: To form a culture of behavior at the table using artistic expression.
D/I " Beautiful napkins for three little pigs."
Goal: Continue to develop the ability to use napkins.
Dressing “We woke up, stretched”
Goal: To consolidate the ability to dress after sleep in the correct order, develop self-care skills, put on socks correctly, turn clothes inside out with the help of a teacher, and help a friend. D/I “The boy Dima and the girl Nina are going for a walk.”
Goal: To enrich knowledge about items of clothing, to distinguish between clothes for boys and girls. D/I “Let’s wash the doll’s dress.”
Purpose: To give an idea of ​​how to care for clothes, to cultivate neatness and neatness. Poem by E. Blagina “Like our Irka.”
Like our Irka, she has a hole in her stockings! Why, why, is there a hole in the stockings? Because we don’t want to darn our Irka.
Like our Natka has a darn on her heel! Why, why, darn on the heel? Because Natka doesn’t want to be a slob.
Goal: To be able to determine a person’s character by appearance, to cultivate the desire to be neat and tidy.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
The idea of ​​a person “I’m sitting at a table, keeping my back straight.”
Goal: To teach children to sit upright at the table, keep their back straight, legs near the chair. “What is hardening?”
Purpose: To introduce children to the concept of “hardening”, why it is needed, to clarify whether children like hardening procedures, and why? D/I “Doll Katya coughs and sneezes.”
Goal: To teach children to turn away when coughing and sneezing and cover their mouth with a handkerchief (hand). D/I “Assemble a doll.”
Goal: Repeat the names of body parts, determine the correct location of body parts, where each should be (head, arms, legs, torso, neck, etc.)
Washing D/I “What do I wash with.”
Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about washing items: washcloth, toothpaste, soap, etc., to be able to navigate which product (item) is needed at different times.
D/I “How Piggy went to wash himself.”
Goal: To strengthen washing skills, the ability to roll up sleeves, properly soap hands, and wipe dry. Learning nursery rhymes.
The hen brought some water from the well and the whole crowd of kids ran to wash themselves.
Goal: To introduce children to a new nursery rhyme and make them want to wash their hands. D/I “What a towel.”
Purpose: To give an idea that there are different types of towels: terry, waffle,
personal, foot, bath, kitchen, expand vocabulary.
Nutrition Nursery rhyme “Buckwheat Porridge”.
Buckwheat porridge, where was it cooked? - It was boiled in the oven, she insisted that the children eat it, they praised the porridge, and divided it among everyone. The geese on the path, the chickens in the basket, the tits in the window got a spoonful. There was enough spoon for the dog and the cat, and the kids ate the last crumbs!
Goal: Encourage children to eat all the porridge and introduce them to a new nursery rhyme. D/I “Cups and Spoons”.
Goal: To consolidate the skills of table setting, the names of dishes and cutlery (spoon, fork, knife). D/I “Piggy at the table”
Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to eat main courses with a fork, separating small pieces from the dish, and chew food with a closed mouth. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”
Goal: To consolidate table manners and pay attention to the behavior of fairy tale characters.
Dressing Conversation “My clothes”.
Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to undress in the correct sequence before going to bed, and carefully hang things on the high chair. "Friendly sandals."
Goal: Continue to strengthen the ability to put on shoes correctly: right sandal on the right foot, left sandal on the left foot. D/I “Doll Masha woke up.”
Goal: To consolidate the names of clothes, develop the ability to act with objects, and dress in the correct order. D/I “Masha is a slob.”
Goal: To learn to notice disorder in clothes, to monitor your appearance.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Idea of ​​a person D/I “How Katya got a toothache.”
Purpose: To give an idea of ​​​​the need to take care of your teeth and visit the dentist on time. Conversation “Why do people need vitamins?”
Purpose: To introduce the concept of “vitamins”, why a person needs them, where to get them? D/I "Boys and Girls".
Goal: To enrich children’s ideas about themselves and their peers, to teach them to distinguish people by gender and age. D/I “What types of hairstyles are there?”
Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “hairstyle”, to pay attention to what hairstyles children wear.
Washing Artistic word.
If you try to look at your hands through a microscope, you will see hordes of harmful microbes there. They are causative agents of harmful diseases; shaking them off your hands is still useless. There is a simple remedy for these microbes: they are killed by soap and water. Please remember, before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
Goal: To consolidate hand washing skills using artistic expression. D/I “Let’s wash the doll.”
Goal: To strengthen the ability to properly wash your hands and face: soap, rinse, squeeze out the water, wipe dry with a towel. Wash your face with soap only when necessary. Learning a nursery rhyme: “Clean water.”
Clean water
Washing Vova's face
Tanya - palms,
Fingers - Antoshka.
Goal: To create in children the need and habit of hygiene procedures. The poem is a joke
V. Orlov
Small flies and big flies Wash their paws and eyes and ears.
Clean, washed, In the morning, at dawn, They have a fun breakfast in the trash can.
Goal: To introduce children to a new poem, to cultivate a desire to maintain body hygiene, and to bring joy.
Food Instructions for the dining room attendants.
Goal: Continue to familiarize children with dishes and their location on the table. D/I “Gift for Mishka – a new cup.”
Goal: To enrich children's knowledge about the purpose of a cup and its parts (bottom, walls, handle). "Our dishes"
Goal: To help children master the concept of “dishes”, to practice the ability to classify objects according to one (two) characteristics (color, shape, purpose). Observation “The nanny washes the dishes.”
Goal: To promote the formation in children of an idea of labor process, to evoke good feelings towards a person who cares about children.
Dressing up "Magic lace"
Goal: To learn how to thread and pull out a lace into holes according to a plot picture, to develop fine motor skills hands Examination of the illustrations of “Hat”.
Purpose: To clarify the name of the items of clothing (hat), what parts it can consist of, what kind of hats there are (winter, demi-season, Panama hats, etc.) Examination of the illustrations “Winter clothes”.
Purpose: To clarify the names of clothing items (fur coats, jackets, coats, etc.), what parts outerwear consists of. D/I “Doll Katya is coming to visit.”
Goal: To create in children the need to be neat, to cultivate a desire to dress with taste.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
The idea of ​​a person is “snub noses.”
Goal: To consolidate the ability to use an individual handkerchief, to clarify in what cases this is necessary. D/I “Determine whether you are healthy or sick.”
Goal: To enrich children's knowledge about the possible state of a person - healthy, sick, feeling unwell, etc. "Be careful".
Goal: To reinforce the rules of health-saving behavior in society (don’t push, don’t fight, don’t splash in the toilet, etc.) “Our teeth.”
Situational game "Fountains".
Goal: Continue to teach children how to properly rinse their mouths after eating, create conditions for maintaining basic hygiene procedures.
Washing Repeat the nursery rhyme “Clean Water” (see January 3rd week).
Goal: To create a mood in children to perform cultural and hygienic procedures, to develop speech and memory. “Okay, okay, wash your little ones with soap.”
Goal: To develop the ability to independently perform washing processes without disturbing peers. D/I “Wash your hands for your daughter.”
Goal: To consolidate the washing algorithm, to promote the formation of an increasingly sustainable interest in performing hygienic procedures. "My towel."
Goal: To continue to reinforce in children the understanding that they can only dry themselves with their own, individual towel, and practice using the towel correctly (remove it from the hook, wipe your hands dry, hang it back).
Food Dining duty.
Goal: To instill in children the need to wash their hands before serving in the dining room, put on an apron, cap, clean hands set the table. D/I "Katino's treat".
Goal: Expand children's understanding of healthy products(fruits, vegetables, natural juices), consider models or pictures depicting fruits. Fairy tale "Three Bears".
Goal: To reinforce the rules of behavior at the table, to be able to analyze the behavior of the main character (heroine). Conversation “Cutlery”.
Purpose: Remind children of the rules for using cutlery, clarify in what cases a small spoon is used.
Dressing D/I “Top, top - boot.”
Goal: To strengthen in children the ability to distinguish and name different shoes, their purpose (boots, shoes, felt boots, boots, etc.) The plot game “Let's iron Katya's dress.”
Goal: To continue to develop in children the idea of ​​the need to take care of their clothes and have a neat appearance. Examination of the painting “Children on a walk.”
Goal: To pay attention to the features of winter clothes, what they are (warm, winter, beautiful), to activate children’s speech. D/I “Choose clothes for the dolls.”
Goal: To consolidate the dressing algorithm, the names of items of clothing, to differentiate clothes for boys and girls.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Idea of ​​a person D/I “Collect a picture.”
Goal: To remember with children the names of parts of the human body, to practice the ability to compose a whole picture from cut ones, to develop logic and thinking. D/I “Our faces”.
Goal: To enrich children’s understanding that all people are different, to be able to understand the similarities and differences in a person’s appearance (eyes, lips, nose, etc.) “Nails.”
Purpose: To remind children that a person’s nails are always growing and need to be trimmed every week and keep their nails clean. Meeting "Auntie Toothbrush".
Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the functions of a toothbrush, the ability to use it, and rinse thoroughly after use.
Washing Conversation “Save water.”
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the need to save water by turning off the tap well after washing. “Early in the morning, at dawn, kittens wash themselves.” Examination of illustrations to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.
Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about hygiene, to make it clear that everyone must follow cultural and hygienic rules. D/I “Wash the doll’s hands.”
Goal: To encourage children to follow the “three golden rules of hand washing” - after a walk, after using the toilet and before eating. Reading the poem “Boy Petya.”
Boy Petya got up late
It's hard to wake up
He didn't wash his face
He's a mess, isn't he?
Goal: To train children in the ability to analyze children’s behavior, is it possible to behave this way, why?
Food D/I “Preparing lunch for the dolls.”
Goal: To exercise the ability to distinguish between products (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits), to consolidate the skills of differentiation according to the purpose of tableware. Story game "Birthday".
Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at a party, at the table, to activate speech, to be able to congratulate the birthday person, to come up with wishes. Instructions for duty officers.
“Teach Cheburashka to set the table.”
Purpose: To consolidate duty skills, to practice proper serving table, names of tableware. Examination of the plot painting “Children are having lunch” and the poster “Don’t correct behavior at the table."
Purpose: To exercise the ability to analyze the behavior of children, in which illustration do children follow the rules of behavior at the table, in which one do they not, why?
Dressing Nursery rhyme “One, two, three, four, five.”
One, two, three, four, five
We are going for a walk. We tied a striped scarf for Katya.
Well, let Petenka get on his feet
We put on boots.
For the kids to play
We took a walk around the site.
Goal: Create an emotional mood for dressing for a walk, strengthen self-care skills. Conversation “What does it mean to be neat?”
Purpose: To fix the names of clothes, shoes, methods of caring for appearance, what is this for? "My cubicle."
Goal: To strengthen the ability to fold your things neatly, to observe the order of clothing in the cubicle: shoes at the bottom, outerwear on a hook, tights, sweaters, hats on the shelves. “We were making snowballs on the street, we got our mittens wet.”
Goal: To consolidate the ability and desire to take care of your clothes, place wet things to dry with the help of an adult.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
The idea of ​​a person Nursery rhyme “Grow your braid to your waist.”
Grow, braid, to the waist, Don’t lose a single hair. Grow, braid, don’t get confused, Mom, daughter, listen.
Goal: To introduce children to a new nursery rhyme, develop memory, expand children’s understanding of human characteristics (all people have different hair colors). "My eyes."
Purpose: Continue to introduce the features of the human structure, give an idea that all people have different eye colors, and examine the eyes of a friend. Observation "Adults and children".
Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about the features physical development different ages people, how they are similar, how they are different, develop an interest in studying themselves. Conversation “What I was, what I will be.”
Goal: To develop the ability to analyze, reason, dream, activate speech (I was small, weak, I will become big, strong, etc.) Washing The plot game “Doctor Chistyulkin”.
Goal: To form a special attitude towards following the rules of personal hygiene, to activate children’s vocabulary (soap, toothbrush, water, towel). "Washing cold water».
Goal: To expand children's understanding of the benefits of washing with cold water, as a hardening process, and why it is useful. D/I “What does a doll need for bathing.”
Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the necessary items for carrying out water hygiene procedures. D/I “Let’s show Katya the doll how we can wash and dry ourselves.”
Goal: To consolidate the acquired cultural and hygienic skills, to arouse interest in the washing process.
Food Story game “Little Housewives”.
Goal: To consolidate the names of products, the ability to set a table, and to cultivate a culture of behavior in the game. “What do we eat for lunch?”
Purpose: To draw children's attention to the fact that lunch consists of several dishes, to give an idea of ​​the concept - menu. Profession "Cook".
Goal: To enrich children’s knowledge about professions, to cultivate respect for the work of adults. Situation: “We are getting ready for lunch.”
Goal: To consolidate the skills of preparing for lunch (washing, drying hands), correct use tableware, careful handling of them.
Dressing Situational game “Piggy got into a puddle.”
Goal: To draw children’s attention to the culture of behavior on the street in the spring, to cultivate neatness. Situation “What if I wet my clothes?”
Goal: To consolidate the skills of politely asking for help, to be able to determine the need to dry clothes, and to thank for help. "Clothes in spring"
Goal: To exercise the ability to analyze and compare winter and spring clothes, what are the similarities and differences. “Let’s wash the handkerchiefs.”
Goal: To reinforce ideas about the need to care for personal belongings, to instill hard work and accuracy.
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Idea of ​​a person Story game “Let’s show the doll Katya how we do invigorating gymnastics after sleep”
Goal: To encourage children to do gymnastics after sleep, carry out hardening procedures, and cultivate a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Examination of the illustration “Human Structure”.
Goal: To consolidate the names of body parts, remember ways to maintain your health (eat fruits, vegetables, keep your back straight, walk straight, do exercises).
Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of how germs can be dangerous and how to avoid them getting into the body (wash hands, fruits, vegetables). Watching the cartoon "Doctor Aibolit".
Goal: To strengthen the desire of children to maintain (protect) their health, to bring joy to children.
Washing Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “A letter to all children on one very important matter.”
Goal: To create a spirit of execution in children hygiene rules, introduce children to a new work of art. Watching the cartoon "Moidodyr".
Goal: To strengthen children’s desire to observe the rules of personal hygiene, support their love of water procedures, and bring joy. Conversation “Cleanliness is the same as beauty”
Goal: To consolidate cultural, hygienic and self-service skills in children, develop the basics of social interaction, and cultivate a culture of friendly relations in the children's team.
Reading the poem by A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”
Goal: To evoke an emotional response to the girl’s behavior, to activate children’s speech, to find out what the girl was wrong about and how she should have behaved.
Nutrition Conversation “Your favorite dish in kindergarten.”
Goal: To develop the ability to express one’s taste preferences, to activate speech and memory. The riddle "Amanita".
White dots on red
Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.
There's no point in talking here
Don't pick... (fly agaric).
Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the world around them, to make it clear that they should not pick anything on the street or eat it.
Instructions to those on duty.
Goal: To strengthen in children the desire to help the junior teacher in setting and cleaning the table. “Let’s remember how to eat properly.”
Goal: Improve the ability to properly hold cutlery, eat different types food without changing the position of the fork in the hand, but only slightly turning the hand. Strengthen the ability to spread butter on bread with a knife, cut off a piece of meat or sausage.
Dressing Travel game “Our locker room”.
Goal: To establish the names of the locker room equipment, its purpose, and the order in which things are arranged in it.
Reading the story by M. Zoshchenko “Stupid Story”
Goal: To introduce children to a new literary work, to reinforce in children the desire to be neat, tidy, and take care of their things. D/I “How can I help a friend.”
Goal: Strengthen the habit of taking care of your appearance, remind your comrades about problems in their appearance, and show a desire to help them. Conversation: “My favorite clothes.”
Goal: To train children in the ability to talk about themselves, their preferences in clothing, remember the seasons, who was dressed how.
Recommended list of literature for developing cultural and hygienic skills:
M. Vishnevetskaya “Dear Aunt Semolina Porridge”
I. Bursov “Galoshes”
S. Mikhalkov “I myself”
I. Ischuk “My palms”
S. Makhotkin “Breakfast”
D. Krupskaya “Purity”
D. Grachev “Lunch”
E. Vinokurov “Bathing children”
A. Zhigulin “I lost my hairpin in the grass”
O. Grigoriev “Jam”
Y. Akim “Neumeyka”
S. Mikhalkov “All by myself”
T. Kozhomberdiev “It’s all the same”

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of the younger group

Relevance of the project.

The chosen topic seemed interesting and relevant to me because the skills and habits that are firmly formed in preschool age remain for life. Particular attention should be paid to children under five years of age, for whom washing and dressing “independently” usually brings great pleasure.

How many important skills a child must master! For him this is a whole science. Therefore, it is so important that there is a sensitive and responsive adult nearby who would teach, help, and guide the child.

Cultural and hygienic skills are an important part of a culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hairstyle, clothes, shoes clean, is dictated not only by hygiene requirements, but also by the norms of human relations.

But how they will do it depends on what the kids were taught from the very beginning. early childhood first parents, and then kindergarten teachers. And the brighter and more interesting the impressions from learning skills that are difficult for children, the faster they will remember them, the more enjoyable it will be to perform and improve them day by day.

One of the tasks of raising children in the younger group is to develop in them the prerequisites for moral behavior and cultural and hygienic skills. Children of the 3rd life who come to kindergarten differ from each other in their level of education, have different skills and are just beginning to get used to the new environment for them.

Hence, it takes on special significance in working with children. individual approach to every child. First of all, we need to gain the child's trust. A child of the younger group experiences a particularly great need for constant contact with adults. How the child’s relationships with adults will develop and develop will largely determine his relationships and culture of behavior in contacts with a wider range of people.

One of them is the formation of the ability to play and study, walk and eat, sleep during quiet time, dress and wash with a group of peers, next to comrades, i.e. in a team.

Cultivating a caring attitude towards toys and things, the ability to overcome small difficulties and see things through to the end, a sense of gratitude for care and concern, obedience and a sense of sympathy, friendliness towards children and adults - all these are fundamental program areas pedagogical work teacher in the junior group of kindergarten.

Project goal:

To form cultural and hygienic skills in young children preschool age(3 years) in everyday life in kindergarten and in the family.


. encourage children and parents to understand the need to observe personal hygiene rules;

. introduce the algorithm for performing cultural and hygienic skills;

. create conditions for the development of children’s abilities to independently use acquired skills in everyday life in kindergarten and at home;

. to develop children's need for hygiene and neatness in everyday life in kindergarten and at home.

Pedagogical techniques that ensure successful solution of assigned tasks:

. direct training;

. display;

. exercises with performing actions during didactic games;

. systematically reminding children of the need to observe hygiene rules.

Expected result:

. Children should wash their hands independently when they become dirty and before eating, and wipe their face and hands dry with a napkin.

. With the help of an adult, they put themselves in order.

. use individual items (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

. Children should hold the spoon correctly when eating.

. with a little help from an adult, remove clothes and shoes (unbutton the front buttons, velcro fasteners); neatly fold removed clothes in a certain order; wear clothes and shoes correctly.

Tidy eating skills include the ability to:

1. Proper use of tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins;

2. Do not crumble the bread;

3. Chew food with your mouth closed;

4. Do not talk with your mouth full;

5. Quietly leave the table after finishing a meal;

6. Thank;

7. Use only your own device.

Literature will also come to the aid of the teacher. You can find many poems and riddles that will help make the learning process interesting and memorable.

* * *

I eat lunch myself.

I open my mouth - and AM!

So that there is strength

They cooked soup for us.

My good appetite

There's one sitting in my stomach.

Stomps his feet,

He wants dinner!

Here's a spoon bringing me

Pea soup.

And the cutlet right into your mouth

The fork carries quickly.

Appetite whispers quietly:


* * *

And we have spoons

a little magical.

Here is the plate, here is the food,

not a trace remained.

* * *

Wipe your mouth with a napkin

And don't drip on your stomach.

* * *

Handwashing and personal hygiene skills include the ability to:

1. Wash your face, ears, hands

2. Roll up your sleeves;

3. Wet your hands;

4. Take soap and lather until foam appears;

5. Rinse off the soap;

6. Dry your hands, carefully fold the towel and hang it in your locker;

7. Use a comb.

Poems and riddles are used to create interest among children.

* * *

The bunny began to wash himself,

Apparently he was going to visit,

I washed my mouth,

I washed my nose,

I washed my ear

It's dry!

* * *

Hands must be washed clean

Sleeves should not be wet

Who doesn't roll up his sleeve,

He won't get any water.

* * *

Mine, wash baby

Slowly, slowly,

A ladle carries water,

It pours on the back, on the side,

On the stomach, little head.

Grow up healthy, baby!

* * *

When teaching children how to wash, you can use posters and pictures to help the child remember the washing procedure.

The skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order include the ability to:

1. Unfasten the buttons;

2. Take off your dress (pants);

3. Hang carefully;

4. Take off your shirt and hang it carefully on your trousers;

5. Take off your shoes;

6. Take off the tights and hang them on your shirt (dress);

7. Put on in reverse order.

Poems on the topic of dressing will also be relevant.

* * *

Red summer has come

He called us to follow him

To the clearing, to the meadow

Come out quickly, my friend!

The sun is shining in the sky,

It shines, it warms, it bakes...

You should dress lightly

So as not to overheat in the heat.

Dressing Mishka


And a smart T-shirt,

And on his head is a baseball cap.

To make your feet comfortable -

We put on sandals.

In the pocket there is a clean handkerchief,

Bring a bucket and scoop!

Summer is waiting, let's go play

Jump, run, sunbathe!

* * *

Legs in panties: one and two,

Yes, both hands are in the sleeves!

But who will answer the question:

Where to hide your nose from the wind?

* * *

The cat walks without clothes

Can't handle the clasp -

Instead of hands the poor cat has

Just two extra legs.

Using a handkerchief.

1. The child must know the purpose of the handkerchief and not use it as an object of play. That is, do not wrap toys and other objects in it.

2. A handkerchief is a personal hygiene item, so it should not be shared with other children.

3. It is necessary to develop the ability to use it independently. If the child does not yet know how to use a scarf, encourage him to ask an adult for help.

* * *

If I accidentally caught a cold,

Then take it with you.

Do you see how useful it was?

Your handkerchief!

* * *

Must always be in your pocket

At Nadyusha, Bori, Tanya,

Aunt Vera, Uncle Petya

And for all the people in the world.

It’s impossible to live without it!

We must take it with us, friends,

To the theatre, park or skating rink

A clean handkerchief.

* * *

He lay down in his pocket and guarded -

Roaring, crying and dirty.

They will have streams of tears in the morning,

I won't forget about the nose.

* * *

For more successful formation and consolidation of hygiene skills throughout the period of preschool childhood, it is advisable to combine verbal and visual methods, using special sets of materials on hygienic education in kindergarten, a variety of plot pictures, and symbols. In progress hygiene education and teaching children, the teacher provides them with a variety of information: about the importance of hygiene skills for health, about the sequence of hygiene procedures in the daily routine, and forms in children an idea of ​​​​the benefits of physical exercise.

Hygienic knowledge is also useful in classes physical culture, work, familiarization with the environment, with nature. For this purpose, some didactic and role-playing games are used. Based on them, you can act out small scenes, distributing roles between children. All information on hygiene is instilled in children in the process of various types of activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime one can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

To consolidate knowledge and personal hygiene skills, it is advisable to give children various assignments. Children's skills quickly become strong if they are constantly reinforced in different situations. The main thing is that the children are interested, and that they can see the results of their actions (someone has become much neater, etc.).

Over time, observing each child, every day during hygiene procedures, it is necessary to notice which of the children, to what extent, have already mastered this or that skill, and gradually provide such children with more and more independence. Move from direct instructions to reminders, from demonstration to advice, from example to methods that allow the child to develop a conscious attitude towards the rules, persuasion, and explanation of the meaning of the rules.

Thus, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills is necessary condition successful development of the child's personality. How earlier child masters this difficult science, the more comfortable he will be in kindergarten, the more confident he will develop.

Checking the effectiveness of the work done.

By the end of the year, I plan to conduct repeated observation of children in order to identify the formation of cultural, hygienic and self-care skills, after carrying out activities to develop them.

In the future, work with children should continue when they move to secondary school, and then to senior group. To consolidate the rules and their assimilation, in middle and senior groups it would be advisable to pay more attention to conversations about hygiene, which will be structured so that children not only name and list actions and their order, but also make generalizations that help to understand the appropriateness of actions and convince children in their need.

One of the areas of work of a preschool teacher with preschool children is the development of cultural and hygienic skills. This is a key component, on the one hand, of a culture of behavior, and on the other, healthy image baby's life. This activity should be systematically carried out from the very beginning of the child’s stay in kindergarten. It is especially important in the second younger group, because many children begin to attend preschool not from a nursery, but from the age of three.

Which KGNs should be developed in the junior preschool level?

Cultural and hygienic skills (CHS) instilled in preschool institution- these are the skills of maintaining cleanliness of the body, eating, maintaining order in one’s appearance. Preschoolers must learn from the very beginning that following the simplest rules greatly affects their health, neatness and beauty of appearance, and cultural interaction with other people.

Of course, the formation of KGN begins in the family: many caring parents Almost from birth, they teach their son or daughter to be independent and neat. However, the role preschool teacher this is very great.

During my work in kindergarten, I came across parents who transferred all responsibility for the hygienic development of their child to preschool employees. In particular, some three-year-old children did not understand what a potty was and came from home in diapers (the mother counted on the fact that the teacher and nanny would not go anywhere and would teach them everything). There were children in the younger group who did not understand how to eat on their own with a spoon or drink from a mug (at home, their parents and their grandmothers spoon-fed them and gave them water through a bottle).

Wise and caring parents teach their child independence and self-care from a very early age.

During their stay in the second junior group, children should master the following skills:

  1. Wash your hands correctly and quickly: use soap, dry thoroughly with a towel, and then hang it on a hook.
  2. Know how to comb your hair.
  3. Be able to use an individual handkerchief: take it out of your pocket, unfold it and fold it back after use, and carefully put it back in your pocket.
  4. Be able to behave in a basic way while sitting at the table while eating: use a spoon correctly (both a table spoon and a tea spoon), wipe yourself with a napkin, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk while eating, do not crumble bread on the table or the floor.
  5. Dress yourself and comb your hair in the right order with minimal assistance from an adult, carefully remove clothes, hang them on a chair or in a locker, turn things right side out, notice problems in your appearance (dirt, missing buttons on clothes, etc.) and contact an adult for help.

Towards the end academic year Pupils in the younger group must master a number of skills, for example, washing their faces and hands independently

Methods and techniques of teaching relevant for work in the primary preschool level

For the successful development of CGN in preschoolers, it is necessary to use a lot of pedagogical techniques. This must be done taking into account the age of the students. So, when working with children of the fourth year of life, the following techniques will be the most relevant.

Show with detailed explanation

The teacher must demonstrate each action. At the same time, it is divided into separate operations: the most important and auxiliary ones are highlighted. For example, in the process of washing hands, the most important process will be lathering and rinsing detergent. Everything else is just additional manipulation: take the soap from the soap dish, put it back, remove the towel, dry your hands thoroughly, then hang it on the hook.

The teacher shows and explains each action in detail.

There is no need to use prohibitions often, for example, “You can’t splash water!”, “You can’t throw clothes on a chair!” After all, many younger preschoolers are characterized by stubbornness and self-will (manifestations of the notorious crisis of three years). A child may develop the idea that an adult is preventing him from interesting activities. But children simply need to act: the teacher’s task is only to switch unnecessary manipulations to useful ones.

Exercise and control

In order for children in the younger group to develop stable cultural and hygienic skills, certain actions must be repeated many times. After all, these are the same habits, and they should become very strong.

In this regard, it is extremely important to maintain the unity of the requirements of all employees working in the group. After all, when two teachers come to children on different shifts, they often behave differently. For example, one teacher teaches children to wipe their mouths with a napkin after eating, while another does not pay special attention to this. Naturally, in this case the skill will develop much more slowly.

At the initial stage of skill creation, control is important. The teacher must check how each student performs a certain action, as well as the entire task.

Personal example of an adult

Preschoolers, especially younger ones, are very observant and always strive to imitate adults. That is why the teacher (as well as his assistant) should always be a model for children: in behavior, manner of speaking, clothing, etc. His example can be both direct (“Repeat after me”) and indirect (used different ways to attract children's attention). Thus, during meals, the teacher demonstrates the beauty of etiquette, sits with a straight back, and does not discuss his problems with the assistant.

In general, eating together always promotes rapprochement and the emergence of close relationships. Children perceive the teacher as part of a family team, trust him, and follow his comments.

Similarly, after returning from a walk, the teacher carefully removes outer clothing and shoes, trying to ensure that the children notice this. You can directly focus the attention of the kids.

Obligatory Praise

It is imperative to reward preschoolers who have completed the task well. For example, “What a smart Vanya we have! I didn’t splash water, but washed my hands carefully and quickly. And he put the soap in its place.” Another example: “How beautifully and neatly Katya hung her jacket in the locker! I hope the rest of our guys can do the same.” Such encouragement of a child’s action will make other children want to do the same, because they also want to be praised. At the same time, the teacher must show his sincere interest and confidence in the children’s capabilities.

Accompanying hygiene procedures with artistic words

It is advisable to support all hygienic manipulations of children with artistic words. It is very good to use folklore. For example, during the process of combing, it is appropriate to tell nursery rhymes: “Grow your braid to the waist,” “Cockerel, cockerel, give me a comb,” “There is no one more beautiful than our Glasha,” etc. While washing, these will be nursery rhymes “Water, water...” or “Ay.” , frets, frets, frets...” You should also actively use riddles: about bath accessories, clothes, etc.


When working with young preschoolers, visualization (thematic pictures, posters, etc.) is extremely important, since abstract thinking is not yet developed in them - it is visual and figurative. The pictures will constantly remind them of important things. Moreover, they should hang in a visible place, be in front of the children’s eyes all the time.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills 2nd junior group

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Strengthen the skill:

  • eat the second dish with a fork,

  • Learn

  • Fasten

Improve skills:

  • hold the spoon correctly

  • eat the second course, alternating meat with side dishes,

  • finish eating food.

  • hold the fork with the thumb and middle finger of your right hand, holding it on top with your index finger,

  • eat meat, fish, cutlets.



Improve skills:

Strengthen skills :

Exercise in the ability to fasten zippers and Velcro.

Fasten skills:

  • put on shoes, leggings,

  • hang clothes in the closet.

  • request for help express verbally.

  • take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes,

  • remove tights correctly

  • hang clothes on a chair.
Learn turning things around.

Accustom Follow the rules of behavior in the locker room:

- don't litter

- help comrades

- don't disturb others

- wipe your feet when entering the room.



Strengthen the skill:




Strengthen skills:

  • rinse thoroughly,

  • hang the towel in place,

Keep learning :

  • soap your hands until foam forms,

  • wash them in a circular motion,

  • rinse off the soap thoroughly,

  • squeeze out the water.

  • wash your face with both hands using straight and circular movements;

  • be careful:
- to wet clothes,

Do not splash water.

Strengthen the skill:

  • use your own towel, unfold it, wipe your face first, then your hands, hang it in place;

  • use a comb,

  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner, unfolding it.

Strengthen the skill:

  • do not splash water.
Accustom Learn comb your hair.


in order


and shoes

  • Learn to notice disorder in clothes,

  • Continue to teach how to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it with the help of adults or other children.

  • Cultivate neatness and careful handling of things.

Methodical techniques: demonstration with detailed explanation of actions, detailed verbal explanation, partial demonstration, game techniques, didactic games(Let's tell the bear: to eat correctly, to fold clothes, to wipe your hands, to rinse your mouth after eating, to eat with a fork, etc.), works of art; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash themselves” (with looking at pictures), board games"Lotto".

^ Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. I quarter





Culture of behavior

1. D.i.“Guests have come to us”, 2. Di.“Let’s teach the bear how to get acquainted”, 3. Di.



^ 1.Looking at pictures from the series “Children Play”

2.D.i. "



moral qualities

1.Reading A. Barto “Ball”,


3.D.i. How to comfort the doll Nina"

^ 1.Looking at the illustrations


1.Reading M. Evenson “Who will help?”

2.Reading N. Pavlova “By car”

3. D.i.

4. D.i.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. II quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1.D.i. "It's possible - it's not possible"

2.D.i. “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

4. S/r game " Kindergarten»

2. Conversation “How we are friends”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Train”

4.Reading Ya. Taits “Pencil”


moral qualities

2.Teacher's story

2. Conversation “Who am I”

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. III quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1. Teacher's story

4. S/r game “Family” (guests)

2. Conversation “Good and bad”


moral qualities

Education of cultural and hygienic skills middle group

^ I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Strengthen the skill:

  • eat the second dish with a fork,

  • eat a cutlet or casserole, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, do not crush them in advance;

  • take pies and bread from a common plate without touching other pieces with your hands;

  • chew food with your mouth closed;

  • use a napkin as needed.

  • Learn rinse your mouth after eating.

  • Fasten ability to use a napkin as needed.

Teaches you to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand



Improve skills:

  • quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence,

  • properly place your things in the closet,

  • neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.
Strengthen skills :

  • use all types of fasteners,

  • recognize your things and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.

  • Learn Dry wet clothes after a walk in a drying cabinet.

  • Fasten skills of politely asking for help, thanking for assistance provided.


  • in dressing and undressing in a certain sequence,

  • in the ability to fasten buttons.
Learn collect knee socks and accordion socks before putting them on, starting with the sock.

Strengthen the skill:

  • neatly put things in the closet,

  • hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair, put shorts or tights on the seat.
Learn organize your locker.

Fasten the ability to politely ask an adult for help.


Strengthen skills:

  • soap your hands until foam forms,

  • rinse thoroughly,

  • wipe your face and hands dry with your towel,

  • hang the towel in place,

  • use a personal comb,

  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Shape Ability to behave correctly in the washroom:

  • don't make noise

  • don't push

  • do not splash water.

  • Roll up your sleeves before washing

  • wash your hands after using the toilet

Strengthen the skill:

  • roll up your sleeves yourself

  • do not wet clothes when washing,

  • wash your hands and wrists, face,

  • do not splash water.
Accustom use your handkerchief by unfolding it. Learn comb your hair.


in order


and shoes


  • notice the disorder in clothes,

  • seek help from adults.

  • Learn tidy up your appearance independently or with the help of an adult:
- pull up tights and socks

Straighten your shirt, etc.

Teach to see the disorder in a friend’s clothes and offer him your help.

The process of developing all skills is carried out constantly and almost simultaneously. But greatest attention you need to pay attention to the sequence of work planned in each quarter.

^ Methodical techniques : demonstration with a detailed explanation of actions, detailed verbal explanation, partial demonstration, game techniques, didactic games (Let's tell the bear: 1. “How to eat correctly”, 2. “How to fold clothes”, 3. “How to wipe your hands”, 4. “ How to rinse your mouth after eating”, 5. “How to eat with a fork”, etc.), works of art; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash themselves” (with looking at pictures), board games “Loto”.

^ Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. I quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Learn to say hello when meeting, and say goodbye when parting.

1. D.i.“Guests have come to us”, 2. Di.“Let’s teach the bear how to get acquainted”

3.Di.“Let’s tell the bear how to say goodbye”

Strengthen the skills of saying hello and goodbye, politely making requests, calling adults by their first name and patronymic.

^ 1.Creating problematic situations

2.D.i.“We teach the bear to ask the teacher”

Learn how to behave correctly in a group: don’t push, don’t take away toys. Strengthen the ability to thank for food and help.

^ 1.Looking at pictures from the series “Children Play”

2.D.i. " Let's teach the bear to share with his friends"

3.D.i.“Let’s tell the bear how to play with his friends.”


moral qualities

Cultivate a desire to express sympathy, console, and pity a comrade.

1.Reading A. Barto “Ball”,


3.D.i. How to comfort the doll Nina"

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards friends and the ability to share toys.

^ 1.Looking at the illustrations about children's games, a teacher's story.

2.D.i."How a bunny plays with his friends"

Learn to help each other and turn to friends for help.

1.Reading M. Evenson “Who will help?”

2.Reading N. Pavlova “By car”

3. D.i.“Let’s help the bear ask the bunny to help”

4. D.i.“How to ask for help correctly”

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. II quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in the bedroom and dressing room.

1.D.i. "It's possible - it's not possible"

2.D.i. “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

3. Let’s tell the bear how we go to bed.”

4. S/r game “Kindergarten”

To consolidate knowledge and behavior skills in a group: do not offend children, do not take away toys, ask politely, play together.

1. Conversation “How well-mannered children play”

2. Conversation “How we are friends”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Train”

4.Reading Ya. Taits “Pencil”

5. Reading L. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”

Di. “What should I do if I need to put away my toys?”

Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting.

1. Conversation “How we talk to each other”


moral qualities

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to play together, have pity, and help; continue to teach not to take away toys from each other.

1. Reading by N. Kalinin “How the rooster stole Vasya’s bread”

2. Reading “N. Kalinin “Is this how they play?”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Cube upon cube”

Di. “They brought to the group new toy, everyone wants to play with her"

Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards family, friends and comrades.

1.Looking at paintings and illustrations

2.Teacher's story

3.Reading RNS “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”

4.Reading the Eskimo fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull”

5.Reading V. Berestov “Sick Doll”

6. Reading O. Vysotskaya “Cold”

7. Reading K. Ushinsky “Together is crowded, but apart is boring”

To form a self-image in children, to help them realize themselves.

1.Looking at illustrations (body parts)

2. Conversation “Who am I”

3. Conversation “What’s for what” (body parts)

4. Reading G. Zaitsev “Lessons of Moidodyr”

5.Looking at yourself in the mirror.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. III quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Teach children to greet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down.

1. Teacher's story

2. Creating problematic situations

3. D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how to greet guests”

4. S/r game “Family” (guests)

Strengthen the ability to evaluate actions, show by example the negative sides of whims and stubbornness.

1. Conversation “How well-mannered children behave”

2. Conversation “Good and bad”

3.Reading T. Karamarenko “Caprizka”

Bring to awareness of some rules of culture of behavior and moral qualities: it is good to be polite; They love polite, kind and attentive people; they are good to play with and be friends with.

1. Conversation “Who do I like to play with and why”

2. Conversation “What good children do”

3. D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how well-mannered children play”

4. “Let’s help the bear be polite”


moral qualities

Continue to work on forming the image of the Self, tell the children some information about their past (I was little, ate from a bottle, did not know how to draw, etc.).

1. Examination of photographs and drawings of children of the 1st junior group

2. Conversation “What we were, what we have become”

3. Conversation “How to help children”

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Strengthen the skill:

  • eat the second dish with a fork,
  • Learn
  • Fasten

Improve skills:

  • hold the spoon correctly
  • eat the second course, alternating meat with side dishes,
  • finish eating food.


  • hold the fork with the thumb and middle finger of your right hand, holding it on top with your index finger,
  • eat meat, fish, cutlets.



Improve skills:

Strengthen skills:

Exercise in the ability to fasten zippers and Velcro.

Strengthen skills:

  • put on shoes, leggings,
  • hang clothes in the closet.
  • request for help express verbally.
  • take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes,
  • remove tights correctly
  • hang clothes on a chair.

Learn turning things around.

Accustom Follow the rules of behavior in the locker room:

Don't litter

- help comrades

- don't disturb others

- wipe your feet when entering the room.



Strengthen the skill:




Strengthen skills:

  • rinse thoroughly,
  • hang the towel in place,

Keep learning:

  • soap your hands until foam forms,
  • wash them in a circular motion,
  • rinse off the soap thoroughly,
  • squeeze out the water.


  • wash your face with both hands using straight and circular movements;
  • be careful:

To wet your clothes,

Do not splash water.

Strengthen the skill:

  • use your own towel, unfold it, wipe your face first, then your hands, hang it in place;
  • use a comb,
  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner, unfolding it.

Strengthen the skill:

  • do not splash water.

Accustom Teach comb your hair.


in order


and shoes

  • Learn to notice disorder in clothes,
  • Continue to teach how to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it with the help of adults or other children.
  • Cultivate neatness and careful handling of things.

Methodological techniques: demonstration with a detailed explanation of actions, detailed verbal explanation, partial demonstration, game techniques, didactic games (Let's tell the bear: 1. how to eat correctly, 2. how to fold clothes, 3. how to wipe your hands, 4. how to rinse your mouth after eating , to eat with a fork, etc.), works of art; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash themselves” (with looking at pictures), board games “Loto”.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. I quarter





Culture of behavior

1. D.i. “Guests have come to us”, 2. Di. “Let’s teach the bear how to get acquainted”

3. D.i.


1.Looking at picturesfrom the series “Children Play”

2.D.i. "



moral qualities

1.Reading A. Barto “Ball”,

2.Reading “Horse”

3.D.i. How to comfort the doll Nina"

1.Looking at the illustrations


1.Reading M. Evenson “Who will help?”

2.Reading N. Pavlova “By car”

3. D.i.

4. D.i.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. II quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1.D.i. "It's possible - it's not possible"

2.D.i. “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

4. S/r game “Kindergarten”

2. Conversation “How we are friends”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Train”

4.Reading Ya. Taits “Pencil”


moral qualities

2.Teacher's story

2. Conversation “Who am I”

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. 2nd junior group. III quarter

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

1. Teacher's story

4. S/r game “Family” (guests)

2. Conversation “Good and bad”


moral qualities

Education of cultural and hygienic skills middle group

I quarter

II quarter

III quarter


Strengthen the skill:

  • eat the second dish with a fork,
  • eat a cutlet or casserole, separating pieces with a fork as you eat them, do not crush them in advance;
  • take pies and bread from a common plate without touching other pieces with your hands;
  • chew food with your mouth closed;
  • use a napkin as needed.
  • Learn rinse your mouth after eating.
  • Fasten ability to use a napkin as needed.

Learn to eat different types of food without changing the position of the fork in your hand, but only slightly turning your hand


S. Kaputikyan

“Who will finish drinking sooner?”

"Masha is having lunch."


“Let’s tell Mishka how to eat properly,”

“The bunny invited a bear and a hedgehog to visit”



Improve skills:

  • quickly dress and undress in a certain sequence,
  • properly place your things in the closet,
  • neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.

Strengthen skills:

  • use all types of fasteners,
  • recognize your things and not confuse them with the clothes of other children.
  • Learn Dry wet clothes after a walk in a drying cabinet.
  • Fasten skills of politely asking for help, thanking for assistance provided.


  • in dressing and undressing in a certain sequence,
  • in the ability to fasten buttons.

Learn collect knee socks and accordion socks before putting them on, starting with the sock.

Strengthen the skill:

  • neatly put things in the closet,
  • hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair, put shorts or tights on the seat.

Learn organize your locker.

Fasten the ability to politely ask an adult for help.


I. Muraveykina “I myself”

N. Pavlova “Whose shoes?”

S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Shoes.”


“We’ll show you how to fold clothes before going to bed”, “We’ll show the bear how to fold things in a locker”


Strengthen skills:

  • soap your hands until foam forms,
  • rinse thoroughly,
  • wipe your face and hands dry with your towel,
  • hang the towel in place,
  • use a personal comb,
  • use a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Shape Ability to behave correctly in the washroom:

  • don't make noise
  • don't push
  • do not splash water.


  • Roll up your sleeves before washing
  • wash your hands after using the toilet

Strengthen the skill:

  • roll up your sleeves yourself
  • do not wet clothes when washing,
  • wash your hands and wrists, face,
  • do not splash water.

Accustom use your handkerchief by unfolding it. Learn comb your hair.


in order


and shoes


  • notice the disorder in clothes,
  • seek help from adults.
  • Learn tidy up your appearance independently or with the help of an adult:

Pull up your tights and socks

Straighten your shirt, etc.

Teach to see the disorder in a friend’s clothes and offer him your help.

The process of developing all skills is carried out constantly and almost simultaneously. But the greatest attention should be paid to the sequence of work planned in each quarter.

Methodical techniques: demonstration with a detailed explanation of actions, detailed verbal explanation, partial demonstration, game techniques, didactic games (Let's tell the bear: 1. “How to eat correctly”, 2. “How to fold clothes”, 3. “How to wipe your hands”, 4. “ How to rinse your mouth after eating”, 5. “How to eat with a fork”, etc.), works of art; conversations “Why you need to rinse your mouth after eating”, “How and when we use a napkin”, “Children wash themselves” (with looking at pictures), board games “Loto”.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. I quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Learn to say hello when meeting, and say goodbye when parting.

1. D.i. “Guests have come to us”, 2. Di. “Let’s teach the bear how to get acquainted”

3. D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how to say goodbye”

Strengthen the skills of saying hello and goodbye, politely making requests, calling adults by their first name and patronymic.

1.Creating problematic situations

2.D.i. “We teach the bear to ask the teacher”

Learn how to behave correctly in a group: don’t push, don’t take away toys. Strengthen the ability to thank for food and help.

1.Looking at picturesfrom the series “Children Play”

2.D.i. " Let's teach the bear to share with his friends"

3.D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how to play with his friends.”


moral qualities

Cultivate a desire to express sympathy, console, and pity a comrade.

1.Reading A. Barto “Ball”,

2.Reading “Horse”

3.D.i. How to comfort the doll Nina"

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards friends and the ability to share toys.

1.Looking at the illustrationsabout children's games, a teacher's story.

2.D.i. "How a bunny plays with his friends"

Learn to help each other and turn to friends for help.

1.Reading M. Evenson “Who will help?”

2.Reading N. Pavlova “By car”

3. D.i. “Let’s help the bear ask the bunny to help”

4. D.i. “How to ask for help correctly”

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. II quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in the bedroom and dressing room.

1.D.i. "It's possible - it's not possible"

2.D.i. “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

3. Let’s tell the bear how we go to bed.”

4. S/r game “Kindergarten”

To consolidate knowledge and behavior skills in a group: do not offend children, do not take away toys, ask politely, play together.

1. Conversation “How well-mannered children play”

2. Conversation “How we are friends”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Train”

4.Reading Ya. Taits “Pencil”

5. Reading L. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”

Di. “What should I do if I need to put away my toys?”

Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting.

1. Conversation “How we talk to each other”


moral qualities

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to play together, have pity, and help; continue to teach not to take away toys from each other.

1. Reading by N. Kalinin “How the rooster stole Vasya’s bread”

2. Reading “N. Kalinin “Is this how they play?”

3.Reading Ya. Taits “Cube upon cube”

Di. “They brought a new toy to the group, everyone wants to play with it.”

Continue to cultivate a friendly attitude towards family, friends and comrades.

1.Looking at paintings and illustrations

2.Teacher's story

3.Reading RNS “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”

4.Reading the Eskimo fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull”

5.Reading V. Berestov “Sick Doll”

6. Reading O. Vysotskaya “Cold”

7. Reading K. Ushinsky “Together is crowded, but apart is boring”

To form a self-image in children, to help them realize themselves.

1.Looking at illustrations (body parts)

2. Conversation “Who am I”

3. Conversation “What’s for what” (body parts)

4.Reading G. Zaitsev “Lessons of Moidodyr”

5.Looking at yourself in the mirror.

Fostering a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities. Middle group. III quarter.

To cultivate a culture of behavior and positive moral qualities, techniques are used daily (direct instruction, reminder, offer to help, regret, explanation). In addition, techniques are used for each specific case: conversations, assignments, didactic and role-playing games, reading fiction.





Culture of behavior

Teach children to greet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down.

1. Teacher's story

2. Creating problematic situations

3. D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how to greet guests”

4. S/r game “Family” (guests)

Strengthen the ability to evaluate actions, show by example the negative sides of whims and stubbornness.

1. Conversation “How well-mannered children behave”

2. Conversation “Good and bad”

3.Reading T. Karamarenko “Caprizka”

Bring to awareness of some rules of culture of behavior and moral qualities: it is good to be polite; They love polite, kind and attentive people; they are good to play with and be friends with.

1. Conversation “Who do I like to play with and why”

2. Conversation “What good children do”

3. D.i. “Let’s tell the bear how well-mannered children play”

4. “Let’s help the bear be polite”


moral qualities

Continue to work on forming the image of the Self, tell the children some information about their past (I was little, ate from a bottle, did not know how to draw, etc.).

1. Examination of photographs and drawings of children of the 1st junior group

2. Conversation “What we were, what we have become”

3. Conversation “How to help kids”